manu version
bhag12 webgloss
note: sacred-texts
arjuna uvAca
arjuna uvAca
arjunaH = pn (of a kind of tree, of a pANDava prince)
arjuna uvAca = said
"Arjuna said,
evaM satatayuktA ye bhaktAs tvAM paryupAsate
evaM satata-yuktA$ ye bhaktAs tvAM paryupAsate
evam = thus, this way
evaM satata- = constant
evaM satata-yuktAH = joined, yoked, connected; furnished with
evaM satata-yuktA$ ye = the ones that
evaM satata-yuktA$ ye bhaktAH = devoted
evaM satata-yuktA$ ye bhaktAs tvAm = (has am) you, thou
evaM satata-yuktA$ ye bhaktAs tvAM paryupAsate = they worship, attend, are present
'Of those worshippers who, constantly devoted, adore thee,
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke yogavittamAH
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke yoga-vit-tamAH
ye = the ones that
ye cApi = too (ca + api)
ye cApy akSaram = letter, syllable
ye cApy akSaram avyaktam = unmanifest, hidden
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAm = of them, among them
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke = who? (m. @pl, or @f @n @du)
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke yoga- = yoga
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke yoga-vit- = knower
ye cApy akSaram avyaktaM teSAM ke yoga-vit-tamAH = most
and those who (meditate) on thee as the Immutable and Unmanifest, who are best acquainted with devotion.'
zrIbhagavAn uvAca
zrIbhagavAn uvAca
zrIbhagavAn = blessed lord
zrIbhagavAn uvAca = said
"The Holy One said,
mayy Avezya mano ye mAM nityayuktA upAsate
mayy Avezya mano ye mAM nitya-yuktA$ upAsate
mayi = in me, about me
mayy Avezya = after making (it) go in
mayy Avezya manaH = mind (@n as-)
mayy Avezya mano ye = the ones that
mayy Avezya mano ye mAm = (has am) me
mayy Avezya mano ye mAM nitya- = always, constantly; permanent, constant
mayy Avezya mano ye mAM nitya-yuktAH = joined, yoked, connected; furnished with
mayy Avezya mano ye mAM nitya-yuktA$ upAsate = worship
'Fixing (their) mind on me, they that constantly adore me,
zraddhayA parayopetAs te me yuktatamA matAH
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te me yukta-tamA$ matAH
zraddhayA = with trust, with self-reliance, with faith
zraddhayA parayA = highest, utter, extreme
zraddhayA paray'' upetAH = endowed with, that have
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te me yukta- = joined, yoked, connected; furnished with; ready to
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te me yukta-tamAH = most
zraddhayA paray'' .opetAs te me yukta-tamA$ matAH = (that are) thought
being endued (besides) with the highest faith, are deemed by me to be the most devoted.
ye tv akSaram anirdezyam avyaktaM paryupAsate
ye tv akSaram a-nirdezyam avyaktaM paryupAsate
ye = the ones that
ye tu = but, (ignore), and
ye tv akSaram = letter, syllable
ye tv akSaram a- = non-, a-, an-
ye tv akSaram a-nirdezyam = describable
ye tv akSaram a-nirdezyam avyaktam = unmanifest, hidden
ye tv akSaram a-nirdezyam avyaktaM paryupAsate = they worship, attend, are present
They, however, who worship the Immutable, the Unmanifest,
sarvatragam acintyaM ca kUTastham acalaM dhruvam
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca kUTa-stham acalaM dhruvam
sarvatra- = everywhere
sarvatra-gam = that is at
sarvatra-gam acintyam = unthinkable
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca = and
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca kUTa- = peak; illusion, deception, untruth
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca kUTa-stham = that is at
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca kUTa-stham acalam = unmoving, steady; mountain
sarvatra-gam acintyaM ca kUTa-stham acalaM dhruvam = fixed, necessary; for sure, no doubt, necessarily
the All-pervading, the Inconceivable, the Indifferent, the Immutable, the Eternal,
saMniyamyendriyagrAmaM sarvatra samabuddhayaH
saMniyamy' .endriya-grAmaM sarvatra sama-buddhayaH
saMniyamya = restrain and
saMniyamy' indriya- = sense, organ
saMniyamy' .endriya-grAmam = village
saMniyamy' .endriya-grAmaM sarvatra = everywhere
saMniyamy' .endriya-grAmaM sarvatra sama- = same; equal; peer; equanimous
saMniyamy' .endriya-grAmaM sarvatra sama-buddhayaH = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
who, restraining the entire group of the senses, are equal-minded in respect of all around
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarvabhUtahite ratAH
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarva-bhUta-hite ratAH
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te prApnuvanti = attain
te prApnuvanti mAm = (has am) me
te prApnuvanti mAm eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarva- = all (when @pl); each, every, the whole of, all of it (when @sg)
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarva-bhUta- = (that has) become; a being, creature; a ghost, goblin
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarva-bhUta-hite = engaged in (rooth dhA); abandoned (root hA)
te prApnuvanti mAm eva sarva-bhUta-hite ratAH = devoted, attached, addicted, disposed to
and are engaged in the good of all creatures, (also) attain to me.
