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prazrita ... priyatara

1 prazrit/a
humble, plain, polite, gentle;
obscurity, misteriousness (of a passage)
2 prAzya
ate and (pra + az)
3 pRcchant/I
4 pRcch/ate
5 pRcch/ati
6 pRcch/atR
7 pRcchy/ate
he is asked
8 prekSak/a
9 prekSamAN/aA
10 prekSaNIy/aA
visible, apparent
11 prekSant/I
12 prekS/iN
looker for, that looks for
13 prekSya
saw and
14 prekSy/ate
he sees
15 prem/aN1
16 preps/u
that wants to get, that is about to get at
17 prepsum
that wants to get, that wants to get at
18 preSayA/mAsa
she sent
19 preSay/ati
he sends
20 preSayiS/yati
he will send
21 preSayiSy/atR
is about to send, wants to send
22 preSayitum
to send
23 preSayitvA
after sending (for)
24 preSit/aA
was sent
25 preSya
after sending
26 preSy/aA
that can be sent;
servant (one to be sent on errands)
27 preSy/ate
it is being sent
28 pret/a
deceased person, corpse;
ghost, undead
29 pretya
after going forth (may mean after dying)
30 prINanti
they please
31 prINAti
sates, fulfills, satisfies
32 prIt/aA
pleased, happy, satisfied, delighted
33 prIt/i
happiness, satisfaction, liking, kindness, cheerfulness, being pleased
34 prItimat/I
happy, satisfied, kind, affectionate
35 prItim/atu
happy, satisfied, kind, affectionate
36 priy/aA
dear, pleasant, kind;
kindness, a favour, a service;
darling, beloved;
(latter) that likes
37 priyaGgukalikAzyAm/a
black like a long pepper blossom (see pics)
38 priyakAmy/A
the desire of showing kindness to (sixth)
39 priyakAmyay/A
desire of doing good to (sixth)
40 prIyamAN/aA
being loved (zAnac)
41 priyatar/aA


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