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katha0107 webgloss


tulyAbhilASAm Alokya sa caikAM munikanyakAm en fr

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa c' .aikAM muni-kanyakAm en fr

tulya- = same, equal, a peer

tuly'-abhilASAm = desire, longing

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya = saw and, looked and

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa ca = and

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa c' ekAm = one; lone, alone

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa c' .aikAM muni- = sage, saint

tuly'-.AbhilASAm Alokya sa c' .aikAM muni-kanyakAm = girl

and he, having beheld a hermit’s daughter who loved him in return,

yayAv akasmAt puSpeSuzaraghAtarasajJatAm en fr

yayAv akasmAt puSp'-.eSu-zaraghAta-rasa-jJatAm en fr

yayau = went

yayAv akasmAt = (with no cause:) randomly, suddenly, by chance

yayAv akasmAt puSpa- = flower, blossom

yayAv akasmAt puSp'-iSu- = arrow

yayAv akasmAt puSp'-.eSu-zaraghAta- = arrow-blow

yayAv akasmAt puSp'-.eSu-zaraghAta-rasa- = taste (sensation of), juice

yayAv akasmAt puSp'-.eSu-zaraghAta-rasa-jJatAm = knowledge of

suddenly felt the smart of the wound which the shaft of the flowery-arrowed god inflicts.


tatrAsau nijazApAntaM prati pRSTo mayAbravIt en fr

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-.AntaM prati pRSTo mayA 'bravIt en fr

tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tatr' asau = that, he, it

tatr' .Asau nija- = one's own (belonging to the doer)

tatr' .Asau nija-zApa- = curse

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-antam = end

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-.AntaM prati = towards, against; every, each (@former)

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-.AntaM prati pRSTaH = asked

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-.AntaM prati pRSTo mayA = by me

tatr' .Asau nija-zAp'-.AntaM prati pRSTo mayA abravIt = said

On my asking him when my own curse would come to an end, he said:

divA nAsti prabhAvo nas tiSTha rAtrau vadAmy ataH en fr

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo nas tiSTha rAtrau vadAmy ataH en fr

divA = by day; daytime

divA na = no, not, doesn't

divA n' asti = there is

divA n' .Asti prabhAvaH = power, might

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo naH = us, to us

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo nas tiSTha = stay!, wait!, stop!

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo nas tiSTha rAtrau = by night

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo nas tiSTha rAtrau vadAmi = I say

divA n' .Asti prabhAvo nas tiSTha rAtrau vadAmy ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why

‘We have no power in the day; wait, and I will tell you at night.’


tatheti cAhaM tatrasthaH prAptAyAM nizi valgatAm en fr

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra-sthaH prAptAyAM nizi valgatAm en fr

tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger

tath'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

tath'' .eti ca = and

tath'' .eti c' aham = (has su) I, I am

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra- = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra-sthaH = that is at

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra-sthaH prAptAyAm = (when) arrived

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra-sthaH prAptAyAM nizi = by night

tath'' .eti c' .AhaM tatra-sthaH prAptAyAM nizi valgatAm = (while) leaping around

I consented, and when night came on

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena bhUtAnAM harSakAraNam en fr

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena bhUtAnAM harSa-kAraNam en fr

tam = him; it; that

tam apRccham = I asked

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena = when the occasion presents itself, occasionally, incidentally; connected (with @former)

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena bhUtAnAm = creatures; ghosts

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena bhUtAnAM harSa- = joy, pleasure, happiness, good spirits

tam apRcchaM prasaGgena bhUtAnAM harSa-kAraNam = reason, motive, cause; a means

I asked him earnestly the reason why goblins[7] delighted in disporting themselves, as they were doing.


purA viriJcasaMvAde yad uktaM zaMkareNa tat en fr

purA viriJca-saMvAde yad uktaM zaMkareNa tat en fr

purA = anciently

purA viriJca- = pn (of brahmA, sometimes of viSNu or ziva)

purA viriJca-saMvAde = conversation

purA viriJca-saMvAde yat = the one which; because, as

purA viriJca-saMvAde yad uktam = told, said, addressed

purA viriJca-saMvAde yad uktaM zaMkareNa = pn(of ziva)

purA viriJca-saMvAde yad uktaM zaMkareNa tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

zRNu vacmIti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmAtha so 'bravIt en fr

