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upavana ... upeyatus

0 upavan/a
small forest, grove, garden
1 upavarS/a
pn (varSa's older brother)
3 upaviST/aA
sat down
4 upavIt/a
sacred thread (string worn by upper castes over left shoulder under right arm)
5 upAviz/at
he sat
6 upavizya
sat and
7 upAvRtt/aA
(was) come upon
8 upAvRtya
approached and
9 upAy/a
a means, device, trick, plan, way (esp. means of success against an enemy, upAya)
10 upAyAd
went towards, approached
11 upayAntam
setting out, going near, arriving
12 upayAnti
they approach
15 upAzaGkitum
to blame
18 upAznIyAm
I could enjoy (upa + az + znu)
19 upAznute
enjoys, eats, experiences;
gets to, arrives, reaches
20 upazobhit/aA
21 upazoc/atR
mourning about
22 upAzrit/aA
relying upon, depending on, taking refuge at;
living at
23 upAzritya
took refuge with and;
leaned on and;
approached and
24 upazrut/i
f oracle (a kind of supernatural oracular voice, answering questions about future events, and supposed to be uttered by an idol after mystic invocations)
25 upekS/A
overlooking, disregard, negligence, indifference, contempt, abandonment
26 upekS/ate
he overlooks, disregards, neglects, abandons;
he sees (same as IkSate)
27 upekSyamAN/aA
being disregarded, neglected, overlooked
28 upet/aA
endowed with, that has, full of;
approached, came to
29 upetya
approached and
30 upeyatus
both came to (upa + AG + iN' + liT)


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