evaM tayoH saMvadatoH kriyAs tasya mahAtmanaH = noble, magnanimous (having a great or noble nature)
sarvA evAbhyavartanta yA divyA yAz ca mAnuSAH
sarvA ev' .Abhyavartanta yA$ divyA$ yAz ca mAnuSAH
sarvAH = all
sarvA eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
sarvA ev' abhyavartanta = they went towards
sarvA ev' .Abhyavartanta yAH = the ones that
sarvA ev' .Abhyavartanta yA$ divyA$ yAH = the ones that
sarvA ev' .Abhyavartanta yA$ divyA$ yAz ca = and
sarvA ev' .Abhyavartanta yA$ divyA$ yAz ca mAnuSAH = human, human being
'Even thus did those two Rishis, viz., Bhrigu and Agastya, converse with each other. I have already told thee how Nahusha, when he first became the chief of the gods, acted in a becoming way. Verily, all acts of human and celestial nature flowed from that high souled royal sage!
tathaiva dIpadAnAni sarvopakaraNAni ca
tathaiva dIpa-dAnAni sarv'-.opakaraNAni ca
tathaiva = and then (tathA + eva, usually same as tathA); in that same way (if there is yathA nearby)
tathaiva dIpa- = lamp
tathaiva dIpa-dAnAni = giving, charity, gift
tathaiva dIpa-dAnAni sarva- = all; all of it (when sg.)
tathaiva dIpa-dAnAni sarv'-.opakaraNAni ca = and
balikarma ca yac cAnyad utsekAz ca pRthagvidhAH
balikarma ca yac c' .Anyad utsekAz ca pRthag-vidhAH
balikarma ca = and
balikarma ca yat = the one which; because, as
balikarma ca yac ca = and
balikarma ca yac c' anyat = another one, something else
balikarma ca yac c' .Anyad utsekAz ca = and
balikarma ca yac c' .Anyad utsekAz ca pRthak- = separately (each one its own way)
balikarma ca yac c' .Anyad utsekAz ca pRthag-vidhAH = kinds (vidhA-)
The offering of light, and all other rites of a similar kind, the due presentation of Valis, and all rites as are performed on especially sacred days,
sarvAs tasya samutpannA devarAjJo mahAtmanaH
sarvAs tasya samutpannA deva-rAjJo mahAtmanaH
sarvAH = all
sarvAs tasya = his, its
sarvAs tasya samutpannA = happened, taken place, begotten
sarvAs tasya samutpannA deva- = god; your majesty (green)
sarvAs tasya samutpannA deva-rAjJaH = king
sarvAs tasya samutpannA deva-rAjJo mahAtmanaH = noble, magnanimous (having a great or noble nature)
--all these were properly observed by the high-souled Nahusha who had become the sovereign of the deities
devaloke nRloke ca sadAcArA budhaiH smRtAH
deva-loke nR-loke ca sadAcArA budhaiH smRtAH
deva- = god; your majesty (green)
deva-loke = world; everybody, citizens, people
deva-loke nR- = man
deva-loke nR-loke = world; everybody, citizens, people
deva-loke nR-loke ca = and
deva-loke nR-loke ca sadAcArA budhaiH = wise people
deva-loke nR-loke ca sadAcArA budhaiH smRtAH = remembers
Pious acts are always observed by those that are possessed of wisdom, in both the world of men and that of the deities
te ced bhavanti rAjendra Rdhyante gRhamedhinaH
te ced bhavanti rAjendra Rdhyante gRhamedhinaH
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te cet = if
te ced bhavanti = they are; there are; they become
te ced bhavanti rAjendra Rdhyante gRhamedhinaH = householder
Verily, O foremost of kings, if such acts are observed, householders always succeed in acquiring prosperity and advancement
dhUpapradAnair dIpaiz ca namaskArais tathaiva ca
dhUpa-pradAnair dIpaiz ca namaskArais tathaiva ca
dhUpa- = incense
dhUpa-pradAnair dIpaiz ca = and
dhUpa-pradAnair dIpaiz ca namaskArais tathaiva = and then (tathA + eva, usually same as tathA); in that same way (if there is yathA nearby)
dhUpa-pradAnair dIpaiz ca namaskArais tathaiva ca = and
Even such is the effect of the gift of lamps and of incense, as also of bows and prostrations, to the deities
yathA siddhasya cAnnasya dvijAyAgraM pradIyate
yathA siddhasya cAnnasya dvijAyAgraM pradIyate