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmA 'tha so 'bravIt en fr

zRNu = listen!

zRNu vacmi = I say

zRNu vacm' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm = (has am) me

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA = said and

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmA = pn

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmA atha = then, and then

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmA 'tha saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

zRNu vacm' .Iti mAm uktvA bhUtivarmA 'tha so abravIt = said

Then bhUtivarman said to me: ‘Listen; I will relate what I heard ziva say in a conversation with BrahmA.


divA naiSAM prabhAvo 'sti dhvastAnAm arkatejasA en fr

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvo 'sti dhvastAnAm arka-tejasA en fr

divA = by day; daytime

divA na = no, not, doesn't

divA n' eSAm = of these

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvaH = power, might

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvo asti = there is

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvo 'sti dhvastAnAm = destroyed, obscured, eclipsed

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvo 'sti dhvastAnAm arka- = the Sun

divA n' .aiSAM prabhAvo 'sti dhvastAnAm arka-tejasA = glow, energy, charisma

yakSarakSaHpizAcAnAM tena hRSyanty amI nizI en fr

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAM tena hRSyanty amI nizI en fr

yakSa- = pn (a race of superhumans)

yakSa-rakSaH- = demon (n.)

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAm = pn (race of wild mountain men or goblins)

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAM tena = by him, by it; that's why

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAM tena hRSyanti = they rejoice

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAM tena hRSyanty amI = these

yakSa-rakSaH-pizAcAnAM tena hRSyanty amI nizI = night

rAkSasas, yakSas, and pizAcas have no power in the day, being dazed with the brightness of the sun, therefore they delight in the night.[8]


na pUjyante surA yatra na ca viprA yathocitam en fr

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na ca viprA$ yath''-.ocitam en fr

na = no, not, doesn't

na pUjyante = they are worshipped

na pUjyante surAH = gods

na pUjyante surA$ yatra = wherever, the one in whom, the one in which, the place in which

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na = no, not, doesn't

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na ca = and

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na ca viprAH = brahmins

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na ca viprA$ yathA- = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)

na pUjyante surA$ yatra na ca viprA$ yath''-ucitam = used to; suitable, appropriate, proper, fitting, right

And where the gods are not worshipped, and the brahmins, in due form,

bhujyate 'vidhinA vApi tatraite prabhavanti ca en fr

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi tatr' .aite prabhavanti ca en fr

bhujyate = is eaten, is enjoyed

bhujyate '-a- = non-, a-, an-

bhujyate '-vidhinA vidhinA = by rule

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA vA = or; maybe

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi tatr' tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi tatr' .aite ete = these

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi tatr' .aite prabhavanti prabhavanti = they overpower, dominate, have power

bhujyate '-vidhinA vA 'pi tatr' .aite prabhavanti caca = and

and where men eat contrary to the holy law, there also they have power.


amAMsabhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra na yAnty amI en fr

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra na yAnty amI en fr

a- = non-, a-, an-

a-mAMsa- = meat

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH = food

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI = good woman

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA = or; maybe

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra = wherever, the one in whom, the one in which, the place in which

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra na = no, not, doesn't

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra na yAnti = they go

a-mAMsa-bhakSaH sAdhvI vA yatra tatra na yAnty amI = these

Where there is a man who abstains from flesh, or a virtuous woman, there they do not go.

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca nAkrAmanti kadAcana en fr

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca n' AkrAmanti kadAcana en fr

zucIn = clean

zucIJ zUrAn = heros

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAn = woke people

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca = and

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca na = no, not, doesn't

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca n' AkrAmanti = they come near, approach

zucIJ zUrAn prabuddhAMz ca n' AkrAmanti kadAcana = somewhen, maybe

They never attack chaste men, heroes, and men awake.’[9]


ity uktvA me sa tatkAlaM bhUtivarmAbravIt punaH en fr

ity uktvA me sa tat-kAlaM bhUtivarmA 'bravIt punaH@ en fr

iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

ity uktvA = said and

ity uktvA me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

ity uktvA me sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

ity uktvA me sa tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

ity uktvA me sa tat-kAlam = time

ity uktvA me sa tat-kAlaM bhUtivarmA = pn

ity uktvA me sa tat-kAlaM bhUtivarmA abravIt = said

ity uktvA me sa tat-kAlaM bhUtivarmA 'bravIt punar = again

When he said this on that occasion BhUtivarman continued:

gacchAgato guNADhyas te zApamokSasya kAraNam en fr

gacch' Agato guNADhyas te zApa-mokSasya kAraNam en fr

gaccha = go!

