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tRtIyas taraGgaH
tRtIyas taraGgaH B T P
tRtIyaH = third
tRtIyas taraGgaH = wave
third wave
evam uktvA vararuciH zRNvaty ekAgramAnase
evam uktvA vararuciH zRNvaty ekAgra- mAnase B T P
evam = thus, this way
evam uktvA = said and
evam uktvA vararuciH = pn
evam uktvA vararuciH zRNvati = while listening (zatR)
evam uktvA vararuciH zRNvaty ekAgra- = focused
evam uktvA vararuciH zRNvaty ekAgra- mAnase = mind
(main story line continued) HAVING thus spoken while KANabhUti was listening with intent mind, Vararuci
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar evedam abravIt
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar ev' .edam abravIt B T P
kANabhUtau = pn (of a yakSa)
kANabhUtau vane = forest, jungle, park, garden
kANabhUtau vane tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar = again
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar ev' idam = this
kANabhUtau vane tatra punar ev' .edam abravIt = said
went on to tell his tale in the wood:
kadAcid yAti kAle 'tha kRte svAdhyAyakarmaNi
kadAcid yAti kAle 'tha kRte svAdhyAya- karmaNi B T P
kadAcit = once, somewhen
kadAcid yAti = goes
kadAcid yAti kAle = in time; at the hour (daytime is divided in twelve hours)
kadAcid yAti kAle atha = then, and then
kadAcid yAti kAle 'tha kRte = for the sake of (@latter); except; instead of
kadAcid yAti kAle 'tha kRte svAdhyAya- = reciting, study
kadAcid yAti kAle 'tha kRte svAdhyAya- karmaNi = work
It came to pass in the course of time that one day, when the reading of the Vedas was finished,
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTo 'smAbhiH kRtAhnikaH
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTo 'smAbhiH kRt'- AhnikaH B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iti varSaH = pn (of a teacher)
iti varSa upAdyAyaH = teacher
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTaH = asked
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTo asmAbhiH = by us
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTo 'smAbhiH kRta- = done, made
iti varSa upAdyAyaH pRSTo 'smAbhiH kRt'- AhnikaH = daily (esp. ritual)
the teacher VarSa, who had performed his daily ceremonies, was asked by us:
idam evaMvidhaM kasmAn nagaraM kSetratAM gatam
idam evaM- vidhaM kasmAn@ nagaraM kSetratAM gatam B T P
idam = this
idam evam- = thus, this way
idam evaM- vidham = kind, sort, class, type
idam evaM-vidhaM kasmAt = why; from where
idam evaM-vidhaM kasmAn@ nagaram = city
idam evaM-vidhaM kasmAn@ nagaraM kSetratAm = home-ness
idam evaM-vidhaM kasmAn@ nagaraM kSetratAM gatam = gone; the past
“How comes it that such a city as this has become the home
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca tad upAdhyAya kathyatAm
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca tad upAdhyAya kathyatAm B T P
sarasvatyAH = pn (of a goddess)
sarasvatyAz ca = and
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAH = pn (of the goddess of wealth)
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca = and
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca tad upAdhyAya = teacher
sarasvatyAz ca lakSmyAz ca tad upAdhyAya kathyatAm = let it be told
of SarasvatI and LakSmI[1]? tell us that, O teacher."
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ chRNutaitat kathAm imAm
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ @chRNut' .aitat kathAm imAm B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tac zrutvA = heard and
tac chrutvA saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
tac chrutvA so abravIt = said
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAn = us (asmad- )
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ zRNuta = listen! (y'all)
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ @chRNut' etat = this
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ @chRNut' .aitat kathAm = story, narration
tac chrutvA so 'bravId asmAJ @chRNut' .aitat kathAm imAm = this one (@f)
Hearing this, he bade us listen, for that he was about to tell the history of the city
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgAdvAre 'sti pAvanam
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgA- dvAre 'sti pAvanam B T P
tIrtham = pn (holy bathing place)
tIrthaM kanakhalam = pn (of a tIrtha)
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgA- = the Ganges
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgA- dvAre = door
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgA-dvAre asti = there is
tIrthaM kanakhalaM nAma gaGgA-dvAre 'sti pAvanam = purifier, cleaner
1b. The Founding of the City of PATaliputra
There is a sanctifying place of pilgrimage, named Kanakhala, at the point where the Ganges issues from the hills,[2]
yatra kAJcanapAtena jAhnavI devadantinA
yatra kAJcanapAtena jAhnavI deva- dantinA B T P
yatra = wherever, the one in whom, the one in which, the place in which
yatra kAJcanapAtena = pn (of an elephant)
yatra kAJcanapAtena jAhnavI = the Ganges
yatra kAJcanapAtena jAhnavI deva- = god; your majesty (green)
yatra kAJcanapAtena jAhnavI deva- dantinA = elephant
where the sacred stream by kAJcanapAta, the elephant of the gods,
uzInaragiriprasthAd bhittvA samavatAritA
uzInara- giri- prasthAd bhittvA samavatAritA B T P
uzInara- = pn (of a country)
uzInara- giri- = mountain
uzInara-giri- prasthAt = tableland
uzInara-giri-prasthAd bhittvA = after splitting
uzInara-giri-prasthAd bhittvA samavatAritA = was made to cross down, was brought down
was brought down from the tableland of Mount UzInara having cleft it asunder
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit tapasyan bhAryayA saha
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit tapasyan bhAryayA saha B T P
dAkSiNAtyaH = the South
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH = brahmin; bird
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit = anyone
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit tapasyan = (while) practising austerities
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit tapasyan bhAryayA = with wife
dAkSiNAtyo dvijaH kazcit tapasyan bhAryayA saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
In that place lived a certain BrAhman from the Deccan, performing austerities in the company of his wife,
tatrAsIt tasya cAtraiva jAyante sma trayaH sutAH
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' .aiva jAyante sma trayaH sutAH B T P
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatr' AsIt = there was
tatr' AsIt tasya = his, its
tatr' AsIt tasya ca = and
tatr' AsIt tasya c' atra = here, in this
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' .aiva jAyante = they are born
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' .aiva jAyante sma = (turns present into past)
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' .aiva jAyante sma trayaH = three
tatr' AsIt tasya c' .Atr' .aiva jAyante sma trayaH sutAH = son
and to him were born there three sons
kAlena svargate tasmin sabhArye te ca tatsutAH
kAlena svar- gate tasmin sa- bhArye te ca tat- sutAH B T P
kAlena = time
kAlena svar- = heaven, sky
kAlena svar- gate = (had / was / when / what is) gone; the past
kAlena svar-gate tasmin = there, in that; when he
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa- bhArye = wife (cyan)
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa-bhArye te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa-bhArye te ca = and
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa-bhArye te ca tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
kAlena svar-gate tasmin sa-bhArye te ca tat- sutAH = son
In the course of time he and his wife went to heaven, and those sons of his
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmur vidyArjanecchayA
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmur vidyA- 'rjan'- .ecchayA B T P
sthAnam = place, state, status; room, free space; occasion, opportunity
sthAnaM rAjagRham = tp
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmuH = they went
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmur vidyA- = knowledge, science, wisdom
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmur vidyA- arjana- = (the) getting, acquiring
sthAnaM rAjagRhaM nAma jagmur vidyA-'rjan'- icchayA = desire
went to a place named RAjagRha, for the sake of acquiring learning
tatra cAdhItavidyAs te trayo 'py AnAthyaduHkhitAH
tatra c' .AdhIta- vidyAs te trayo 'py AnAthya- duHkhitAH B T P
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatra ca = and
tatra c' adhIta- = studied, learned
tatra c' .AdhIta- vidyAH = science, wisdom
tatra c' .AdhIta-vidyAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tatra c' .AdhIta-vidyAs te trayaH = three
tatra c' .AdhIta-vidyAs te trayo api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
tatra c' .AdhIta-vidyAs te trayo 'py AnAthya- = lordlessness
tatra c' .AdhIta-vidyAs te trayo 'py AnAthya- duHkhitAH = pained
And having studied the sciences there, the three, grieved at their unprotected condition,
yayuH svAmikumArasya darzane dakSiNApatham
yayuH svAmikumArasya darzane dakSiNApatham B T P
yayuH = they went
yayuH svAmikumArasya = pn (of a god)
yayuH svAmikumArasya darzane = in the seeing
yayuH svAmikumArasya darzane dakSiNApatham = tp
went to the Deccan in order to visit the shrine of the god kArttikeya
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma nagarIm ambudhes taTe
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma nagarIm ambudhes taTe B T P
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatra te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tatra te ciJcinIm = tp
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma nagarIm = city
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma nagarIm ambudheH = sea
tatra te ciJcinIM nAma nagarIm ambudhes taTe = shore
Then they reached a city named ciJcinI , on the shore of the sea,
gatvA bhojikasaMjJasya viprasya nyavasan gRhe
gatvA bhojika- saMjJasya viprasya nyavasan gRhe B T P
gatvA = went and
gatvA bhojika- = pn
gatvA bhojika- saMjJasya = called
gatvA bhojika-saMjJasya viprasya = priest
gatvA bhojika-saMjJasya viprasya nyavasan = they lived at
gatvA bhojika-saMjJasya viprasya nyavasan gRhe = at home, in a house
and dwelt in the house of a BrAhman named bhojika ,
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyo dattvA dhanAni ca
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyo dattvA dhanAni ca B T P
sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
sa ca = and
sa ca kanyA = girl, daughter
sa ca kanyA nijAH = one's own (belonging to the doer)
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisraH = three
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyaH = to them; from them
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyo dattvA = give and
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyo dattvA dhanAni = riches
sa ca kanyA nijAs tisras tebhyo dattvA dhanAni ca = and
and he gave them his three daughters in marriage, and bestowed on them all his wealth,
tapase 'nanyasaMtAno gaGgAM yAti sma bhojikaH
tapase 'n- anya- saMtAno gaGgAM yAti sma bhojikaH B T P
tapase = in order to practice austerities
tapase an- = non-, a-, an-
tapase 'n- anya- = another
tapase 'n-anya- saMtAnaH = child
tapase 'n-anya-saMtAno gaGgAm = the Ganges
tapase 'n-anya-saMtAno gaGgAM yAti = goes
tapase 'n-anya-saMtAno gaGgAM yAti sma = (turns present into past)
tapase 'n-anya-saMtAno gaGgAM yAti sma bhojikaH = pn
and having no other children, went to the Ganges to perform austerities
atha teSAM nivasatAM tatra zvazuravezmani
atha teSAM nivasatAM tatra zvazura- vezmani B T P
atha = then, and then
atha teSAm = of them, among them
atha teSAM nivasatAm = (while) living at
