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zobhana ... zrAvayitvA

0 zobhan/aA
1 zobh/ate
it shines
2 zobhayA/mAsa
he made it shine, decorated, adorned
3 zobhay/ati
makes it shine, makes it look good, decorates, adorns
4 zobh/in
splendorous, resplended with, beautified by
6 zobhit/aA
7 zocamAn/aA
8 zocant/I
9 zoc/ate
grieves, mourns, cries, is very sad, is depressed (ArSam)
10 zoc/ati
grieves, mourns, cries, is very sad, is depressed
11 zoc/atR
mourning, grieving, crying
12 zocimi
I grieve (ArSam for zocAmi from zoc/ati)
13 zocitum
to grieve
14 zocy/a
(that) is worth grieving for
15 zok/aA
sadness, grief
17 zoN/a
chestnut-colored horse
18 zoNit/aA
19 zoNitAkS/a
20 zoSaN/a
the drying up
21 zoSay/ati
he dries
22 zoSay/atR
23 zoSit/aA
24 zoSy/a
that can be dried
25 zraddadhAn/a
trusting, self-confident
26 zraddadhAsi
you trust
27 zraddadhe
I trust, I believe
28 zraddadhyAm
I would believe
30 zrAddh/a
n pn (a ceremony in honour and for the benefit of dead relatives, see WP Śrāddha)
31 zraddh/aA
f trust, self-reliance, confidence, faith
32 zraddhAv/atu
that has trust, self-confidence
33 zraddhey/a
that can be trusted, reliable, believable
34 zraddhit/a
believed, trusted
35 zram/a
m exertion, labour, toil, exercise, effort, fatigue
36 zramaN/a
ascetic, monk, mendicant
37 zrAnt/aA
40 zrapayA/mAsa
he boiled (root zrA)
41 zravaN/aA
n ear;
listening, hearing;
pn (of the 22nd nakSatra, under Altair)
42 zrav/as
n glory, fame, renown;
43 zrAvayA/mAsa
made (them) hear, listen
44 zrAvay/atR
making (them) listen
45 zrAvayitvA
made (them) listen and


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