gacch' AgataH = came; (that has) come

gacch' Agato guNADhyaH = pn

gacch' Agato guNADhyas te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)

gacch' Agato guNADhyas te zApa- = curse

gacch' Agato guNADhyas te zApa-mokSasya = letting go, liberation, freeing from

gacch' Agato guNADhyas te zApa-mokSasya kAraNam = reason, motive, cause; a means

‘Go, for guNADhya has arrived, the destined means of thy release from the curse.’


zrutvaitad Agataz cAsmi tvaM ca dRSTo mayA prabho en fr

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvaM ca dRSTo mayA prabho en fr

zrutvA = heard and

zrutv'' etat = this

zrutv'' .aitad AgataH = came; (that has) come

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz ca = and

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' asmi = I am (has mip), I, am

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvam = you (has su); -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvaM ca = and

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvaM ca dRSTaH = (was) seen

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvaM ca dRSTo mayA = by me

zrutv'' .aitad Agataz c' .Asmi tvaM ca dRSTo mayA prabho = hey master

So hearing this, I have come, and I have seen thee, my lord.

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te puSpadantoditAM kathAm en fr

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te puSpadant'-.oditAM kathAm en fr

kathayAmi = I tell

kathayAmy adhunA = now

kathayAmy adhunA tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te puSpadanta- = tp (of a temple)

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te puSpadant'-uditAm = risen, gone up, raised; said

kathayAmy adhunA tAM te puSpadant'-.oditAM kathAm = story, narration

Now I will relate to thee that tale which puSpadanta told;


kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me 'sti kathyatAM kena hetunA en fr

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me 'sti kathyatAM kena hetunA en fr

kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)

kiM tu = but, (ignore), and

kiM tv ekam = one; alone

kiM tv ekaM kautukam = curiosity

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me asti = there is

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me 'sti kathyatAm = let it be told

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me 'sti kathyatAM kena = by who?, with what?

kiM tv ekaM kautukaM me 'sti kathyatAM kena hetunA = reason

but I feel curiosity on one point: tell me why

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi mAlyavAn iti vizrutaH en fr

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi mAlyavAn iti vizrutaH en fr

sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa puSpadantaH = pn

sa puSpadantas tvam = you (has su); -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi = too (ca + api)

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi mAlyavAn = pn (of a mountain)

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi mAlyavAn iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

sa puSpadantas tvaM cApi mAlyavAn iti vizrutaH = known all over, famous

he was called puSpadanta and thou mAlyavAn.”


kANabhUter iti zrutvA guNADhyas tam abhASata en fr

kANabhUter iti zrutvA guNADhyas tam abhASata en fr

kANabhUteH = pn

kANabhUter iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

kANabhUter iti zrutvA = heard and

kANabhUter iti zrutvA guNADhyaH = pn

kANabhUter iti zrutvA guNADhyas tam = him; it; that

kANabhUter iti zrutvA guNADhyas tam abhASata = said

Hearing this question from kANabhUti, guNADhya said to him:

gaGgAtIre 'grahAro 'sti nAmnA bahusuvarNakaH en fr

gaGgA-tIre 'grahAro 'sti nAmnA bahusuvarNakaH en fr

gaGgA- = the Ganges

gaGgA-tIre = shore, bank

gaGgA-tIre agrahAraH = land-grant to brahimns, brahmanic feud

gaGgA-tIre 'grahAro asti = there is

gaGgA-tIre 'grahAro 'sti nAmnA = by name

gaGgA-tIre 'grahAro 'sti nAmnA bahusuvarNakaH = pn

3. Story of puSpadanta

On the bank of the Ganges there is a royal district granted to brahmins by royal charter, named bahusuvarNaka,


tatra govindadattAkhyo brAhmaNo 'bhUd bahuzrutaH en fr

tatra govindadatt'-Akhyo brAhmaNo 'bhUd bahu-zrutaH en fr

tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tatra govindadatta- = pn

tatra govindadatt'-AkhyaH = called

tatra govindadatt'-Akhyo brAhmaNaH = brahmin

tatra govindadatt'-Akhyo brAhmaNo abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)