atha teSAM nivasatAM tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
atha teSAM nivasatAM tatra zvazura- = father-in-law
atha teSAM nivasatAM tatra zvazura- vezmani = house (vezman- )
And while they were living there in the house of their father-in-law
avagrahakRtas tIvro durbhikSaH samajAyata
avagraha- kRtas tIvro durbhikSaH samajAyata B T P
avagraha- = drought
avagraha- kRtaH = done, made
avagraha-kRtas tIvraH = intense, violent, hard, acute, sharp
avagraha-kRtas tIvro durbhikSaH = famine
avagraha-kRtas tIvro durbhikSaH samajAyata = happened, came to be, occurred
a terrible famine arose, produced by drought
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAs te trayo yayuH
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAs te trayo yayuH B T P
tena = by him, by it; that's why
tena bhAryAH = wife
tena bhAryAH parityajya = abandoned and
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIH = good women, saintly women
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAH = they (@f), those
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAs te trayaH = three
tena bhAryAH parityajya sAdhvIs tAs te trayo yayuH = they went
Thereupon the three BrAhmans fled, abandoning their virtuous wives
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAM hRdayaM bandhubuddhayaH
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAM hRdayaM bandhu- buddhayaH B T P
spRzanti = they touch
spRzanti na = no, not, doesn't
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAm = cruel
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAM hRdayam = heart, mind; core, essence, gist
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAM hRdayaM bandhu- = relative, friend, husband
spRzanti na nRzaMsAnAM hRdayaM bandhu- buddhayaH = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
(since no care for their families touches the hearts of cruel men)
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhAbhUt tataz ca tAH
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA 'bhUt tataz ca tAH B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas tu = but, (ignore), and
tatas tu madhyamA = waist (@cyan)
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAm = of them (@f)
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA = pregnant
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG )
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA 'bhUt tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA 'bhUt tataz ca = and
tatas tu madhyamA tAsAM sagarbhA 'bhUt tataz ca tAH = they (@f), those
Then the middle one of the three sisters was found to be pregnant; and those ladies
bhavanaM yajJadattasya pitRmitrasya zizriyuH
bhavanaM yajJadattasya pitR- mitrasya zizriyuH B T P
bhavanam = house
bhavanaM yajJadattasya = pn
bhavanaM yajJadattasya pitR- = father
bhavanaM yajJadattasya pitR- mitrasya = friend
bhavanaM yajJadattasya pitR-mitrasya zizriyuH = they resorted to, took refuge at
repaired to the house of YajJadatta, a friend of their father’s;
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartRRn dhyAyantyaH kliSTavRttayaH
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartRRn dhyAyantyaH kliSTa- vRttayaH B T P
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatra tasthuH = they stood; they stopped
tatra tasthur nijAn = one's own (belonging to the doer)
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartR::Rn = brothers
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartRRn dhyAyantyaH = thinks of, meditates
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartRRn dhyAyantyaH kliSTa- = worn out
tatra tasthur nijAn bhartRRn dhyAyantyaH kliSTa- vRttayaH = character; nature; job, livelihood; behaviour, conduct
there they remained in a miserable condition, thinking each on her own husband
Apady api satIvRttaM kiM muJcanti kulastriyaH
Apady api satIvRttaM kiM muJcanti kulastriyaH B T P
Apadi = in adversity
Apady api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
Apady api satIvRttam = duty of a good wife
Apady api satIvRttaM kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
Apady api satIvRttaM kiM muJcanti = they let go
Apady api satIvRttaM kiM muJcanti kulastriyaH = good women
(for even in calamity women of good family do not forget the duties of virtuous wives)
kAlena madhyamA cAtra tAsAM putram asUta sA
kAlena madhyamA c' .Atra tAsAM putram asUta sA B T P
kAlena = time
kAlena madhyamA = waist (@cyan)
kAlena madhyamA ca = and
kAlena madhyamA c' atra = here, in this
kAlena madhyamA c' .Atra tAsAm = of them (@f)
kAlena madhyamA c' .Atra tAsAM putram = son
kAlena madhyamA c' .Atra tAsAM putram asUta = bore
kAlena madhyamA c' .Atra tAsAM putram asUta sA = that one, she, it (@f)
Now in the course of time the middle one of the three sisters gave birth to a son,
anyonyAtizayAt tasmin snehaz cAsAm avardhata
anyony'- .AtizayAt tasmin snehaz c' .AsAm avardhata B T P
anyonya- = one another
anyony'- atizayAt = better than
anyony'-.AtizayAt tasmin = there, in that; when he
anyony'-.AtizayAt tasmin snehaH = affection, love
anyony'-.AtizayAt tasmin snehaz ca = and
anyony'-.AtizayAt tasmin snehaz c' asAm = of these
anyony'-.AtizayAt tasmin snehaz c' .AsAm avardhata = grew
and they all three vied with one another in love towards him
kadAcid vyomamArgeNa viharantaM mahezvaram
kadAcid vyoma- mArgeNa viharantaM mahezvaram B T P
kadAcit = once, somewhen
kadAcid vyoma- = sky
kadAcid vyoma- mArgeNa = road, way
kadAcid vyoma-mArgeNa viharantam = (that was) passing the time, enjoying (him)self
kadAcid vyoma-mArgeNa viharantaM mahezvaram = pn (of ziva )
So it happened once upon a time that, as Śiva was roaming through the air,
aGkasthA skandajananI taM dRSTvA sadayAvadat
aGka- sthA skanda- jananI taM dRSTvA sadayA 'vadat B T P
aGka- = lap (taking someone on the lap or between the arms)
aGka- sthA = (only @latter) that is at
aGka-sthA skanda- = pn (of a god)
aGka-sthA skanda- jananI = mother
aGka-sthA skanda-jananI tam = him; it; that
aGka-sthA skanda-jananI taM dRSTvA = saw and
aGka-sthA skanda-jananI taM dRSTvA sadayA = compassionate
aGka-sthA skanda-jananI taM dRSTvA sadayA avadat = said
the mother of Skanda,[4] who was reposing on Śiva’s breast, moved with compassion at seeing their love for their child, said to her husband:
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAs tisro 'pi yoSitaH
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAs tisro 'pi yoSitaH B T P
deva = god; your majesty (green)
deva pazya = look!, see!
deva pazya zizau = child
deva pazya zizAv asmin = in this
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAH = these (f.)
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAs tisraH = three
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAs tisro api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
deva pazya zizAv asminn etAs tisro 'pi yoSitaH = women
speaking to her husband Siva, these 3 women love this boy
baddhasnehA dadhaty AzAm eSo 'smAJ jIvayed iti
baddha- snehA$ dadhaty AzAm eSo 'smAJ jIvayed iti B T P
baddha- = bound
baddha- snehAH = affection
baddha-snehA$ dadhati = they put
baddha-snehA$ dadhaty AzAm = hope
baddha-snehA$ dadhaty AzAm eSaH = this one (m., su )
baddha-snehA$ dadhaty AzAm eSo asmAn = us (asmad- )
baddha-snehA$ dadhaty AzAm eSo 'smAJ jIvayet = may he make (us) live
baddha-snehA$ dadhaty AzAm eSo 'smAJ jIvayed iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
tat tathA kuru yenAyam etA bAlo 'pi jIvayet
tat tathA kuru yen' .Ayam etA$ bAlo 'pi jIvayet B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tat tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
tat tathA kuru = do!, make!; pn (of a country and royal family)
tat tathA kuru yena = the one by which; by which reason; and that's why
tat tathA kuru yen' ayam = this (m. su )
tat tathA kuru yen' .Ayam etAH = these (f.)
tat tathA kuru yen' .Ayam etA$ bAlaH = boy
tat tathA kuru yen' .Ayam etA$ bAlo api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
tat tathA kuru yen' .Ayam etA$ bAlo 'pi jIvayet = may he make (us) live
So even though he is an infant bring about a way that he can support them now
ity uktaH priyayA devo varadaH sa jagAda tAm
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara- daH sa jagAda tAm B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity uktaH = told, said, addressed
ity uktaH priyayA = beloved (f.)
ity uktaH priyayA devaH = god; Your Majesty
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara- = best; bridegroom, husband
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara- daH = giver
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara-daH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara-daH sa jagAda = spoke
ity uktaH priyayA devo vara-daH sa jagAda tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
Siva answered her
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sabhAryeNAmunA yataH
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sa- bhAryeN' .AmunA yataH B T P
anugRhNAmi = I accept, I honor, I make a favor to
anugRhNAmy amum = this
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sa- bhAryeNa = wife (@cyan)
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sa-bhAryeN' amunA = by this
anugRhNAmy amuM pUrvaM sa-bhAryeN' .AmunA yataH = since, because; that from which
in a previous life he and his wife worshipped me
ArAdhito 'smi tenAyaM bhogArthaM nirmito bhuvi
ArAdhito 'smi ten' .AyaM bhog'- .ArthaM nirmito bhuvi B T P
ArAdhitaH = was honoured, worshipped
ArAdhito asmi = I am (has mip ), I, am
ArAdhito 'smi tena = by him, by it; that's why
ArAdhito 'smi ten' ayam = this (m. su )
ArAdhito 'smi ten' .AyaM bhoga- = enjoyment, experience
ArAdhito 'smi ten' .AyaM bhog'- artham = purpose, meaning; (@latter) in order to, for; wealth
ArAdhito 'smi ten' .AyaM bhog'-.ArthaM nirmitaH = was built, created
ArAdhito 'smi ten' .AyaM bhog'-.ArthaM nirmito bhuvi = on earth
So he has been born now on this earth to enjoy life and riches
etajjAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI nAma bhUpateH
etaj- jAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI nAma bhU- pateH B T P
etat- = this
etaj- jAyA = wife
etaj-jAyA ca = and
etaj-jAyA ca sA = that one, she, it (@f)
etaj-jAyA ca sA jAtA = was born, appeared
etaj-jAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI = pn
etaj-jAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
etaj-jAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI nAma bhU- = earth
etaj-jAyA ca sA jAtA pATalI nAma bhU- pateH = husband, lord
His former wife has been born as pATalii the daughter of the King
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryAsyaiva bhaviSyati
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryA 'sy' .aiva bhaviSyati B T P
mahendravarmaNaH = pn
mahendravarmaNaH putrI = daughter
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryA = wife
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryA asya = this one's, to this, of this
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryA 'sy' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
mahendravarmaNaH putrI bhAryA 'sy' .aiva bhaviSyati = will be, will happen
mahendravarman, and she will be this boy's wife on this earth also
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIs tisro jagAda tAH
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIs tisro jagAda tAH B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity uktvA = said and
ity uktvA sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
ity uktvA sa vibhuH = lord
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne = when sleeping, in a dream
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIH = good women, saintly women
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIs tisraH = three
