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tatratya ... tIra

0 tatraty/aA
that is there (affix tyap from avyayAttyap)
1 tattv/a
truth, reality;
real, true;
2 tattvatas
in reality, actually, as it is,truly
3 tau
those two, they two, both
4 tava
5 tAvad
6 tAvak/a
your, of yours, your people
7 tAv/atu
that much, that many, for that long
8 tayA
by her, with her
9 tay/aI
(aff) of (several) kinds (e.g. paJcataya- 'of five kinds')
11 tayos
of those two, in those two
12 te
your (hanger);
to you (hanger);
they, those (not a hanger)
13 tebhyas
from them, to them
14 tej/as
glow, energy, charisma
15 tejasv/in
energetic, charismatic, bright
16 tena
by him, by it;
so, that's why
17 teSAm
of those, among those
18 teSu
in them, in those
19 tigm/a
sharp, pointed;
pungent, acrid, hot, scorching
20 tIkSN/a
sharp, strong, intense
21 til/a
sesame seed (the sesame plant is tilaka)
22 tilak/a
pn (dot painted on forehead);
23 tim/i
fish ;
24 timiGgil/a
pn (a fish large enough to swallow a timi)
25 timir/aA
dark, gloomy;
n darkness (also pl)
26 tIr/a
shore, bank


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