uttararAma webgloss
text from
translation (pdf) --
stage direction -
tataH pravizaty upaviSTo rAmaH sItA ca
tataH pravizaty upaviSTo rAmaH sItA ca
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH pravizati = enters
tataH pravizaty upaviSTaH = seated
tataH pravizaty upaviSTo rAmaH = pn
tataH pravizaty upaviSTo rAmaH sItA = pn
tataH pravizaty upaviSTo rAmaH sItA ca = and
devi vaidehi vizvasihi
devi vaidehi vizvasihi
devi = hey queen
devi vaidehi = pn (hey sItA)
devi vaidehi vizvasihi = cheer up!; trust!
te hi guravo na zaknuvanti vihAtum asmAn
te hi guravo na zaknuvanti vihAtum asmAn
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te hi = because; (@ignore)
te hi guravaH = teachers
te hi guravo na = no, not, doesn't
te hi guravo na zaknuvanti = they are able, they can
te hi guravo na zaknuvanti vihAtum = to abandon
te hi guravo na zaknuvanti vihAtum asmAn = us (asmad-)
kiM tv anuSThAnanityatvam
kiM tv anuSThAna-nitya-tvam
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kiM tu = but, (ignore), and
kiM tv anuSThAna- = carrying out, undertaking; rite, ceremony
kiM tv anuSThAna-nitya- = always, constantly; permanent, constant
kiM tv anuSThAna-nitya-tvam = you (has su); -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)
svatantryam apakarSati
svatantryam apakarSati
svatantryam = independence, freedom
svatantryam apakarSati = draws off, takes away from
saMkaTA hy AhitAgnInAm
saMkaTA hy AhitAgnInAm
saMkaTA = narrow, crowded, thick, dangerous, beset with difficulties
saMkaTA hi = because; (@ignore)
saMkaTA hy AhitAgnInAm = of those that have set up their sacred fires (Ahita- + agni- + Am)
pratyavAyair gRhasthatA
pratyavAyair gRhasthatA
pratyavAyaiH = decrease, sin, offence, difficulty
pratyavAyair gRhasthatA = householdership (state of being in charge of a household)
jAnAmy Aryaputra jAnAmi
jAnAmy Aryaputra jAnAmi
jAnAmi = I know
jAnAmy Aryaputra = darling
jAnAmy Aryaputra jAnAmi = I know
kiM tu saMtApakAriNo bandhujanaviprayogA bhavanti
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNo bandhu-jana-viprayogA$ bhavanti
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kiM tu = but, (ignore), and
kiM tu saMtApa- = heat; affliction, pain, sorrow, anguish, distress
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNaH = that do, that operate (???)
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNo bandhu- = relative, friend, husband
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNo bandhu-jana- = people (may have plural meaning)
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNo bandhu-jana-viprayogAH = separations
kiM tu saMtApa-kAriNo bandhu-jana-viprayogA$ bhavanti = they are; there are; they become
evam etat
evam etat
evam = thus, this way
evam etat = this
ete hi hRdayamarmacchidaH saMsArabhAgAH
ete hi hRdaya-marma-cchidaH saMsAra-bhAgAH
ete = these
ete hi = because; (@ignore)
ete hi hRdaya- = heart, mind; core, essence, gist
ete hi hRdaya-marma- = vital organ (marman-)
ete hi hRdaya-marma-chidaH = piercer, splitter (@latter)
ete hi hRdaya-marma-cchidaH saMsAra- = cycle of reincarnation
ete hi hRdaya-marma-cchidaH saMsAra-bhAgAH = part; good fortune
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn araNye vizrAmyanti manISiNaH
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn araNye vizrAmyanti manISiNaH
yebhyaH = the ones from which, the ones to which; from which
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH = (zatR) (that are) disgusted with
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya = abandoned and
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn = all
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn = that want (@latter); desires
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn araNye = in forest
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn araNye vizrAmyanti = they rest
yebhyo bIbhatsamAnAH saMtyajya sarvAn kAmAn araNye vizrAmyanti manISiNaH = sages
stage direction -
pravizya = went in and
rAmabhadra = dear rAma
stage direction -
ity ardhokte sAzaGkam
ity ardh'-.okte sAzaGkam
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity ardha- = half
ity ardh'-ukte = (when) told, said, addressed
ity ardh'-.okte sAzaGkam = anxiously, fearfully
mahArAja = your majesty
stage direction -
sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
sa-smitam = smile
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH zobhate tAtaparijanasya
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH zobhate tAta-parijanasya
Arya = noble; sir (@green)
Arya nanu = how come?, uh?
Arya nanu rAmabhadra = dear rAma
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm = (has am) me
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH = (act of) adressing
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH zobhate = shines
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH zobhate tAta- = bro, dad, sonny
Arya nanu rAmabhadra | ity eva mAm pratyupacAraH zobhate tAta-parijanasya = relatives and friends
tad yathAbhyastam abhidhIyatAm
tad yathAbhyastam abhidhIyatAm
tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tad yathAbhyastam = as (you are) used to (yathA- + abhyasta- + adverbmaking am)
tad yathAbhyastam abhidhIyatAm = let calling happen
deva | RSyazRGgAzramAd aSTAvakraH prAptaH
deva | RSyazRGg'-AzramAd aSTAvakraH prAptaH
deva = god; your majesty (green)
deva | RSyazRGga- = pn (of a sage)
deva | RSyazRGg'-AzramAt = hermitage
deva | RSyazRGg'-AzramAd aSTAvakraH = pn (of a sage)
deva | RSyazRGg'-AzramAd aSTAvakraH prAptaH = arrived, gotten, reached
Arya tataH kim vilambyate
Arya tataH kim vilambyate
Arya = noble; sir (@green)
Arya tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
Arya tataH kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
Arya tataH kim vilambyate = delaying is happening
tvaritaM pravezaya
tvaritaM pravezaya
tvaritam = hurried, hurriedly, quickly
tvaritaM pravezaya = enter!, go in!
stage direction -
kaJcukI niSkrAntaH
kaJcukI niSkrAntaH
kaJcukI = chamberlain
kaJcukI niSkrAntaH = he left
stage direction -
pravizya = went in and
svasti vAm
svasti vAm
svasti = be well!
svasti vAm = you two
bhagavan abhivAdaye
bhagavan abhivAdaye
bhagavan = (hey) your holiness
bhagavan abhivAdaye = I salute
ita AsyatAm
ita AsyatAm
itaH = from here
ita AsyatAm = let sitting happen
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