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIs tisro jagAda = spoke
ity uktvA sa vibhuH svapne sAdhvIs tisro jagAda tAH = they (@f), those
Having said this, ziva told these three women in a dream
nAmnA putraka evAyaM yuSmAkaM bAlaputrakaH
nAmnA putraka ev' .AyaM yuSmAkaM bAla- putrakaH B T P
nAmnA = by name
nAmnA putrakaH = pn (of a king)
nAmnA putraka eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
nAmnA putraka ev' ayam = this (m. su )
nAmnA putraka ev' .AyaM yuSmAkam = y'all
nAmnA putraka ev' .AyaM yuSmAkaM bAla- = boy
nAmnA putraka ev' .AyaM yuSmAkaM bAla- putrakaH = pn (of a king)
Your son will be named Putraka
asya suptaprabuddhasya zIrSAnte ca dine dine
asya supta- prabuddhasya zIrSAnte ca dine dine B T P
asya = this one's, to this, of this
asya supta- = sleeping; slept; sleep
asya supta- prabuddhasya = awoken
asya supta-prabuddhasya zIrSAnte = near the head (under the pillow)
asya supta-prabuddhasya zIrSAnte ca = and
asya supta-prabuddhasya zIrSAnte ca dine = day
asya supta-prabuddhasya zIrSAnte ca dine dine = day
and every day when he awakes from sleep,
suvarNalakSaM bhavitA rAjA cAyaM bhaviSyati
suvarNa- lakSaM bhavitA rAjA c' .AyaM bhaviSyati B T P
suvarNa- = gold
suvarNa- lakSam = hundred thousand
suvarNa-lakSaM bhavitA = will be (bhU + loT ta )
suvarNa-lakSaM bhavitA rAjA = king
suvarNa-lakSaM bhavitA rAjA ca = and
suvarNa-lakSaM bhavitA rAjA c' ayam = this (m. su )
suvarNa-lakSaM bhavitA rAjA c' .AyaM bhaviSyati = will be, will happen
a bunch of gold will be under his pillow and he at last will be king
tataH suptotthite tasmin bAle tAH prApya kAJcanam
tataH supt'- .otthite tasmin bAle tAH prApya kAJcanam B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH supta- = sleeping; slept; sleep
tataH supt'- utthite = gotten up, risen
tataH supt'-.otthite tasmin = there, in that; when he
tataH supt'-.otthite tasmin bAle = boy ; hey girl
tataH supt'-.otthite tasmin bAle tAH = they (@f), those
tataH supt'-.otthite tasmin bAle tAH prApya = after getting (Apnoti)
tataH supt'-.otthite tasmin bAle tAH prApya kAJcanam = golden, gold
Accordingly, when he woke up from sleep, those virtuous daughters of YajJadatta found the gold
yajJadattasutAH sAdhvyo nananduH phalitavratAH
yajJadatta- sutAH sAdhvyo nananduH phalita- vratAH B T P
yajJadatta- = pn
yajJadatta- sutAH = son
yajJadatta-sutAH sAdhvyaH = good women, saintly women
yajJadatta-sutAH sAdhvyo nananduH = rejoiced
yajJadatta-sutAH sAdhvyo nananduH phalita- = that have fructified
yajJadatta-sutAH sAdhvyo nananduH phalita- vratAH = (that have) vows
and rejoiced that their vows and prayers had brought forth fruit
atha tena suvarNena vRddhakoSo 'cireNa saH
atha tena suvarNena vRddha- koSo 'cireNa saH B T P
atha = then, and then
atha tena = by him, by it; that's why
atha tena suvarNena = gold
atha tena suvarNena vRddha- = elder
atha tena suvarNena vRddha- koSaH = treasury
atha tena suvarNena vRddha-koSo acireNa = quickly
atha tena suvarNena vRddha-koSo 'cireNa saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
Then by means of that gold Putraka, having in a short time accumulated great treasure,
babhUva putrako rAjA tapodhInA hi saMpadaH
babhUva putrako rAjA tapo- 'dhInA$ hi saMpadaH B T P
babhUva = was, became, there was
babhUva putrakaH = pn (of a king)
babhUva putrako rAjA = king
babhUva putrako rAjA tapaH- = penance, asceticism, austerity
babhUva putrako rAjA tapo- adhInAH = rested on, situated, dependent
babhUva putrako rAjA tapo-'dhInA$ hi = because; (@ignore)
babhUva putrako rAjA tapo-'dhInA$ hi saMpadaH = state, lot, fortune (pl.) (properly: what happens by chance)
became a king, for good fortune is the result of austerities.[6]
kadAcid yajJadatto 'tha rahaH putrakam abravIt
kadAcid yajJadatto 'tha rahaH putrakam abravIt B T P
kadAcit = once, somewhen
kadAcid yajJadattaH = pn
kadAcid yajJadatto atha = then, and then
kadAcid yajJadatto 'tha rahaH = secretly, privately
kadAcid yajJadatto 'tha rahaH putrakam = sonny; pn
kadAcid yajJadatto 'tha rahaH putrakam abravIt = said
Once upon a time YajJadatta said in private to Putraka:
rAjan durbhikSadoSeNa kvApi te pitaro gatAH
rAjan durbhikSa- doSeNa kvApi te pitaro gatAH B T P
rAjan = hey king
rAjan durbhikSa- = famine
rAjan durbhikSa- doSeNa = by the fault of
rAjan durbhikSa-doSeNa kvApi = somewhere
rAjan durbhikSa-doSeNa kvApi te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
rAjan durbhikSa-doSeNa kvApi te pitaraH = fathers
rAjan durbhikSa-doSeNa kvApi te pitaro gatAH = went into; gone into, that is in
“King, your father and uncles have gone away into the wide world on account of a famine,
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yenAyAnti nizamya te
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yen' AyAnti nizamya te B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tat sadA = always
tat sadA dehi = give!
tat sadA dehi viprebhyaH = by priests
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yena = the one by which; by which reason; and that's why
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yen' AyAnti = they come
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yen' AyAnti nizamya = perceived and, heard and
tat sadA dehi viprebhyo yen' AyAnti nizamya te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
therefore give continually to BrAhmans, in order that they may hear of it and return:
brahmadattakathAM caitAM kathayAmy atra te zRNu
brahmadatta- kathAM c' .aitAM kathayAmy atra te zRNu B T P
brahmadatta- = pn
brahmadatta- kathAm = story, narration
brahmadatta-kathAM ca = and
brahmadatta-kathAM c' etAm = this one (f. am )
brahmadatta-kathAM c' .aitAM kathayAmi = I tell
brahmadatta-kathAM c' .aitAM kathayAmy atra = here, in this
brahmadatta-kathAM c' .aitAM kathayAmy atra te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
brahmadatta-kathAM c' .aitAM kathayAmy atra te zRNu = listen!
and now listen, I will tell you the story of Brahmadatta:
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadattAbhidho nRpaH
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadatt'- .Abhidho nR- paH B T P
vArANasyAm = tp
vArANasyAm abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG )
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadatta- = pn
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadatt'- abhidhaH = named, called
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadatt'-.Abhidho nR- = man
vArANasyAm abhUt pUrvaM brahmadatt'-.Abhidho nR- paH = protector, ruler; drinker
There lived formerly in Benares a king named Brahmadatta
so 'pazyad dhaMsayugalaM prayAntaM gagane nizi
so 'pazyad @dhaMsa- yugalaM prayAntaM gagane nizi B T P
saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
so apazyat = saw
so 'pazyad haMsa- = royal goose (translate as "swan")
so 'pazyad @dhaMsa- yugalam = couple, pair
so 'pazyad @dhaMsa-yugalaM prayAntam = (that were) going
so 'pazyad @dhaMsa-yugalaM prayAntaM gagane = in the sky
so 'pazyad @dhaMsa-yugalaM prayAntaM gagane nizi = by night
He saw a pair of swans flying in the air at night
visphuratkanakacchAyaM rAjahaMsazatair vRtam
visphurat- kanaka- cchAyaM rAjahaMsa- zatair vRtam B T P
visphurat- = (that was) shining
visphurat- kanaka- = gold
visphurat-kanaka- chAyam = shadow (@cyan)
visphurat-kanaka-cchAyaM rAjahaMsa- = royal goose (translate as "swan")
visphurat-kanaka-cchAyaM rAjahaMsa- zataiH = hundred
visphurat-kanaka-cchAyaM rAjahaMsa-zatair vRtam = surrounded, enveloped; chosen
They shone with the lustre of gleaming gold, and were begirt with hundreds of white swans,
vidyutpuJjam ivAkANDasitAbhrapariveSTitam
vidyut- puJjam iv' .AkANDa- sit'- .Abhra- pariveSTitam B T P
vidyut- = lightning
vidyut- puJjam = heap, mass of
vidyut-puJjam iva = like (@enclitic)
vidyut-puJjam iv' akANDa- = sudden
vidyut-puJjam iv' .AkANDa- sita- = white
vidyut-puJjam iv' .AkANDa-sit'- abhra- = cloud
vidyut-puJjam iv' .AkANDa-sit'-.Abhra- pariveSTitam = surrounded
and so looked like a sudden flash of lightning surrounded by white clouds
punas taddarzanotkaNThA tathAsya vavRdhe tataH
punas@ tad- darzan'- .otkaNThA tathA 'sya vavRdhe tataH B T P
punar = again
punas@ tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
punas@ tad- darzana- = seeing, looks
punas@ tad-darzan'- utkaNThA = longing, desire
punas@ tad-darzan'-.otkaNThA tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
punas@ tad-darzan'-.otkaNThA tathA asya = this one's, to this, of this
punas@ tad-darzan'-.otkaNThA tathA 'sya vavRdhe = grew, was grown
punas@ tad-darzan'-.otkaNThA tathA 'sya vavRdhe tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
And his desire to behold them again kept increasing so mightily
yathA nRpatisaukhyeSu na babandha ratiM kvacit
yathA nR- pati- saukhyeSu na babandha ratiM kvacit B T P
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yathA nR- = man
yathA nR- pati- = husband
yathA nR-pati- saukhyeSu = pleasures
yathA nR-pati-saukhyeSu na = no, not, doesn't
yathA nR-pati-saukhyeSu na babandha = tied, caught, got
yathA nR-pati-saukhyeSu na babandha ratim = pleasure, gusto; (@latter) fond of
yathA nR-pati-saukhyeSu na babandha ratiM kvacit = somewhere
that he took no pleasure in the delights of royalty
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataz cAkArayat saraH
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataz c' .AkArayat saraH B T P
mantribhiH = ministers, counselors
mantribhiH saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya = discussed and, took counsel and
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataz ca = and
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataz c' akArayat = had (it) made
mantribhiH saha saMmantrya tataz c' .AkArayat saraH = lake, pond (saras- n.)
And then, having taken counsel with his ministers, he caused a fair tank to be made
sa rAjA svamate kAntaM prANinAM cAbhayaM dadau
sa rAjA sva- mate kAntaM prANinAM c' .A- bhayaM dadau B T P
sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
sa rAjA = king
sa rAjA sva- = (his) own
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntam = beautiful
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntaM prANinAm = living beings
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntaM prANinAM ca = and
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntaM prANinAM c' a- = non-, a-, an-
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntaM prANinAM c' .A- bhayam = fear
sa rAjA sva-mate kAntaM prANinAM c' .A-bhayaM dadau = gave
according to a design of his own, and gave to all living creatures security from injury
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau rAjA dadarza saH
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau rAjA dadarza saH B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH kAlena = time
tataH kAlena tau = those two, they two
tataH kAlena tau prAptau = arrived
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau = swan, wild goose
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau rAjA = king
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau rAjA dadarza = saw
tataH kAlena tau prAptau haMsau rAjA dadarza saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
over time the king saw that the two swans arrived ,
In a short time he perceived that those two swans had settled in that lake,
vizvastau cApi papraccha haime vapuSi kAraNam
vizvastau cApi papraccha haime vapuSi kAraNam B T P
vizvastau = confident, fearless, trusting
vizvastau cApi = too (ca + api )
vizvastau cApi papraccha = asked
vizvastau cApi papraccha haime = snowy
vizvastau cApi papraccha haime vapuSi = body
vizvastau cApi papraccha haime vapuSi kAraNam = reason, motive, cause; a means
and when they had become tame he asked them the reason of their golden plumage
when they trusted him he asked how did you get such a wonderful body?
