Click a black line to make it red.
Click a red word to show its gloss. Click again to hide.
Click "B" button to blacken the line.
"T" button shows and hides translations. If there are any.
Ignore the weird punctuation that appears in the red lines.
Ignore the EN and FR buttons, they don't do anything interesting.
Words are written in the black and in the red as if the whole line were said in one breath. The words in glosses are writen as if pronounced before a @pause.
Disclaimers --
(A) The translations have been mostly copied from unreliable internet public domain sources, such as
(B) The glosses are not guaranteed to be right, as these pages are made by a script that just stichs the gloss "horse" under every "azvas" word.
(C) Words like azvAnAm, meaning "of horses", are often glossed as just "horse". If you are doubtful about nounbase, case, gender, number, just paste azvAnAm into inria reader.