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
When food is cooked, the first portion thereof should be offered to a Brahmana
balayaz ca gRhoddeze ataH prIyanti devatAH
balayaz ca gRh'-.oddeze ataH prIyanti devatAH
balayaz ca = and
balayaz ca gRha- = house
balayaz ca gRh'-uddeze = region, place
balayaz ca gRh'-.oddeze ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why
balayaz ca gRh'-.oddeze ataH prIyanti devatAH = deities
The particular offerings called Vali should also be presented to the household deities
yathA ca gRhiNas toSo bhaved vai balikarmaNA
yathA ca gRhiNas toSo bhaved vai balikarmaNA
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yathA ca = and
yathA ca gRhiNas toSo bhavet = would be, may be, should be
yathA ca gRhiNas toSo bhaved vai = (ignore, see @nocw)
The deities become gratified with such gifts
tathA zataguNA prItir devatAnAM sma jAyate
tathA zata-guNA prItir devatAnAM sma jAyate
tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
tathA zata-guNA prItir devatAnAM sma = (turns present into past)
tathA zata-guNA prItir devatAnAM sma jAyate = is born
It is also well-known that the measure of gratification which the deities derive from such offerings is a hundred times as great as that which the householder himself derives from making them
evaM dhUpapradAnaM ca dIpadAnaM ca sAdhavaH
evaM dhUpa-pradAnaM ca dIpa-dAnaM ca sAdhavaH
evam = thus, this way
evaM dhUpa- = incense
evaM dhUpa-pradAnaM ca = and
evaM dhUpa-pradAnaM ca dIpa- = lamp
evaM dhUpa-pradAnaM ca dIpa-dAnam = giving, charity, gift
evaM dhUpa-pradAnaM ca dIpa-dAnaM ca = and
Persons endued with piety and wisdom make offerings of incense and lights,
prazaMsanti namaskArair yuktam AtmaguNAvaham
prazaMsanti namaskArair yuktam Atma-guNAvaham
prazaMsanti = praise
prazaMsanti namaskArair yuktam = it is proper, it behoves; joined, yoked, connected; furnished with
Such acts are always fraught with advancement and prosperity to those that do them
snAnenAdbhiz ca yat karma kriyate vai vipazcitA
snAnenAdbhiz ca yat karma kriyate vai vipazcitA
snAnenAdbhiz ca = and
snAnenAdbhiz ca yat = the one which; because, as
snAnenAdbhiz ca yat karma = work
snAnenAdbhiz ca yat karma kriyate vai = (ignore, see @nocw)
Those rites which the learned go through in course of their ablutions, and with the aid of waters,
namaskAraprayuktena tena prIyanti devatAH
namaskAra-prayuktena tena prIyanti devatAH
namaskAra-prayuktena tena = by him, by it; that's why
namaskAra-prayuktena tena prIyanti devatAH = deities
accompanied with bows unto the gods, always contribute to the gratification of the gods
gRhyAz ca devatAH sarvAH prIyante vidhinArcitAH
gRhyAz ca devatAH sarvAH prIyante vidhinA 'rcitAH
gRhyAz ca = and
gRhyAz ca devatAH = deities
gRhyAz ca devatAH sarvAH = all
gRhyAz ca devatAH sarvAH prIyante vidhinA = by rule
When worshipped with proper rites, the highly blessed Pitris, Rishis possessed of wealth of asceticism, and the household deities, all become gratified
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH sa narezvaraH
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH sa nar'-..ezvaraH
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity etAm = this one (f. am)
ity etAM buddhim = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya = made (him) sit and
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH = pn
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH sa nara- = man
ity etAM buddhim AsthAya nahuSaH sa nar'-IzvaraH = lord
when he obtained the sovereignty of the deities, observed all these rites and duties fraught with great glory
kasya cit tv atha kAlasya bhAgyakSaya upasthite
kasya cit tv atha kAlasya bhAgyakSaya@ upasthite
kasya = who has?, of who?, whose?