vyaktavAcau tatas tau ca haMsau rAjAnam UcatuH
vyakta- vAcau tatas tau ca haMsau rAjAnam UcatuH B T P
vyakta- = manifest, visible
vyakta- vAcau = speech, words, voice
vyakta-vAcau tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
vyakta-vAcau tatas tau = those two, they two
vyakta-vAcau tatas tau ca = and
vyakta-vAcau tatas tau ca haMsau = swan, wild goose
vyakta-vAcau tatas tau ca haMsau rAjAnam = king
vyakta-vAcau tatas tau ca haMsau rAjAnam UcatuH = both said
And then those swans addressed the king with an articulate voice:
then both swans said with an articulate voice,
purA janmAntare kAkAv AvAM jAtau mahIpate
purA janm'- .Antare kAkAv AvAM jAtau mahI- pate B T P
purA = anciently
purA janma- = birth; lifetime, life
purA janm'- antare = in the middle, inside; at (that) time
purA janm'-.Antare kAkau = crow
purA janm'-.Antare kAkAv AvAm = we two
purA janm'-.Antare kAkAv AvAM jAtau = were born
purA janm'-.Antare kAkAv AvAM jAtau mahI- = earth
purA janm'-.Antare kAkAv AvAM jAtau mahI- pate = hey lord
“In a former birth, O king, we were born as crows;
Oh King, in another life we were born as crows
balyarthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye zUnye zivAlaye
baly- arthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye zUnye ziv'- Alaye B T P
bali- = strong (balin- )
baly- artham = purpose, meaning; (@latter) in order to, for; wealth
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau = (that were) fighting
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau ca = and
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye = holy
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye zUnye = empty
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye zUnye ziva- = good (road etc.)
baly-arthaM yudhyamAnau ca puNye zUnye ziv'- Alaye = residence
and when we were fighting for the remains of the daily offering[8] in a holy empty temple of Śiva
as we were fighting in an empty temple of shiva,
note: I.e. bali, a portion of the daily meal offered to creatures of every description, especially the household spirits. Practically the bali generally falls to some crow, hence that bird is called balibhuj.
vinipatya vipannau svas tatsthAnadroNikAntare
vinipatya vipannau svas tat- sthAna- droNikA- 'ntare B T P
vinipatya = fell down and
vinipatya vipannau = (were) destroyed, ruined
vinipatya vipannau svaH = we two are
vinipatya vipannau svas tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
vinipatya vipannau svas tat- sthAna- = place, state, status; room, free space; occasion, opportunity
vinipatya vipannau svas tat-sthAna- droNikA- = tub
vinipatya vipannau svas tat-sthAna-droNikA- antare = in the middle, inside; at (that) time
we fell down and died within a sacred vessel belonging to that sanctuary,
we fell down inside a big tub and died
jAtau jAtismarAv AvAM haMsau hemamayau tataH
jAtau jAti- smarAv AvAM haMsau hema- mayau tataH B T P
jAtau = were born
jAtau jAti- = race, caste
jAtau jAti- smarau = rememberer
jAtau jAti-smarAv AvAm = we two
jAtau jAti-smarAv AvAM haMsau = swan, wild goose
jAtau jAti-smarAv AvAM haMsau hema- = gold
jAtau jAti-smarAv AvAM haMsau hema- mayau = made of
jAtau jAti-smarAv AvAM haMsau hema-mayau tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
and consequently we have been born as golden swans with a remembrance of our former birth.”
that is why we were born as gold swans, remembering our former lives
tac chrutvA tau yathAkAmaM pazyan rAjA tutoSa saH
tac chrutvA tau yathA- kAmaM pazyan rAjA tutoSa saH B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tac zrutvA = heard and
tac chrutvA tau = those two, they two
tac chrutvA tau yathA- = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
tac chrutvA tau yathA- kAmam = a desire, wish
tac chrutvA tau yathA-kAmaM pazyan = that sees
tac chrutvA tau yathA-kAmaM pazyan rAjA = king
tac chrutvA tau yathA-kAmaM pazyan rAjA tutoSa = was satisfied
tac chrutvA tau yathA-kAmaM pazyan rAjA tutoSa saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
Having heard this, the king gazed on them to his heart’s content, and derived great pleasure from watching them
and having hearing this the king looked to his hearts content, fully satisfied
note: Ib. The Founding of the City of PATaliputra
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva pitRRn dAnAd avApsyasi
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva pitRRn dAnAd avApsyasi B T P
ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why
ato ananyAdRzAt = unparallelled
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva pitR::Rn = fathers
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva pitRRn dAnAt = giving, charity
ato 'nanyAdRzAd eva pitRRn dAnAd avApsyasi = you will get
“Therefore you will gain back your father and uncles by an unparalleled gift.”
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakas tat tathAkarot
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakas tat tathA 'karot B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity uktaH = told, said, addressed
ity ukto yajJadattena = pn
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakaH = pn (of a king)
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakas tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakas tat tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
ity ukto yajJadattena putrakas tat tathA akarot = did, made
When YajJadatta had given him this advice, Putraka did as he recommended;
zrutvA pradAnavArtAM tAm Ayayus te dvijAtayaH
zrutvA pradAna- vArtAM tAm Ayayus te dvijAtayaH B T P
zrutvA = heard and
zrutvA pradAna- = giving out
zrutvA pradAna- vArtAm = news
zrutvA pradAna-vArtAM tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
zrutvA pradAna-vArtAM tAm AyayuH = they came
zrutvA pradAna-vArtAM tAm Ayayus te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
zrutvA pradAna-vArtAM tAm Ayayus te dvijAtayaH = brahmins
when they heard the tidings of the distribution, those BrAhmans arrived;
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIz ca saha lebhire
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIz ca saha lebhire B T P
parijJAtAH = (were) recognised
parijJAtAH parAm = highest, high
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIm = pn (of the goddess of wealth)
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIH = wives
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIz ca = and
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIz ca saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
parijJAtAH parAM lakSmIM patnIz ca saha lebhire = they got
and when they were recognised they had great wealth bestowed on them, and were reunited to their wives
Azcaryam aparityAjyo dRSTanaSTApadAm api
Azcaryam a- parityAjyo dRSTa- naST'- ApadAm api B T P
Azcaryam = marvel, wonder, surprise, amazement
Azcaryam a- = non-, a-, an-
Azcaryam a- parityAjyaH = (that) should be get rid of
Azcaryam a-parityAjyo dRSTa- = (was) seen
Azcaryam a-parityAjyo dRSTa- naSTa- = destroyed
Azcaryam a-parityAjyo dRSTa-naST'- ApadAm = calamity, hard times, adversity (Apad- f.)
Azcaryam a-parityAjyo dRSTa-naST'-ApadAm api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
Strange to say, even after they have gone through calamities, wicked men,
avivekAndhabuddhInAM svAnubhAvo durAtmanAm
a- vivek'- .Andha- buddhInAM sv'- .AnubhAvo durAtmanAm B T P
a- = non-, a-, an-
a- viveka- = discrimination, discernment (power to tell apart real from unreal)
a-vivek'- andha- = blind
a-vivek'-.Andha- buddhInAm = mind
a-vivek'-.Andha-buddhInAM sva- = (his) own
a-vivek'-.Andha-buddhInAM sv'- anubhAvaH = dignity, authority; firm opinion
a-vivek'-.Andha-buddhInAM sv'-.AnubhAvo durAtmanAm = evil-minded; stupid
having their minds blinded by want of discernment, are unable to put off their evil nature
kAlena rAjyakAmAs te putrakaM taM jighAMsavaH
kAlena rAjya- kAmAs te putrakaM taM jighAMsavaH B T P
kAlena = time
kAlena rAjya- = kingness, sovereignty, state of being king; a kingdom
kAlena rAjya- kAmAH = desire
kAlena rAjya-kAmAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
kAlena rAjya-kAmAs te putrakam = sonny; pn
kAlena rAjya-kAmAs te putrakaM tam = him; it; that
kAlena rAjya-kAmAs te putrakaM taM jighAMsavaH = that wanted to kill
After a time they hankered after royal power, and being desirous of murdering Putraka,
ninyus taddarzanavyAjAd dvijA vindhyanivAsinIm
ninyus tad- darzana- vyAjAd dvijA$ vindhya- nivAsinIm B T P
ninyuH = they led
ninyus tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
ninyus tad- darzana- = seeing, looks
ninyus tad-darzana- vyAjAt = treacherously, deceitfully, under the pretext or guise of
ninyus tad-darzana-vyAjAd dvijAH = twice-born, brahmin, bird
ninyus tad-darzana-vyAjAd dvijA$ vindhya- = pn (of a forest)
ninyus tad-darzana-vyAjAd dvijA$ vindhya- nivAsinIm = that lives at
they enticed him under pretext of a pilgrimage to the temple of DurgA;
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca devIgarbhagRhAntare
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca devI- garbhagRh'- .Antare B T P
vadhakAn = killers
vadhakAn sthApayitvA = made it stop and, set it and
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca = and
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca devI- = queen; goddess; gambler (devin- m.)
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca devI- garbhagRha- = inner sanctum
vadhakAn sthApayitvA ca devI-garbhagRh'- antare = in the middle, inside; at (that) time
and having stationed assassins in the inner sanctuary of the temple,
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya devIM vrajAntaram
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya devIM vraj' .Antaram B T P
tam = him; it; that
tam UcuH = they said
tam UcuH pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
tam UcuH pUrvam ekaH = one; lone, alone
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvam = you (has su ); (@latter) -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya = look!, see!
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya devIm = queen; goddess
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya devIM vraja = go!
tam UcuH pUrvam ekas tvaM pazya devIM vraj' antaram = among, in between, the middle of; the inside of; another one
they said to him: “First go and visit the goddess alone. Step inside.”
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa dRSTvA hantum udyatAn
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa dRSTvA hantum udyatAn B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH praviSTaH = went in, entered
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt = confidence, trust, reliance (m.)
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa dRSTvA = saw and
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa dRSTvA hantum = to kill
tataH praviSTo vizvAsAt sa dRSTvA hantum udyatAn = engaged in
Thereupon he entered boldly, but when he saw those assassins preparing to slay him
then he entered confindently and saw the men preparing to kill him
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAn nihatha mAm iti
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAn@ nihatha mAm iti B T P
puruSAn = men
puruSAn putrakaH = pn (of a king)
puruSAn putrako apRcchat = asked
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAt = why; from where
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAn@ nihatha = y'all kill
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAn@ nihatha mAm = (has am ) me
puruSAn putrako 'pRcchat kasmAn@ nihatha mAm iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
he asked them why they wished to kill him
putraka asked the men why do you all want to kill me?