tatra govindadatt'-Akhyo brAhmaNo 'bhUd bahu- = many

tatra govindadatt'-Akhyo brAhmaNo 'bhUd bahu-zrutaH = (was) heard

and there lived there a very learned brahmin named govindadatta,

tasya bhAryAgnidattA ca babhUva patidevatA en fr

tasya bhAryA 'gnidattA ca babhUva pati-devatA en fr

tasya = his, its

tasya bhAryA = wife

tasya bhAryA agnidattA = pn

tasya bhAryA 'gnidattA ca = and

tasya bhAryA 'gnidattA ca babhUva = was, became, there was

tasya bhAryA 'gnidattA ca babhUva pati- = husband

tasya bhAryA 'gnidattA ca babhUva pati-devatA = deity

and he had a wife, agnidattA, who was devoted to her husband.


sa kAlena dvijas tasyAM paJca putrAn ajIjanat en fr

sa kAlena dvijas tasyAM paJca putrAn ajIjanat en fr

sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa kAlena = time

sa kAlena dvijaH = brahmin; bird

sa kAlena dvijas tasyAm = in that, in it, in her, about her

sa kAlena dvijas tasyAM paJca = five

sa kAlena dvijas tasyAM paJca putrAn = son

sa kAlena dvijas tasyAM paJca putrAn ajIjanat = begat

In course of time that brahmin had five sons by her.

te ca mUrkhAH surUpAz ca babhUvur abhimAninaH en fr

te ca mUrkhAH su-rUpAz ca babhUvur abhimAninaH en fr

te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)

te ca = and

te ca mUrkhAH = fool, idiot

te ca mUrkhAH su- = good (@former); very (@former)

te ca mUrkhAH su-rUpAH = (n.) form, shape; good form, beauty

te ca mUrkhAH su-rUpAz ca = and

te ca mUrkhAH su-rUpAz ca babhUvuH = they were, they became

te ca mUrkhAH su-rUpAz ca babhUvur abhimAninaH = proud, arrogant

And they, being handsome but stupid, grew up insolent fellows.


atha govindadattasya gRhAn atithir Ayayau en fr

atha govindadattasya gRhAn atithir Ayayau en fr

atha = then, and then

atha govindadattasya = pn

atha govindadattasya gRhAn = home (@pl with singular meaning)

atha govindadattasya gRhAn atithiH = guest

atha govindadattasya gRhAn atithir Ayayau = came

Then a guest came to the house of govindadatta,

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma vaizvAnara ivAparaH en fr

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma vaizvAnara iv' .AparaH en fr

vipraH = brahmin

vipro vaizvAnaraH = the Sun; the fire of digestion

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma vaizvAnaraH = the Sun; the fire of digestion

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma vaizvAnara iva = like (@enclitic)

vipro vaizvAnaro nAma vaizvAnara iv' aparaH = another

a brahmin, vaizvAnara by name, like a second god of fire.[10]


govindadatte tatkAlaM gRhAd api bahiH sthite en fr

govindadatte tat-kAlaM gRhAd api bahiH sthite en fr

govindadatte = pn

govindadatte tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

govindadatte tat-kAlam = time

govindadatte tat-kAlaM gRhAt = house

govindadatte tat-kAlaM gRhAd api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

govindadatte tat-kAlaM gRhAd api bahiH = outside

govindadatte tat-kAlaM gRhAd api bahiH sthite = waiting, standing, staying

As govindadatta was away from home when he arrived,

tatputrANAm upAgatya kRtaM tenAbhivAdanam en fr

tat-putrANAm upAgatya kRtaM ten' .AbhivAdanam en fr

tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tat-putrANAm = son

tat-putrANAm upAgatya = went near and, went to see and

tat-putrANAm upAgatya kRtam = done, made

tat-putrANAm upAgatya kRtaM tena = by him, by it; that's why

tat-putrANAm upAgatya kRtaM ten' abhivAdanam = a salute, greeting

he came and saluted his sons,


hAsamAtraM ca tais tasya kRtaM pratyabhivAdanam en fr

hAsa-mAtraM ca tais tasya kRtaM pratyabhivAdanam en fr

hAsa- = laughter

hAsa-mAtram = only; right after, as soon as (@latter)

hAsa-mAtraM ca = and

hAsa-mAtraM ca taiH = by those, with those, by them

hAsa-mAtraM ca tais tasya = his, its

hAsa-mAtraM ca tais tasya kRtam = done, made

hAsa-mAtraM ca tais tasya kRtaM pratyabhivAdanam = greeting back, response to a greeting

and they only responded to his salute with a laugh;

tataH sa kopAn nirgantuM prArebhe tadgRhAd dvijaH en fr

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantuM prArebhe tad-gRhAd dvijaH en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tataH sa kopAt = by anger