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm avyaktAsaktacetasAm
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm avyakt'-Asakta-cetasAm
klezaH = pain, suffering
klezo adhikataraH = bigger
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm = of them, among them
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm avyakta- = unmanifest, hidden
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm avyakt'-Asakta- = fastened to, attached to
klezo 'dhikataras teSAm avyakt'-Asakta-cetasAm = mind
The trouble is the greater for those whose minds are fixed on the Unmanifest;
avyaktA hi gatir duHkhaM dehavadbhir avApyate
avyaktA hi gatir duHkhaM dehavadbhir avApyate
avyaktA = unmanifest
avyaktA hi = because; (@ignore)
avyaktA hi gatiH = way, road; place
avyaktA hi gatir duHkham = pain, suffering
avyaktA hi gatir duHkhaM dehavadbhiH = by the embodied
avyaktA hi gatir duHkhaM dehavadbhir avApyate = is obtained
for the path to the Unmanifest is hard to find by those that are embodied.
ye tu sarvANi karmANi mayi saMnyasya matparAH
ye tu sarvANi karmANi mayi saMnyasya matparAH
ye = the ones that
ye tu = but, (ignore), and
ye tu sarvANi = all
ye tu sarvANi karmANi = works
ye tu sarvANi karmANi mayi = in me, about me
ye tu sarvANi karmANi mayi saMnyasya = after renouncing
ye tu sarvANi karmANi mayi saMnyasya matparAH = focused on me
They (again) who, reposing all action on me (and) regarding me as their highest object (of attainment),
ananyenaiva yogena mAM dhyAyanta upAsate
an-anyen' .aiva yogena mAM dhyAyanta upAsate
an- = non-, a-, an-
an-anyena = another one, someone else
an-anyen' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
an-anyen' .aiva yogena = yoga
an-anyen' .aiva yogena mAm = (has am) me
an-anyen' .aiva yogena mAM dhyAyantaH = meditating
an-anyen' .aiva yogena mAM dhyAyanta upAsate = worship
worship me, meditating on me with devotion undirected to anything else,
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA mRtyusaMsArasAgarAt
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA mRtyu-saMsAra-sAgarAt
teSAm = of them, among them
teSAm aham = (has su) I, I am
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA = I will lift up
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA mRtyu- = death
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA mRtyu-saMsAra- = cycle of reincarnation
teSAm ahaM samuddhartA mRtyu-saMsAra-sAgarAt = ocean
I soon become the deliverer from the ocean of (this) mortal world
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha mayy AvezitacetasAm
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha mayy Avezita-cetasAm
bhavAmi = I become
bhavAmi nacirAt = soon
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha = pn (of the three sons of kuntI)
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha mayi = in me, about me
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha mayy Avezita- = entered into
bhavAmi nacirAt pArtha mayy Avezita-cetasAm = mind
of them whose minds are (thus) fixed on me.
mayy eva mana Adhatsva mayi buddhiM nivezaya
mayy eva mana Adhatsva mayi buddhiM nivezaya
mayi = in me, about me
mayy eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
mayy eva manaH = mind (@n as-)
mayy eva mana Adhatsva = put!
mayy eva mana Adhatsva mayi = in me, about me
mayy eva mana Adhatsva mayi buddhim = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
mayy eva mana Adhatsva mayi buddhiM nivezaya = enter
Fix thy heart on me alone, place thy understanding on me,
nivasiSyasi mayy eva ata UrdhvaM na saMzayaH
nivasiSyasi mayy eva: ata UrdhvaM na saMzayaH
nivasiSyasi = you will live
nivasiSyasi mayi = in me, about me
nivasiSyasi mayy eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
nivasiSyasi mayy eva: ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why
nivasiSyasi mayy eva: ata Urdhvam = above
nivasiSyasi mayy eva: ata UrdhvaM na = no, not, doesn't
nivasiSyasi mayy eva: ata UrdhvaM na saMzayaH = doubt
Hereafter then shalt thou dwell in me. (There is) no doubt (in this).
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