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattveti cAbruvan
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattv'' .eti c' .Abruvan B T P
pitRbhiH = father
pitRbhis te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
pitRbhis te prayuktAH = hired, contracted
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH = we are
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNam = gold
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattvA = give and
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattv'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattv'' .eti ca = and
pitRbhis te prayuktAH smaH svarNaM dattv'' .eti c' abruvan = they said
They replied: “We were hired for gold to do it by your father and uncles.”
your father and uncles hired us to do it
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA buddhimAn putrako 'vadat
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA buddhimAn putrako 'vadat B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas tAn = them (m.), those
tatas tAn mohitAn = deluded
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA = goddess
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA buddhimAn = wise
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA buddhimAn putrakaH = pn (of a king)
tatas tAn mohitAn devyA buddhimAn putrako avadat = said
Then the discreet Putraka said to the assassins, whose senses were bewildered by the goddess:
then the wise putraka said to them, that had been confused by the goddess,
dadAmy etad anarghaM vo ratnAlaMkaraNaM nijam
dadAmy etad an- arghaM vo ratn'- .AlaMkaraNaM nijam B T P
dadAmi = I give
dadAmy etat = this
dadAmy etad an- = non-, a-, an-
dadAmy etad an- argham = price (m.)
dadAmy etad an-arghaM vaH = y'all, yall's (cases, and)
dadAmy etad an-arghaM vo ratna- = jewel
dadAmy etad an-arghaM vo ratn'- alaMkaraNam = decoration
dadAmy etad an-arghaM vo ratn'-.AlaMkaraNaM nijam = a relative; one's own (former)
“I will give you this priceless jewelled ornament of mine
I give you all this valuable jewelled ornament of mine
mAM muJcata karomy atra nodbhedaM yAmi dUrataH
mAM muJcata karomy atra n' .odbhedaM yAmi dUrataH B T P
mAm = (has am ) me
mAM muJcata = (y'all) let go!
mAM muJcata karomi = i do
mAM muJcata karomy atra = here, in this
mAM muJcata karomy atra na = no, not, doesn't
mAM muJcata karomy atra n' udbhedam = tattling, revealing
mAM muJcata karomy atra n' .odbhedaM yAmi = I go
mAM muJcata karomy atra n' .odbhedaM yAmi dUrataH = far away
Spare me. I will not reveal your secret; I will go to a distant land.”
Let me go, I will forget about this I will go far away
evam astv iti tat tasmAd gRhItvA vadhakA gatAH
evam astv iti tat tasmAd gRhItvA vadhakA$ gatAH B T P
evam = thus, this way
evam astu = may it be
evam astv iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
evam astv iti tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
evam astv iti tat tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
evam astv iti tat tasmAd gRhItvA = took and
evam astv iti tat tasmAd gRhItvA vadhakAH = killers
evam astv iti tat tasmAd gRhItvA vadhakA$ gatAH = went into; gone into, that is in
The assassins said, “So be it,” and taking the ornament they departed,
the assassins said Okay and took the ornament and left
hataH putraka ity Ucus tatpitRRNAM puro mRSA
hataH putraka ity Ucus tat- pitRRNAM puro mRSA B T P
hataH = killed, attacked
hataH putrakaH = pn (of a king)
hataH putraka iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
hataH putraka ity UcuH = they said
hataH putraka ity Ucus tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
hataH putraka ity Ucus tat- pitR::RNAm = father
hataH putraka ity Ucus tat-pitRRNAM puraH = in front (of)
hataH putraka ity Ucus tat-pitRRNAM puro mRSA = falsely, deceivingly
and falsely informed the father and uncles of Putraka that he was slain
and falsely told the father and uncle that Putraka was killed
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatA rAjyArthino dvijAH
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatA$ rAjy'- .Arthino dvijAH B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH pratinivRttAH = (that had) gone back
tataH pratinivRttAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatAH = killed
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatA$ rAjya- = kingness, sovereignty, state of being king; a kingdom
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatA$ rAjy'- arthinaH = seeking, that have as a purpose
tataH pratinivRttAs te hatA$ rAjy'-.Arthino dvijAH = twice-born, brahmin, bird
Then those BrAhmans returned and endeavoured to get possession of the throne, but they were put to death
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA kRtaghnAnAM zivaM kutaH
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA kRtaghnAnAM zivaM kutaH B T P
mantribhiH = ministers, counselors
mantribhir drohiNaH = traitor
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA = after noticing
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA kRtaghnAnAm = ungrateful
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA kRtaghnAnAM zivam = pleasant, auspicious
mantribhir drohiNo buddhvA kRtaghnAnAM zivaM kutaH = from where?, how come?, because of what? (kim- + Gasi )
by the ministers as traitors. How can the ungrateful prosper?
atrAntare sa rAjApi
atrAntare sa rAjA 'pi B T P
atrAntare = meanwhile
atrAntare sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
atrAntare sa rAjA = king
atrAntare sa rAjA api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
In the meanwhile that King
putrakaH satyasaMgaraH
putrakaH satya- saMgaraH B T P
putrakaH = pn (of a king)
putrakaH satya- = truth; true
putrakaH satya- saMgaraH = pact, promise
Putraka, faithful to his promise,
viveza vindhyakAntAram
viveza vindhya- kAntAram B T P
viveza = went in, entered
viveza vindhya- = pn (of a forest)
viveza vindhya- kAntAram = forest
entered the impassable wilds of the Vindhya,
viraktaH sveSu bandhuSu
viraktaH sveSu bandhuSu B T P
viraktaH = disillusioned, disappointed
viraktaH sveSu = own
viraktaH sveSu bandhuSu = relatives, friends
disgusted with his relations
Meanwhile the king Putraka true to his promise entered the vindhya forest pissed off with his relatives
bhraman dadarza tatrAsau
bhraman dadarza tatr' .Asau B T P
bhraman = while wandering
bhraman dadarza = saw
bhraman dadarza tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
bhraman dadarza tatr' asau = that, he, it
As he wandered about he saw
bAhu- yuddh'- .aika- tatparau B T P
bAhu- = arm
bAhu- yuddha- = fight, battle, war
bAhu-yuddh'- eka- = one; lone, alone
bAhu-yuddh'-.aika- tatparau = focused, engaged
two heroes engaged heart and soul in a wrestling match
puruSau dvau tatas tau saH
puruSau dvau tatas tau saH B T P
puruSau = two men
puruSau dvau = two
puruSau dvau tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
puruSau dvau tatas tau = those two, they two
puruSau dvau tatas tau saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
and he asked them
pRSTavAn kau yuvAm iti
pRSTavAn kau yuvAm iti B T P
pRSTavAn = he asked
pRSTavAn kau = who (@dual)
pRSTavAn kau yuvAm = you two
pRSTavAn kau yuvAm iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
who they were
While wandering around he saw two men in a serious fight.. SO Putraska asked the two men who are you
mayAsurasutAv AvAm
may'- .Asura- sutAv AvAm B T P
maya- = made of (this is an affix)
may'- asura- = anti-god
may'-.Asura- sutau = son
may'-.Asura-sutAv AvAm = we two
They replied: “We are the two sons of the Asura Maya,
tadIyaM cAsti nau dhanam
tadIyaM c' .Asti nau dhanam B T P
tadIyam = such
tadIyaM ca = and
tadIyaM c' asti = there is
tadIyaM c' .Asti nau = us two (endings,4,6)
tadIyaM c' .Asti nau dhanam = wealth
and his wealth belongs to us,
idaM bhAjanam eSA ca
idaM bhAjanam eSA ca B T P
idam = this
idaM bhAjanam = pot
idaM bhAjanam eSA = this one (@f, su )
idaM bhAjanam eSA ca = and
this vessel, and this
yaSTir ete ca pAduke
yaSTir ete ca pAduke B T P
yaSTiH = stick, stylus
yaSTir ete = these
yaSTir ete ca = and
yaSTir ete ca pAduke = sandals
stick, and these shoes;
etannimittaM yuddhaM nau
etan@- nimittaM yuddhaM nau B T P
etat- = this
etan@- nimittam = omen
etan@-nimittaM yuddham = fight, battle, war
etan@-nimittaM yuddhaM nau = us two (endings,4,6)
it is for these that we are fighting,
yo balI sa hared iti
yo balI sa hared iti B T P
yaH = the one that
yo balI = strong
yo balI sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
yo balI sa haret = he would take
yo balI sa hared iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
and whichever of us proves the mightier is to take them.”
etat tadvacanaM zrutvA
etat tad- vacanaM zrutvA B T P
etat = this
etat tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
etat tad- vacanam = speech, words
etat tad-vacanaM zrutvA = heard and
When he heard this speech of theirs,
hasan provAca putrakaH
hasan provAca putrakaH B T P
hasan = while smiling, while laughing
hasan provAca = said
hasan provAca putrakaH = pn (of a king)
Putraka said, with a smile:
kiyad etad dhanaM puMsaH
kiyad etad dhanaM puMsaH B T P
kiyat = how much?
kiyad etat = this
kiyad etad dhanam = wealth
kiyad etad dhanaM puMsaH = of a man, for a man
“That is a fine inheritance for a man!”
When Putraska heard this , he said while smiling
tatas tau samavocatAm
tatas tau samavocatAm B T P
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas tau = those two, they two
tatas tau samavocatAm = both together said
Then they said:
How much wealth is this for a man these two together said
pAduke paridhAyaite
pAduke paridhAy' .aite B T P
pAduke = sandals
pAduke paridhAya = wears and
pAduke paridhAy' ete = these
“By putting on these shoes
khecaratvam avApyate
khe- caratvam avApyate B T P
khe- = in the sky
khe- caratvam = mobility (state of being able to move)
khe-caratvam avApyate = is obtained
one gains the power of flying through the air;
when putting on these shoes, One is able to move in the sky
yaSTyA yal likhyate kiMcit
yaSTyA yal likhyate kiMcit B T P
yaSTyA = stick, stylus
yaSTyA yat = the one which; because, as
yaSTyA yal likhyate = is drawn, is scratched
yaSTyA yal likhyate kiMcit = somewhat, something
whatever is written with this staff
satyaM saMpadyate hi tat
satyaM saMpadyate hi tat B T P
satyam = truly; truth; true
satyaM saMpadyate = happens, turns into
satyaM saMpadyate hi = because; (@ignore)
satyaM saMpadyate hi tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
turns out true;
Whatever is written with this stick becomes real
bhAjane yo ya AhAraH
bhAjane yo ya AhAraH B T P
bhAjane = pot
bhAjane yaH = the one that
bhAjane yo yaH = the one that
bhAjane yo ya AhAraH = food
cintyate sa sa tiSThati
cintyate sa sa tiSThati B T P
cintyate = is thought
cintyate sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
cintyate sa sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
cintyate sa sa tiSThati = stands, stays, remains
and whatever food a man wishes to have in the vessel is found there immediately.”
