bhag16 webgloss
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye cAparAn api
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye c' .AparAn api
asau = that, he, it
asau mayA = by me
asau mayA hataH = killed, attacked
asau mayA hataH zatruH = enemy
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye = I will kill
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye ca = and
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye c' aparAn = others
asau mayA hataH zatrur haniSye c' .AparAn api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddho 'haM balavAn sukhI
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddho 'haM balavAn sukhI
IzvaraH = lord
Izvaro aham = (has su) I, I am
Izvaro 'ham aham = (has su) I, I am
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI = enjoyer
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddhaH = perfect, accomplished, magic user
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddho aham = (has su) I, I am
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddho 'haM balavAn = strong
Izvaro 'ham ahaM bhogI siddho 'haM balavAn sukhI = happy
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko 'nyo 'sti sadRzo mayA
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko 'nyo 'sti sadRzo mayA
ADhyaH = full of, rich (in)
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi = I am (has mip), I, am
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi kaH = who? which one?
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko anyaH = another one, someone else
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko 'nyo asti = there is
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko 'nyo 'sti sadRzaH = lookalike, similar, such a
ADhyo 'bhijanavAn asmi ko 'nyo 'sti sadRzo mayA = by me
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSya ity ajJAnavimohitAH
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSya@ ity ajJAna-vimohitAH
yakSye = I will sacrifice
yakSye dAsyAmi = i will give
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSye = I will have fun
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSya@ iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSya@ ity ajJAna- = ignorance
yakSye dAsyAmi modiSya@ ity ajJAna-vimohitAH = confused, bewildered
anekacittavibhrAntA mohajAlasamAvRtAH
aneka-citta-vibhrAntA$ moha-jAla-samAvRtAH
aneka- = many
aneka-citta- = thinking, reason, mind
aneka-citta-vibhrAntAH = confused, bewildered, wandering about
aneka-citta-vibhrAntA$ moha- = foolishness, bewilderment, perplexity, confusion, distraction
aneka-citta-vibhrAntA$ moha-jAla- = net, window-blind; collection, multitude
aneka-citta-vibhrAntA$ moha-jAla-samAvRtAH = surrounded by
prasaktAH kAmabhogeSu patanti narake 'zucau
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu patanti narake '-zucau
prasaktAH = (that) are attached to
prasaktAH kAma- = desire
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu = in eating
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu patanti = they fall
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu patanti narake = hell
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu patanti narake '-a- = non-, a-, an-
prasaktAH kAma-bhogeSu patanti narake '-zucauzucau = clean
AtmasaMbhAvitAH stabdhA dhanamAnamadAnvitAH
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhA$ dhana-mAna-madA-'nvitAH
Atma- = oneself; soul
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhAH = firmly fixed, supported, propped (stambh)
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhA$ dhana- = wealth
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhA$ dhana-mAna- = pride; respect, honor
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhA$ dhana-mAna-madA- = pride, intoxication, elephant's rut
Atma-saMbhAvitAH stabdhA$ dhana-mAna-madA-anvitAH = endowed with; following
yajante nAmayajJais te dambhenAvidhipUrvakam
yajante nAma-yajJais te dambhen' .A-vidhi-pUrvakam
yajante = they sacrifice
yajante nAma- = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
yajante nAma-yajJaiH = with sacrifices
yajante nAma-yajJais te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
yajante nAma-yajJais te dambhena = deceit, fraud, hypocrisy
yajante nAma-yajJais te dambhen' a- = non-, a-, an-
yajante nAma-yajJais te dambhen' .A-vidhi- = rule, law, command; fate, destiny
yajante nAma-yajJais te dambhen' .A-vidhi-pUrvakam = ancient
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmaM krodhaM ca saMzritAH
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmaM krodhaM ca saMzritAH
ahaMkAram = sense of "I"
ahaMkAraM balam = strength; forces, army, troops
ahaMkAraM balaM darpam = pride; arrogance, conceit
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmam = a desire, wish
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmaM krodham = anger
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmaM krodhaM ca = and
ahaMkAraM balaM darpaM kAmaM krodhaM ca saMzritAH = that betake themselves to; famous
Taking refuge in selfishness power,arrogance wish and anger
mAm AtmaparadeheSu pradviSanto 'bhyasUyakAH
mAm Atma-para-deheSu pradviSanto 'bhyasUyakAH
mAm = (has am) me
mAm Atma- = oneself; soul
mAm Atma-para- = highest, high; enemy (@ibc); other (@ibc)
mAm Atma-para-deheSu = body
mAm Atma-para-deheSu pradviSantaH = disliking, hating (zatR)
mAm Atma-para-deheSu pradviSanto abhyasUyakAH = envious, resentful
these resentful people hate me who live in their and other peoples bodies
tAn ahaM dviSataH krUrAn saMsAreSu narAdhamAn
tAn ahaM dviSataH krUrAn saMsAreSu nar'-.AdhamAn
tAn = them (m.), those
tAn aham = (has su) I, I am
tAn ahaM dviSataH krUrAn = cruel
tAn ahaM dviSataH krUrAn saMsAreSu nara- = man
tAn ahaM dviSataH krUrAn saMsAreSu nar'-adhamAn = lowest