kasya cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
kasya cit tu = but, (ignore), and
kasya cit tv atha = then, and then
kasya cit tv atha kAlasya = of time
kasya cit tv atha kAlasya bhAgyakSaya@ upasthite = when it happens
Some time after the good fortune of Nahusha waned,
sarvam etad avajJAya na cakAraitad IdRzam
sarvam etad avajJAya na cakAr' .aitad IdRzam
sarvam = whole, entire, all
sarvam etat = this
sarvam etad avajJAya na = no, not, doesn't
sarvam etad avajJAya na cakAra = did
sarvam etad avajJAya na cakAr' etat = this
sarvam etad avajJAya na cakAr' .aitad IdRzam = such a
and as the consequence thereof, he disregarded all these observances
and began to act in defiance of all restraints in the manner I have already adverted to
tataH sa parihINo 'bhUt surendro balikarmataH
tataH sa parihINo 'bhUt sur'-.endro balikarmataH
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
tataH sa parihINo abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)
tataH sa parihINo 'bhUt sura- = a god
tataH sa parihINo 'bhUt sur'-indraH = lord; pn (of the king of the gods)
dhUpadIpodakavidhiM na yathAvac cakAra ha
dhUpa-dIp'-.odaka-vidhiM na yathAvac cakAra ha
dhUpa- = incense
dhUpa-dIpa- = lamp
dhUpa-dIp'-udaka- = water
dhUpa-dIp'-.odaka-vidhiM na = no, not, doesn't
dhUpa-dIp'-.odaka-vidhiM na yathAvat = properly
dhUpa-dIp'-.odaka-vidhiM na yathAvac cakAra = did
dhUpa-dIp'-.odaka-vidhiM na yathAvac cakAra ha = (@ignore)
The chief of the deities, in consequence of his abstention from observing the ordinances about the offers of incense and light, began to decline in energy
tato 'sya yajJaviSayo rakSobhiH paryabAdhyata
tato 'sya yajJa-viSayo rakSobhiH paryabAdhyata
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato asya = this one's, to this, of this
tato 'sya yajJa- = rite (sacrifice)
tato 'sya yajJa-viSayo rakSobhiH = by demons
His sacrificial rites and presents were obstructed by Rakshasas
athAgastyam RSizreSThaM vAhanAyAjuhAva ha
ath' .Agastyam RSi-zreSThaM vAhanAyAjuhAva ha
atha = then, and then
ath' agastyam = pn (of a RSi)
ath' .Agastyam RSi- = seer (a sort of sage)
ath' .Agastyam RSi-zreSTham = best
ath' .Agastyam RSi-zreSThaM vAhanAyAjuhAva ha = (@ignore)
It was at this time that Nahusha yoked that foremost of Rishis, viz., Agastya, to his car
drutaM sarasvatIkUlAt smayann iva mahAbalaH
drutaM sarasvatI-kUlAt smayann iva mahA-balaH
drutam = running, ran, hurriedly
drutaM sarasvatI- = pn (of a gooddess)
drutaM sarasvatI-kUlAt smayan = (while he was) smiling
drutaM sarasvatI-kUlAt smayann iva = like (@enclitic)
drutaM sarasvatI-kUlAt smayann iva mahA- = big, great (@former)
Bhrigu, who was staying within the matted locks of Agastya, became highly pleased at this act of Nahusha
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra sa bhRgus tadA
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra sa bhRgus tadA
na = no, not, doesn't
na cApi = too (ca + api)
na cApi darzanam = seeing, looks
na cApi darzanaM tasya = his, its
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra = did
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra sa bhRguH = pn (of a RSi)
na cApi darzanaM tasya cakAra sa bhRgus tadA = then
He took care not to cast his eyes upon Nahusha
varadAnaprabhAvajJo nahuSasya mahAtmanaH
vara-dAna-prabhAva-jJo nahuSasya mahAtmanaH
vara- = best; bridegroom, husband
vara-dAna- = giving, charity, gift
vara-dAna-prabhAva- = power, might
vara-dAna-prabhAva-jJaH = knower (@latter)
vara-dAna-prabhAva-jJo nahuSasya mahAtmanaH = noble, magnanimous (having a great or noble nature)
Fully acquainted with the energy which the illustrious Nahusha had acquired in consequence of the boon which Brahman had granted him, Bhrigu conducted himself in this way
na cukopa sa cAgastyo yukto 'pi nahuSeNa vai
na cukopa sa c' .Agastyo yukto 'pi nahuSeNa vai
na = no, not, doesn't
na cukopa = got angry
na cukopa sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
na cukopa sa ca = and
na cukopa sa c' agastyaH = pn (of a RSi)
na cukopa sa c' .Agastyo yuktaH = joined, yoked, connected; furnished with