Whatever food a man wishes in the pot is found in the pot
tac chrutvA putrako 'vAdIt
tac chrutvA putrako 'vAdIt B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tac zrutvA = heard and
tac chrutvA putrakaH = pn (of a king)
tac chrutvA putrako avAdIt = said
When he heard this, Putraka said:
WHen he heard this Putraska said
kiM yuddhenAstv ayaM paNaH
kiM yuddhen' .Astv ayaM paNaH B T P
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kiM yuddhena = fight, battle, war
kiM yuddhen' astu = may it be
kiM yuddhen' .Astv ayam = this (m. su )
kiM yuddhen' .Astv ayaM paNaH = agreement
“What is the use of fighting? Make this agreement,
Why fight make this agreement
dhAvan balAdhiko yaH syAt
dhAvan bal'- .Adhiko yaH syAt B T P
dhAvan = while running
dhAvan bala- = strength; forces, army, troops
dhAvan bal'- adhikaH = better than, surpassing
dhAvan bal'-.Adhiko yaH = the one that
dhAvan bal'-.Adhiko yaH syAt = would be
that whoever proves the best man in running
whoever runs the fastest will be the strongest
sa evaitad dhared iti
sa ev' .aitad @dhared iti B T P
saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
sa eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
sa ev' etat = this
sa ev' .aitad haret = he would take
sa ev' .aitad @dhared iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
shall possess this wealth.”
and will get the wealth
evam astv iti tau mUDhau
evam astv iti tau mUDhau B T P
evam = thus, this way
evam astu = may it be
evam astv iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
evam astv iti tau = those two, they two
evam astv iti tau mUDhau = idiot; confused, driven off-course
Those simpletons said, “Agreed,”
those two idiots said good idea
dhAvitau so 'pi pAduke
dhAvitau so 'pi pAduke B T P
dhAvitau = they ran
dhAvitau saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
dhAvitau so api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
dhAvitau so 'pi pAduke = sandals
and set off to run, while the prince put on the shoes
They ran, and Patruska put on the shoes
adhyAsyodapatad vyoma
adhyAsy' .odapatad vyoma B T P
adhyAsya = wore and
adhyAsy' udapatat = flew up, took off
adhyAsy' .odapatad vyoma = sky
and flew up in the air,
and flew to the sky
gRhItvA yaSTibhAjane
gRhItvA yaSTi- bhAjane B T P
gRhItvA = took and
gRhItvA yaSTi- = stick
gRhItvA yaSTi- bhAjane = pot
taking with him the staff and the vessel
taking the stick and pot
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA dadarza nagarIM zubhAm
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA dadarza nagarIM zubhAm B T P
atha = then, and then
atha dUram = far away
atha dUraM kSaNAt = in a moment
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA = went and
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA dadarza = saw
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA dadarza nagarIm = city
atha dUraM kSaNAd gatvA dadarza nagarIM zubhAm = good, auspicious
Then he went a great distance in a short time and saw beneath him a beautiful city
AkarSikAkhyAM tasyAM ca nabhaso 'vatatAra saH
AkarSikA- ''khyAM tasyAM ca nabhaso 'vatatAra saH B T P
AkarSikA- = tp
AkarSikA- AkhyAm = called
AkarSikA-''khyAM tasyAm = in that, in it, in her, about her
AkarSikA-''khyAM tasyAM ca = and
AkarSikA-''khyAM tasyAM ca nabhasaH = sky
AkarSikA-''khyAM tasyAM ca nabhaso avatatAra = landed
AkarSikA-''khyAM tasyAM ca nabhaso 'vatatAra saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
named AkarSikA and descended into it from the sky
vaJcanapravaNA vezyA dvijA matpitaro yathA
vaJcana- pravaNA$ vezyA$ dvijA$ mat- pitaro yathA B T P
vaJcana- = cheating, deception, fraud
vaJcana- pravaNAH = slope, tendency (@cyan)
vaJcana-pravaNA$ vezyAH = hoes
vaJcana-pravaNA$ vezyA$ dvijAH = twice-born, brahmin, bird
vaJcana-pravaNA$ vezyA$ dvijA$ mat- = me (@former)
vaJcana-pravaNA$ vezyA$ dvijA$ mat- pitaraH = fathers
vaJcana-pravaNA$ vezyA$ dvijA$ mat-pitaro yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
He reflected with himself: “Courtesans are prone to deceive, BrAhmans are like my father and uncles,
vaNijo dhanalubdhAz ca kasya gehe vasAmy aham
vaNijo dhana- lubdhAz ca kasya gehe vasAmy aham B T P
vaNijaH = merchant
vaNijo dhana- = wealth
vaNijo dhana- lubdhAH = greedy
vaNijo dhana-lubdhAz ca = and
vaNijo dhana-lubdhAz ca kasya = who has?, of who?, whose?
vaNijo dhana-lubdhAz ca kasya gehe = house
vaNijo dhana-lubdhAz ca kasya gehe vasAmi = I live at
vaNijo dhana-lubdhAz ca kasya gehe vasAmy aham = (has su ) I, I am
and merchants are greedy of wealth; in whose house shall I dwell?”
iti saMcintayan prApa sa rAjA vijanaM gRham
iti saMcintayan prApa sa rAjA vijanaM gRham B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iti saMcintayan = while thinking
iti saMcintayan prApa = got, got to, reached
iti saMcintayan prApa sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
iti saMcintayan prApa sa rAjA = king
iti saMcintayan prApa sa rAjA vijanam = peopleless, deserted
iti saMcintayan prApa sa rAjA vijanaM gRham = house
Just at that moment he reached a lonely dilapidated house,
jIrNaM tadantare caikAM vRddhAM yoSitam aikSata
jIrNaM tad- antare c' .aikAM vRddhAM yoSitam aikSata B T P
jIrNam = dilapidated
jIrNaM tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
jIrNaM tad- antare = in the middle, inside; at (that) time
jIrNaM tad-antare ca = and
jIrNaM tad-antare c' ekAm = one; lone, alone
jIrNaM tad-antare c' .aikAM vRddhAm = old woman
jIrNaM tad-antare c' .aikAM vRddhAM yoSitam = woman
jIrNaM tad-antare c' .aikAM vRddhAM yoSitam aikSata = saw, looked at
and saw a single old woman in it;
pradAnapUrvaM saMtoSya tAM vRddhAm AdRtas tayA
pradAna- pUrvaM saMtoSya tAM vRddhAm AdRtas tayA B T P
pradAna- = giving out
pradAna- pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
pradAna-pUrvaM saMtoSya = satisfied and
pradAna-pUrvaM saMtoSya tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
pradAna-pUrvaM saMtoSya tAM vRddhAm = old woman
pradAna-pUrvaM saMtoSya tAM vRddhAm AdRtaH = he was honoured
pradAna-pUrvaM saMtoSya tAM vRddhAm AdRtas tayA = by her, with her
so he gratified that old woman with a present,
uvAsAlakSitas tatra putrakaH zIrNasadmani
uvAs' .AlakSitas tatra putrakaH zIrNa- sadmani B T P
uvAsa = lived at
uvAs' alakSitaH = incognito, unnoticed
uvAs' .AlakSitas tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
uvAs' .AlakSitas tatra putrakaH = pn (of a king)
uvAs' .AlakSitas tatra putrakaH zIrNa- = dilapidated
uvAs' .AlakSitas tatra putrakaH zIrNa- sadmani = house
and lived unobserved in that broken-down old house, waited upon respectfully by the old woman
kadAcit sAtha saMprItA vRddhA putrakam abravIt
kadAcit sA 'tha saMprItA vRddhA putrakam abravIt B T P
kadAcit = once, somewhen
kadAcit sA = that one, she, it (@f)
kadAcit sA atha = then, and then
kadAcit sA 'tha saMprItA = satisfied, pleased (, affectionately)
kadAcit sA 'tha saMprItA vRddhA = old woman
kadAcit sA 'tha saMprItA vRddhA putrakam = sonny; pn
kadAcit sA 'tha saMprItA vRddhA putrakam abravIt = said
Once upon a time the old woman in an affectionate mood said to Putraka:
cintA me putra yad bhAryA nAnurUpA tava kvacit
cintA me putra yad bhAryA n' .AnurUpA tava kvacit B T P
cintA = worry
cintA me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas ); to me, for me (Ge ); me (am )
cintA me putra = son
cintA me putra yat = the one which; because, as
cintA me putra yad bhAryA = wife
cintA me putra yad bhAryA na = no, not, doesn't
cintA me putra yad bhAryA n' anurUpA = fitting
cintA me putra yad bhAryA n' .AnurUpA tava = your
cintA me putra yad bhAryA n' .AnurUpA tava kvacit = somewhere
“I am grieved, my son, that you have not a wife meet for you
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalIty asti kanyakA
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalI 'ty asti kanyakA B T P
iha = here; in this world
iha rAjJaH = king
iha rAjJas tu = but, (ignore), and
iha rAjJas tu tanayA = daughter
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalI = pn
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalI iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalI 'ty asti = there is
iha rAjJas tu tanayA pATalI 'ty asti kanyakA = girl
But here there is a maiden named PATalI, the daughter of the king,
upary antaHpure sA ca ratnam ity abhirakSyate
upary antaHpure sA ca ratnam ity abhirakSyate B T P
upari = above
upary antaHpure = harem
upary antaHpure sA = that one, she, it (@f)
upary antaHpure sA ca = and
upary antaHpure sA ca ratnam = jewel
upary antaHpure sA ca ratnam iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
upary antaHpure sA ca ratnam ity abhirakSyate = is protected
and she is preserved like a jewel in the upper story of the seraglio.”
etad vRddhAvacas tasya dattakarNasya zRNvataH
etad vRddhA- vacas tasya datta- karNasya zRNvataH B T P
etat = this
etad vRddhA- = old woman
etad vRddhA- vacaH = speech, words (vacas- @n)
etad vRddhA-vacas tasya = his, its
etad vRddhA-vacas tasya datta- = given
etad vRddhA-vacas tasya datta- karNasya = ear
etad vRddhA-vacas tasya datta-karNasya zRNvataH = (that was) listening
While he was listening to this speech of hers with open ear
viveza tenaiva pathA labdharandhro hRdi smaraH
viveza ten' .aiva pathA labdha- randhro hRdi smaraH B T P
viveza = went in, entered
viveza tena = by him, by it; that's why
viveza ten' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
viveza ten' .aiva pathA = way (pathin- )
viveza ten' .aiva pathA labdha- = (that has been) gotten
viveza ten' .aiva pathA labdha- randhraH = (@cyan) slit, fissure, opening
viveza ten' .aiva pathA labdha-randhro hRdi = heart
viveza ten' .aiva pathA labdha-randhro hRdi smaraH = pn (of the god of love)
the God of Love found an unguarded point and entered by that very path into his heart
draSTavyA sA mayAdyaiva kAnteti kRtanizcayaH
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' .aiva kAnt'' .eti kRta- nizcayaH B T P
draSTavyA = she should be seen
draSTavyA sA = that one, she, it (@f)
draSTavyA sA mayA = by me
draSTavyA sA mayA adya = today; now
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' .aiva kAntA = beloved, cutie
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' .aiva kAnt'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' .aiva kAnt'' .eti kRta- = done, made
draSTavyA sA mayA 'dy' .aiva kAnt'' .eti kRta- nizcayaH = resolve, determination, conviction, decision
He made up his mind that he must see that damsel that very day,
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra pAdukAbhyAM jagAma saH
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra pAdukAbhyAM jagAma saH B T P
nizAyAm = by night
nizAyAM nabhasA = by air
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra pAdukAbhyAm = sandals
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra pAdukAbhyAM jagAma = went
nizAyAM nabhasA tatra pAdukAbhyAM jagAma saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
and in the night flew up through the air to where she was,
he made up his mind I must see this girl today
pravizya so 'drizRGgAgratuGgavAtAyanena tAm
pravizya so 'dri- zRGg'- .Agra- tuGga- vAtAyanena tAm B T P
pravizya = went in and
pravizya saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
pravizya so adri- = mountain
pravizya so 'dri- zRGga- = horn
pravizya so 'dri-zRGg'- agra- = top, tip
pravizya so 'dri-zRGg'-.Agra- tuGga- = mountain, peak
pravizya so 'dri-zRGg'-.Agra-tuGga- vAtAyanena = window
pravizya so 'dri-zRGg'-.Agra-tuGga-vAtAyanena tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
by the help of his magic shoes. He then entered by a window, which was as high above the ground as the peak of a mountain,
antaHpure dadarzAtha suptAM rahasi pATalIm
antaHpure dadarz' .Atha suptAM rahasi pATalIm B T P
antaHpure = harem
antaHpure dadarza = saw
antaHpure dadarz' atha = then, and then
antaHpure dadarz' .Atha suptAm = sleeping
antaHpure dadarz' .Atha suptAM rahasi = secretly
antaHpure dadarz' .Atha suptAM rahasi pATalIm = pn
and beheld that PATalI, asleep in a secret place in the seraglio,
at night by air with the sandals he sneaked into the palace and saw pATalii sleeping
sevyamAnAm avirataM candrakAntyAGgalagnayA
sevyamAnAm a- virataM candrakAnty- AGga- lagnayA B T P
sevyamAnAm = (that was) being served, cherished, worshipped
sevyamAnAm a- = non-, a-, an-
sevyamAnAm a- viratam = stopped
sevyamAnAm a-virataM candrakAnti- = moonlight; beauty like that of the moon
sevyamAnAm a-virataM candrakAnty- AGga- = a soft delicate form or body (L.)