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn AsurISv eva yoniSu
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn AsurISv eva yoniSu
kSipAmi = I throw
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn = of evil omen, unauspicious, unlucky
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn AsurISu = devil-like, demoniac, devilish
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn AsurISv eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
kSipAmy ajasram azubhAn AsurISv eva yoniSu = wombs
AsurIM yonim ApannA mUDhA janmani janmani
AsurIM yonim ApannA$ mUDhA$ janmani janmani
AsurIm = devil-like, demoniac, devilish
AsurIM yonim = womb; origin
AsurIM yonim ApannAH = (has) gone into
AsurIM yonim ApannA$ mUDhAH = idiots; confused, driven off-course
AsurIM yonim ApannA$ mUDhA$ janmani = birth
AsurIM yonim ApannA$ mUDhA$ janmani janmani = birth
mAm aprApyaiva kaunteya tato yAnty adhamAM gatim
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya tato yAnty adhamAM gatim
mAm = (has am) me
mAm a- = non-, a-, an-
mAm a-prApya = after getting (Apnoti)
mAm a-prApy' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya = pn (of the three sons of kuntI)
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya tato yAnti = they go
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya tato yAnty adhamAm = lowest
mAm a-prApy' .aiva kaunteya tato yAnty adhamAM gatim = way, road, place
trividhaM narakasyedaM dvAraM nAzanam AtmanaH
tri-vidhaM narakasy' .edaM dvAraM nAzanam AtmanaH
tri- = three
tri-vidham = kind, sort, class, type
tri-vidhaM narakasya = hell
tri-vidhaM narakasy' idam = this
tri-vidhaM narakasy' .edaM dvAram = door
tri-vidhaM narakasy' .edaM dvAraM nAzanam = destruction
tri-vidhaM narakasy' .edaM dvAraM nAzanam AtmanaH = of oneself, from oneself, one's own
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAd etat trayaM tyajet
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAd etat trayaM tyajet
kAmaH = desire, wish (@cyan)
kAmaH krodhaH = anger
kAmaH krodhas tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhaH = greed
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAd etat = this
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAd etat trayam = group of three
kAmaH krodhas tathA lobhas tasmAd etat trayaM tyajet = would throw away
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamodvArais tribhir naraH
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamo-dvArais tribhir naraH
etaiH = these
etair vimuktaH = freed, free, lacking
etair vimuktaH kaunteya = pn (of the three sons of kuntI)
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamaH- = darkness; pn (one of the three guNas)
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamo-dvAraiH = doors
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamo-dvArais tribhiH = three
etair vimuktaH kaunteya tamo-dvArais tribhir naraH = man; anyone
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tato yAti parAM gatim
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tato yAti parAM gatim
Acarati = behaves, does
Acaraty AtmanaH = of oneself, from oneself, one's own
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyaH = best
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tato yAti = goes
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tato yAti parAm = highest, high
Acaraty AtmanaH zreyas tato yAti parAM gatim = way, road, place
yaH zAstravidhim utsRjya vartate kAmakArataH
yaH zAstra-vidhim utsRjya vartate kAmakArataH
yaH = the one that
yaH zAstra- = teaching, science; the Teachings (the scriptures)
yaH zAstra-vidhim = rule, instruction
yaH zAstra-vidhim utsRjya = took off and, threw out and, abandoned and
yaH zAstra-vidhim utsRjya vartate = happens, turns out to, spins
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukhaM na parAM gatim
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukhaM na parAM gatim
na = no, not, doesn't
na sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
na sa siddhim = success, perfection, enlightenment; accomplishment, power (esp. superpower)
na sa siddhim avApnoti = gets, obtains; gets to, reaches
na sa siddhim avApnoti na = no, not, doesn't
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukham = happiness, ease, pleasure, comfort
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukhaM na = no, not, doesn't
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukhaM na parAm = highest, high
na sa siddhim avApnoti na sukhaM na parAM gatim = way, road, place
tasmAc chAstraM pramANaM te kAryAkAryavyavasthitau
tasmAc chAstraM pramANaM te kAry'-.AkArya-vyavasthitau
tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
tasmAc zAstram = teaching, science; the Teachings (the scriptures)
tasmAc chAstraM pramANam = authority (the one who should decide what to do)
tasmAc chAstraM pramANaM te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tasmAc chAstraM pramANaM te kArya- = (what) has to be done; work, task
tasmAc chAstraM pramANaM te kAry'-.AkArya-vyavasthitau = waiting, standing, arrayed; firmly established ; the prescribed arrangement (vyavasthiti + Gi)
jJAtvA zAstravidhAnoktaM karma kartum ihArhasi
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-.oktaM karma kartum ih' .Arhasi
jJAtvA = know and
jJAtvA zAstra- = teaching, science; the Teachings (the scriptures)
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-uktam = told, said, addressed
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-.oktaM karma = work
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-.oktaM karma kartum = to do
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-.oktaM karma kartum iha = here; in this world
jJAtvA zAstra-vidhAn'-.oktaM karma kartum ih' arhasi = you should
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