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pragarjana ... prajvalita

1 pragarjan/a
n roaring, roar (see siMh(a))
2 prAgjyotiS/a
3 pragrah/aA
rein, rope, grabber
4 pragrah/iN
guiding the reins
5 pragRhIt/aA
6 pragRhy/a
to be kept apart
grabbed and
7 prAha
says, said
8 prahAr/a
blow, hit
9 praharaN/aA
10 prAhar/at
he threw
11 prahar/atR
12 prahAr/iN
13 prahariS/yati
he will fight
14 praharSay/atR
cheering (them)
15 prahartavy/aA
should be attached, should be hit
16 prahart/R2
attacker, injurer
17 prAhas/at
he laughed
18 prahas/atR
smiling, laughing (openly ?)
19 prahAsiSam
(so that I don't) perish (inj of pra hA)
20 prahAsiSus
let them not abandon (hA + luG jhi, inj)
21 prahast/a
22 prahasya
laughed and, smiled and
23 prahAs/yati
he will leave
24 prAhiNod
threw, hurled, sent, appointed
25 prahlAd/a
pn (of an asura, a.k.a. prahrAda)
26 prahrAd/a
pn (of an asura, a.k.a. prahlAda)
27 prahRST/a
gladdened, happy, cheerful;
(said of hair) standing on end
28 prahRSy/ati
is happy
29 prahRSy/atR
rejoicing, in joy
31 prAhus
they say
32 praikS/ata
he saw
33 praiSay/at
he sent
34 praj/aA
f creature, living being;
(f, the sg may have plural meaning) subjects of a king, citizens
35 prajahAsa
36 prajahAti
gives up
38 prajahihi
give up!
39 prajahrAte
both attacked (hR)
40 prajajJire
they were born
41 prajajvAla
blazed forth
42 prajAkAm/a
desirous of offspring
43 prajan/a
procreation, reproduction, multiplication
44 prajAnAti
knows, figures out
45 prajApat/i
pn (see WP Prajapati)
46 prAjApaty/a
related to the prajApatis;
the rohiNI nakSatra (see WP List of Nakshatras)
47 prajAy/ate
(causes to be born:) impregnates, begets; gives birth to
48 prajihIrS/ati
he wants to attack (pra + hR)
49 prAjJ/aA
f intelligence, understanding
50 prajJ/aA
f wisdom, common sense;
wise, learned man
51 prAJjal/i
that is doing the aJjali, that is joining palms
52 prajJapt/i
53 prAjJAy/ata
it was recognised
54 prajJAy/ata
he was not noticed ( ? should be prAjJAyata ? ? )
55 prajval/atR
shining, ablaze
56 prajvalit/a


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