sevyamAnAm a-virataM candrakAnty-AGga- lagnayA = sticking to, touching (lag); ashamed (lajj, !72014 comm)
continually bathed in the moonlight that seemed to cling to her limbs,
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAM mUrtAM zaktiM manobhuvaH
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAM mUrtAM zaktiM manobhuvaH B T P
jitvA = wins and
jitvA jagat = universe
jitvA jagad idam = this
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAm = tired
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAM mUrtAm = incarnate
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAM mUrtAM zaktim = power
jitvA jagad idaM zrAntAM mUrtAM zaktiM manobhuvaH = pn (of the god of love)
as it were the might of love in fleshly form reposing after the conquest of this world
bathed in moonlight as if she were the power incarnate resting after conquering the world
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm iti yAvad acintayat
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm iti yAvad acintayat B T P
katham = how?
kathaM prabodhayAmi = I wake up
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm = this one (f. am )
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm iti yAvat = when; so that; for as long as; while; okay, well then
kathaM prabodhayAmy etAm iti yAvad acintayat = thought
While he was thinking how he should awake her,
ity akasmAd bahis tAvad yAmikaH puruSo jagau
ity akasmAd bahis tAvad yAmikaH puruSo jagau B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity akasmAt = (with no cause:) randomly, suddenly, by chance
ity akasmAd bahiH = outside
ity akasmAd bahis tAvat = for that long; so much; therefore
ity akasmAd bahis tAvad yAmikaH = watchman
ity akasmAd bahis tAvad yAmikaH puruSaH = man
ity akasmAd bahis tAvad yAmikaH puruSo jagau = sang
suddenly outside a watchman began to chant:
while he was thinking how will i wake her up suddenly outside a watchman began to sing
XX----X- ---X--X-X-XXX
AliGgya madhurahuMkRtim alasonmiSadIkSaNAM rahaH kAntAm
AliGgya madhura- huMkRtim alas'- .onmiSad- IkSaNAM rahaH kAntAm B T P
AliGgya = hugged and
AliGgya madhura- = sweet
AliGgya madhura- huMkRtim = humming
AliGgya madhura-huMkRtim alasa- = slowly, lazily
AliGgya madhura-huMkRtim alas'- unmiSat- = opening (eyes)
AliGgya madhura-huMkRtim alas'-.onmiSad- IkSaNAm = eye (@cyan)
AliGgya madhura-huMkRtim alas'-.onmiSad-IkSaNAM rahaH = secretly, privately
AliGgya madhura-huMkRtim alas'-.onmiSad-IkSaNAM rahaH kAntAm = beautiful, dear, darling (f.)
embracing her as she sweetly scolds, with her eyes languidly opening.”
XX-X-XXX --XX-X---
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAM tad eva phalam
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAM tad eva phalam B T P
yat = the one which; because, as
yad bodhayanti = they awake
yad bodhayanti suptAm = sleeping
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani = birth
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAm = young
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAM tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAM tad eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
yad bodhayanti suptAM janmani yUnAM tad eva phalam = fruit, result
“Young men obtain the fruit of their birth when they awake the sleeping one,
hugging her as she slowly humms opening her eyes . young men get the fruit of their life when they wake up their beloved that sleeps and hums softly
zrutvaivaitad upoddhAtam aGgair utkampaviklavaiH
zrutv'' .aiv' .aitad upoddhAtam aGgair utkampa- viklavaiH B T P
zrutvA = heard and
zrutv'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
zrutv'' .aiv' etat = this
zrutv'' .aiv' .aitad upoddhAtam = prelude
zrutv'' .aiv' .aitad upoddhAtam aGgaiH = limbs
zrutv'' .aiv' .aitad upoddhAtam aGgair utkampa- = tremor, agitation
zrutv'' .aiv' .aitad upoddhAtam aGgair utkampa- viklavaiH = overcome with fear or agitation
On hearing this encouraging prelude, with limbs trembling with excitement,
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata tataz ca sA
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata tataz ca sA B T P
AliliGga = hugged
AliliGga sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
AliliGga sa tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAm = beautiful, dear, darling (f.)
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata = awoke
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata tataz ca = and
AliliGga sa tAM kAntAM prAbudhyata tataz ca sA = that one, she, it (@f)
he embraced that fair one, and then she awoke
Hearing this prelude with limbs trembling with excitement he hugged the beautiful one and she woke up
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyA lajjAkautukayor dRzi
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyA$ lajjA- kautukayor dRzi B T P
pazyantyAH = (that was) seeing, looking
pazyantyAs tam = him; it; that
pazyantyAs taM nRpam = king
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyAH = her
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyA$ lajjA- = shame, modesty, bashfulness, embarrassment
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyA$ lajjA- kautukayoH = vehement desire for
pazyantyAs taM nRpaM tasyA$ lajjA-kautukayor dRzi = eye, glance (dRz- + Gi)
When she beheld that prince, between shame and love in her eye,
abhUd anyonyasaMmardo racayantyAM gatAgatam
abhUd anyonya- saMmardo racayantyAM gatAgatam B T P
abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG )
abhUd anyonya- = one another
abhUd anyonya- saMmardaH = battle, conflict
abhUd anyonya-saMmardo racayantyAm = (that was) fixed on
abhUd anyonya-saMmardo racayantyAM gatAgatam = gone and come; there and not there
there was a contest , which was alternately fixed on his face and averted
When she saw the king she was shameful and curiious for him, there was a contest between shame and curiosity in her glance
athAlApe kRte vRtte gAndharvodvAhakarmaNi
ath' AlApe kRte vRtte gAndharv'- .odvAha- karmaNi B T P
atha = then, and then
ath' AlApe = conversation, talk
ath' AlApe kRte = for the sake of (@latter); except; instead of
ath' AlApe kRte vRtte = event, what happens, vicissitude
ath' AlApe kRte vRtte gAndharva- = gandharva-style (marriage)
ath' AlApe kRte vRtte gAndharv'- udvAha- = marriage
ath' AlApe kRte vRtte gAndharv'-.odvAha- karmaNi = work
When they had conversed together, and gone through the ceremony of the gAndharva marriage,[9]
so they talked and performed the gndharva marriage
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyor na tu yAminI
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyor na tu yAminI B T P
avardhata = grew
avardhata tayoH = both
avardhata tayoH prItiH = happiness, satisfaction, liking
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyoH = wife-and-husband, couple (dual!)
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyor na = no, not, doesn't
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyor na tu = but, (ignore), and
avardhata tayoH prItir daMpatyor na tu yAminI = night
that couple found their love continually increasing as the night waned away
they got more and more in love then the night ended
AmantryAtha vadhUm utkAM tadgatenaiva cetasA
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAM tad- gaten' .aiva cetasA B T P
Amantrya = saluted and, greeted and, took leave and
Amantry' atha = then, and then
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm = young woman
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAm = longing for, passionate
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAM tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAM tad- gatena = went into; gone into, that is in
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAM tad-gaten' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
Amantry' .Atha vadhUm utkAM tad-gaten' .aiva cetasA = mind
Then Putraka took leave of his sorrowing wife, and with his mind dwelling only on her,
He said goodbye to his passionate wife only thinking of her
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tadvRddhAvezma putrakaH
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tad- vRddhA- vezma putrakaH B T P
Ayayau = came
Ayayau pazcime = Western; last
Ayayau pazcime bhAge = part; allotment, share; region, place
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tad- vRddhA- = old woman
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tad-vRddhA- vezma = house (vezman- )
Ayayau pazcime bhAge tad-vRddhA-vezma putrakaH = pn (of a king)
went in the last watch of the night to the old woman’s house
Putraka left at the last watch and went to the old woman's house
itthaM pratinizaM tatra kurvANe 'smin gatAgatam
itthaM pratinizaM tatra kurvANe 'smin gatAgatam B T P
ittham = and that's how; thus
itthaM pratinizam = every night
itthaM pratinizaM tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
itthaM pratinizaM tatra kurvANe = (that was) doing
itthaM pratinizaM tatra kurvANe asmin = in this
itthaM pratinizaM tatra kurvANe 'smin gatAgatam = gone and come; there and not there
So every night the prince kept going backwards and forwards,
He went back and forth every night
saMbhogacihnaM pATalyA rakSibhir dRSTam ekadA
saMbhoga- cihnaM pATalyA$ rakSibhir dRSTam ekadA B T P
saMbhoga- = enjoyment, pleasure, delight
saMbhoga- cihnam = mark, sign (e.g. kSatacihnam wound-mark, scar)
saMbhoga-cihnaM pATalyAH = pn
saMbhoga-cihnaM pATalyA$ rakSibhiH = protectors, guards
saMbhoga-cihnaM pATalyA$ rakSibhir dRSTam = (was) seen
saMbhoga-cihnaM pATalyA$ rakSibhir dRSTam ekadA = once
and at last the intrigue was discovered by the guards of the seraglio
Finally the enjoyment marks of pAtalii was seen by the guards
tais tadAveditaM tasyAH pituH so 'pi niyuktavAn
tais tad- AveditaM tasyAH pituH so 'pi niyuktavAn B T P
taiH = by those, with those, by them
tais tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tais tad- Aveditam = told, informed, reported, notified, made known
tais tad-AveditaM tasyAH = her
tais tad-AveditaM tasyAH pituH = of father
tais tad-AveditaM tasyAH pituH saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
tais tad-AveditaM tasyAH pituH so api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
tais tad-AveditaM tasyAH pituH so 'pi niyuktavAn = (he) appointed
Accordingly they revealed the matter to the lady’s father, and he appointed
therefore they told her father and he appointed
gUDham antaHpure tatra nizi nArim avekSitum
gUDham antaHpure tatra nizi nArim avekSitum B T P
gUDham = hidden, in secret, incognito
gUDham antaHpure = harem
gUDham antaHpure tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
gUDham antaHpure tatra nizi = by night
gUDham antaHpure tatra nizi nArim = woman (rare for nArIm)
gUDham antaHpure tatra nizi nArim avekSitum = to watch
a woman to watch secretly in the seraglio at night
a woman to watch in the harem at night
tayA ca tasya prAptasya tatrAbhijJAnasiddhaye
tayA ca tasya prAptasya tatr' .AbhijJAna- siddhaye B T P
tayA = by her, with her
tayA ca = and
tayA ca tasya = his, its
tayA ca tasya prAptasya = gotten, reached
tayA ca tasya prAptasya tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tayA ca tasya prAptasya tatr' abhijJAna- = recognition
tayA ca tasya prAptasya tatr' .AbhijJAna- siddhaye = success, perfection, enlightenment; accomplishment, power (esp. superpower)
putrakasya prasuptasya nyastaM vAsasy alaktakam
putrakasya prasuptasya nyastaM vAsasy alaktakam B T P
putrakasya = pn
putrakasya prasuptasya = sleeping
putrakasya prasuptasya nyastam = was painted
putrakasya prasuptasya nyastaM vAsasi = dwelling, place to live (vAsas- @n + su ); living, inhabiting (vAsa- m. + su ); garment
putrakasya prasuptasya nyastaM vAsasy alaktakam = mark made with red lac
She, finding the prince asleep, made a mark with red lac upon his garment to facilitate his recognition
when he was sleeping she made a red mark on him to make putraka easy to recognize
prAtas tayA ca vijJapto rAjA cArAn vyasarjayat
prAtas@ tayA ca vijJapto rAjA cArAn vyasarjayat B T P
prAtar = in the morning
prAtas@ tayA = by her, with her
prAtas@ tayA ca = and
prAtas@ tayA ca vijJaptaH = was informed, was told (by a subordinate)
prAtas@ tayA ca vijJapto rAjA = king
prAtas@ tayA ca vijJapto rAjA cArAn = walkers, spies
prAtas@ tayA ca vijJapto rAjA cArAn vyasarjayat = emitted
In the morning she informed the king of what she had done, and he sent out spies in all directions,
In the morning she told the king what she had done, and he sent out the secret police
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH putrako jIrNavezmani
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH putrako jIrNa- vezmani B T P
saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
so abhijJAnAt = recognition
so 'bhijJAnAc ca = and
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH = by those, with those, by them
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH = arrived, gotten, reached
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH putrakaH = pn (of a king)
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH putrako jIrNa- = decayed, rotten
so 'bhijJAnAc ca taiH prAptaH putrako jIrNa- vezmani = house (vezman- )
and Putraka was discovered by the mark and dragged out from the dilapidated house
and putraka was found and taken from the decayed house
AnIto rAjanikaTaM kupitaM vIkSya taM nRpam
AnIto rAja- nikaTaM kupitaM vIkSya taM nRpam B T P
AnItaH = was brought
AnIto rAja- = king
AnIto rAja- nikaTam = nearness, proximity
AnIto rAja-nikaTaM kupitam = enraged, provoked, offended
AnIto rAja-nikaTaM kupitaM vIkSya = looked around and
AnIto rAja-nikaTaM kupitaM vIkSya tam = him; it; that
AnIto rAja-nikaTaM kupitaM vIkSya taM nRpam = king
into the presence of the king. Seeing that the king was enraged,
he was brought to the presence of the king, seeing that the king was enraged,
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya pATalImandire 'vizat
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya pATalI- mandire 'vizat B T P
pAdukAbhyAm = sandals
pAdukAbhyAM kham = sky
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya = flew up and
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya pATalI- = pn
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya pATalI- mandire = house
pAdukAbhyAM kham utpatya pATalI-mandire avizat = went in
he flew up into the air with the help of the shoes, and entered the palace of PATalI
He flew up in the sky with his sandals and entered the palace of Patalii
viditau svas tad uttiSTha gacchAvaH pAdukAvazAt
viditau svas tad uttiSTha gacchAvaH pAdukA- vazAt B T P
viditau = were discovered
viditau svaH = we two are
viditau svas tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
viditau svas tad uttiSTha = stand up!