na cukopa sa c' .Agastyo yukto api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
na cukopa sa c' .Agastyo yukto 'pi nahuSeNa vai = (ignore, see @nocw)
Agastya also, though treated by Nahusha in this way, did not give way to wrath
taM tu rAjA pratodena codayAm Asa bhArata
taM tu rAjA pratodena codayAm Asa bhArata
tam = him; it; that
taM tu = but, (ignore), and
taM tu rAjA = king
taM tu rAjA pratodena = whip
taM tu rAjA pratodena codayAm Asa = was (see @NOCW)
taM tu rAjA pratodena codayAm Asa bhArata = hey descendant of bharata
Then, O Bharata, king Nahusha urged Agastya on with, his goad
na cukopa sa dharmAtmA tataH pAdena devarAT
na cukopa sa dharmAtmA tataH pAdena deva-rAT
na = no, not, doesn't
na cukopa = got angry
na cukopa sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
na cukopa sa dharmAtmA tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
na cukopa sa dharmAtmA tataH pAdena deva- = god; your majesty (green)
na cukopa sa dharmAtmA tataH pAdena deva-rAT = king (base rAj-)
The righteous-souled Rishi did not still give way to anger. The lord of the deities,
agastyasya tadA kruddho vAmenAbhyahanac chiraH
agastyasya tadA kruddho vAmen' .Abhyahanac chiraH
agastyasya = pn
agastyasya tadA = then
agastyasya tadA kruddhaH = angry
agastyasya tadA kruddho vAmena = left (hand, side etc)
agastyasya tadA kruddho vAmen' .Abhyahanac ziraH = head (ziras-)
himself giving way to anger, then struck Agastya on the head with his left foot
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTAntargato bhRguH
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTA-'ntar-gato bhRguH
tasmin = there, in that; when he
tasmiJ zirasi = head
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTA- = bun, matted hair
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTA-antar- = inner, inside
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTA-'ntar-gataH = he went; gone; the past
tasmiJ zirasy abhihate sa jaTA-'ntar-gato bhRguH = pn (of a RSi)
When the Rishi was thus struck on the head, Bhrigu, who was staying within Agastya's matted locks,
zazApa balavat kruddho nahuSaM pApacetasam
zazApa balavat kruddho nahuSaM pApa-cetasam
zazApa = cursed
zazApa balavat = strong, forceful, forcefully
zazApa balavat kruddhaH = angry
zazApa balavat kruddho nahuSaM pApa- = evil; bad guy
zazApa balavat kruddho nahuSaM pApa-cetasam = (@cyan) mind
became incensed and cursed Nahusha of sinful soul, saying,
bhRgur uvAca
bhRgur uvAca
bhRguH = pn (of a RSi)
bhRgur uvAca = said
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc chirasImaM mahAmunim
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc chiras' .ImaM mahA-munim
yasmAt = that from which; because
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAt = from anger
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc zirasi = head
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc chiras' imam = this (m.)
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc chiras' .ImaM mahA- = big, great (@former)
yasmAt padAhanaH krodhAc chiras' .ImaM mahA-munim = sage, saint
'Since thou hast struck with thy foot on the head of this great Rishi,
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha sarpo bhUtvA sudurmate
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha sarpo bhUtvA su-durmate
tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
tasmAd Azu = quickly
tasmAd Azu mahIm = earth
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha = go!
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha sarpaH = snake
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha sarpo bhUtvA = became and
tasmAd Azu mahIM gaccha sarpo bhUtvA su- = good (@former); very (@former)
rUpavAn dhanavAMz cApi naro bhavati = is, becomes, there is
rUpavAn dhanavAMz cApi naro bhavati dIpa- = lamp
rUpavAn dhanavAMz cApi naro bhavati dIpa-daH = giver
The giver of lights becomes endued with beauty of form and strength for as many years as correspond with the number of twinkles for which the lights given by him burn or blaze.'"