viditau svas tad uttiSTha gacchAvaH = we two go, let's go
viditau svas tad uttiSTha gacchAvaH pAdukA- = sandal
viditau svas tad uttiSTha gacchAvaH pAdukA- vazAt = by the power of, under the control of, because of
“We are discovered, therefore rise up, let us escape with the help of the shoes,”
We have been found so GET Up lets go,
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA jagAma nabhasA tataH
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA jagAma nabhasA tataH B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity aGke = lap (taking someone on the lap or between the arms)
ity aGke pATalIm = pn
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA = did and
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA jagAma = went
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA jagAma nabhasA = by air
ity aGke pATalIM kRtvA jagAma nabhasA tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
and so taking PATalI in his arms he flew away from that place through the air.[10]
With the help of the shoes he took Patalii in his arms and flew from the palace
note: Arya metre chanting --
note: Arya metre chanting --
note: Arya metre chanting --
--XX---- X--X--X-X-XXX
atha gaGgAtaTanikaTe gaganAd avatIrya sa priyAM zrAntAm
atha gaGgA- taTa- nikaTe gaganAd avatIrya sa priyAM zrAntAm B T P
atha = then, and then
atha gaGgA- = the Ganges
atha gaGgA- taTa- = shore, bank, beach
atha gaGgA-taTa- nikaTe = nearness, proximity
atha gaGgA-taTa-nikaTe gaganAt = from the sky
atha gaGgA-taTa-nikaTe gaganAd avatIrya = crossed down and, went down from
atha gaGgA-taTa-nikaTe gaganAd avatIrya sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
atha gaGgA-taTa-nikaTe gaganAd avatIrya sa priyAm = dear, pleasant, kindness; a favour, a service; beloved
atha gaGgA-taTa-nikaTe gaganAd avatIrya sa priyAM zrAntAm = tired
pAtraprabhAvajAtair AhArair nandayAm Asa
pAtra- prabhAva- jAtair AhArair nandayAm Asa B T P
pAtra- = pot
pAtra- prabhAva- = power, might
pAtra-prabhAva- jAtaiH = born
pAtra-prabhAva-jAtair AhAraiH = foods
pAtra-prabhAva-jAtair AhArair nandayAm Asa = was (see @NOCW)
Then descending from heaven near the bank of the Ganges, he refreshed his weary beloved with cakes provided by means of the magic vessel
AlokitaprabhAvaH pATalyA putrako 'rthitaz ca tataH
Alokita- prabhAvaH pATalyA putrako 'rthitaz ca tataH B T P
Alokita- = (was) looked at, seen
Alokita- prabhAvaH = power, might
Alokita-prabhAvaH pATalyA = pn
Alokita-prabhAvaH pATalyA putrakaH = pn (of a king)
Alokita-prabhAvaH pATalyA putrako arthitaH = requested
Alokita-prabhAvaH pATalyA putrako 'rthitaz ca = and
Alokita-prabhAvaH pATalyA putrako 'rthitaz ca tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
XX-X-X-- --X--X---X-
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaraM caturaGgabalayuktam
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaraM caturaGga- bala- yuktam B T P
yaSTyA = stick, stylus
yaSTyA lilekha = drew, wrote
yaSTyA lilekha tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaram = city
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaraM caturaGga- = four-limbed (means a complete army, having infantry, horsemen, chariots and elephants); chess
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaraM caturaGga- bala- = strength; forces, army, troops
yaSTyA lilekha tatra sa nagaraM caturaGga-bala- yuktam = it is proper, it behoves; joined, yoked, connected; furnished with
When PATalI saw the power of Putraka, she made a request to him, in accordance with which he sketched out with the staff a city furnished with a force of all four arms.[11]
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahAprabhAve ca satyatAM prApte
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA- prabhAve ca satyatAM prApte B T P
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatra sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
tatra sa rAjA = king
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA = became and
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA- = big, great (@former)
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA- prabhAve = power, might
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA-prabhAve ca = and
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA-prabhAve ca satyatAm = truth, reality
tatra sa rAjA bhUtvA mahA-prabhAve ca satyatAM prApte = reached
In that city he established himself as king, and his great power having attained full development,
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa pRthvIM samudrAntAm
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa pRthvIM samudr'- .AntAm B T P
namayitvA = subdued and
namayitvA tam = him; it; that
namayitvA taM zvazuram = father-in-law
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa = ruled
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa pRthvIm = the Earth; earth, dirt, ground
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa pRthvIM samudra- = sea
namayitvA taM zvazuraM zazAsa pRthvIM samudr'- antAm = end (@cyan)
he subdued that father-in-law of his, and became ruler of the sea-engirdled earth
--XXX--X XX--X-X---X-
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyAracitaM sapauram ata eva
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA- racitaM sa- pauram ata eva B T P
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tad idam = this
tad idaM divyam = celestial, heavenly, divine
tad idaM divyaM nagaram = city
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA- = magic, illusion, spells, trickery
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA- racitam = made
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA-racitaM sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA-racitaM sa- pauram = citizen; belonging to a city
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA-racitaM sa-pauram ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why
tad idaM divyaM nagaraM mAyA-racitaM sa-pauram ata eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
This is that same divine city, produced by magic, together with its citizens; hence
nAmnA pATaliputraM kSetraM lakSmIsarasvatyoH
nAmnA pATaliputraM kSetraM lakSmI- sarasvatyoH B T P
nAmnA = by name
nAmnA pATaliputram = tp
nAmnA pATaliputraM kSetram = field
nAmnA pATaliputraM kSetraM lakSmI- = wealth; pn (goddess of wealth)
nAmnA pATaliputraM kSetraM lakSmI- sarasvatyoH = pn (goddess of learning)
it bears the name of PATaliputra, and is the home of wealth and learning
--X--X-X -XX
iti varSamukhAd imAm apUrvAM
iti varSa- mukhAd imAm a- pUrvAM B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iti varSa- = pn (of a teacher)
iti varSa- mukhAt = face, mouth
iti varSa-mukhAd imAm = this one (@f)
iti varSa-mukhAd imAm a- = non-, a-, an-
note: 1. Story of Vararuci...
--XX--X- X-XX
vayam AkarNya kathAm atIva citrAm
vayam AkarNya kathAm atIva citrAm B T P
vayam = we
vayam AkarNya = heard and, gave ears and
vayam AkarNya kathAm = story, narration
vayam AkarNya kathAm atIva = too much, very
vayam AkarNya kathAm atIva citrAm = variegated, many-colored
When we heard from the mouth of VarSa the above strange and extraordinarily marvellous story,
--X--X-X -XX
cirakAlam abhUma kANabhUte
cira- kAlam abhUma kANabhUte B T P
cira- = long (time)
cira- kAlam = time
cira-kAlam abhUma = we were
cira-kAlam abhUma kANabhUte = pn
--XX--X- X-XX
vilasad- vismaya- modamAna- cittAH B T P
vilasat- = amusement (uh. not sure)
vilasad- vismaya- = amazement, awe, surprise, wonder
vilasad-vismaya- modamAna- = (that is) delighted, happy
vilasad-vismaya-modamAna- cittAH = mind (@cyan)
our minds, O KANabhUti, were for a long time delighted with thrilling wonder
iti mahAkavizrIsomadevabhaTTaviracite kathAsaritsAgare kathApIThalambake tRtIyas taraGgaH
iti mahA- kavi- zrI- somadevabhaTTa- viracite kathA- sarit- sAgare kathA- pITha- lambake tRtIyas taraGgaH B T P
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iti mahA- = big, great (@former)
iti mahA- kavi- = poet
iti mahA-kavi- zrI- = glow, brilliance, shine, glory, wealth; holy, glorious
iti mahA-kavi-zrI- somadevabhaTTa- = pn
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa- viracite = composed
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA- = story
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA- sarit- = river
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit- sAgare = sea
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit-sAgare kathA- = story
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit-sAgare kathA- pITha- = basis, throne, pedestal (n.)
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit-sAgare kathA-pITha- lambake = book (Name of the eighteen larger sections in the kathā-sarit-sāgara-)
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit-sAgare kathA-pITha-lambake tRtIyaH = third
iti mahA-kavi-zrI-somadevabhaTTa-viracite kathA-sarit-sAgare kathA-pITha-lambake tRtIyas taraGgaH = wave
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