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantum = to go out

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantuM prArebhe = started to, got ready to

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantuM prArebhe tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantuM prArebhe tad-gRhAt = house

tataH sa kopAn@ nirgantuM prArebhe tad-gRhAd dvijaH = brahmin; bird

then that brahmin in a rage prepared to depart from his house.


AgatenAtha govindadattena sa tathAvidhaH en fr

Agaten' .Atha govindadattena sa tathAvidhaH en fr

Agatena = (that had) come

Agaten' atha = then, and then

Agaten' .Atha govindadattena = pn

Agaten' .Atha govindadattena sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

Agaten' .Atha govindadattena sa tathAvidhaH = (adj) of such a sort

While he was in this state of wrath govindadatta came,

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAdaivaM dvijottamaH en fr

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAd' .aivaM dvij'-.ottamaH en fr

kruddhaH = angry

kruddhaH pRSTaH = asked

kruddhaH pRSTo anunItaH = (he was led along) appeased, conciliated, pacified

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAda = spoke

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAd' evam = thus, this way

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAd' .aivaM dvija- = brahmin; bird

kruddhaH pRSTo 'nunIto 'pi jagAd' .aivaM dvij'-uttamaH = best

and asked the cause, and did his best to appease him; but the excellent brahmin nevertheless spoke as follows:—


putrAs te patitA mUrkhAs tatsaMparkAd bhavAn api en fr

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAs tat-saMparkAd bhavAn api en fr

putrAH = sons

putrAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)

putrAs te patitAH = fallen, they fell

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAH = fool, idiot

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAs tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAs tat-saMparkAt = company, mixing with

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAs tat-saMparkAd bhavAn = your honor, you

putrAs te patitA$ mUrkhAs tat-saMparkAd bhavAn api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

“Your sons have become outcasts, as being blockheads, and you have lost caste by associating with them,

tasmAn na bhokSye tvadgehe prAyazcittaM nu me bhavet en fr

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe prAyazcittaM nu me bhavet en fr

tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that

tasmAn@ na = no, not, doesn't

tasmAn@ na bhokSye = I will eat

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvat- = you (@singular, @former)

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe = house

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe prAyazcittam = atonement, expiation (prAyazcittam me bhavet I would regret it)

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe prAyazcittaM nu = now, then, (ignore)

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe prAyazcittaM nu me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

tasmAn@ na bhokSye tvad-gehe prAyazcittaM nu me bhavet = would be, may be, should be

therefore I will not eat in your house; if I did so I should not be able to purify myself by any expiatory ceremony.”


atha govindadattas tam uvAca zapathottaram en fr

atha govindadattas tam uvAca zapath'-.ottaram en fr

atha = then, and then

atha govindadattaH = pn

atha govindadattas tam = him; it; that

atha govindadattas tam uvAca = said

atha govindadattas tam uvAca zapatha- = (@mn) curse

atha govindadattas tam uvAca zapath'-uttaram = answer, reply; added, upper, more

Then govindadatta said to him with an oath:

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn ahaM kutanayAn iti en fr

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn ahaM ku-tanayAn iti en fr

na = no, not, doesn't

na spRzAmi = I touch

na spRzAmy api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

na spRzAmy api jAtu = some day, once, ever; (api jAtu, jAtu cit) maybe; (na jAtu) never

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn = these

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn aham = (has su) I, I am

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn ahaM ku- = bad, evil (only @former)

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn ahaM ku-tanayAn = sons

na spRzAmy api jAtv etAn ahaM ku-tanayAn iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

“I will never even touch these wicked sons of mine.”


tadbhAryApi tathaivaitya tam uvAcAtithipriyA en fr

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' .aitya tam uvAc' .Atithi-priyA en fr

tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tad-bhAryA = wife

tad-bhAryA api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

tad-bhAryA 'pi tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' etya = went and

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' .aitya tam = him; it; that

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' .aitya tam uvAca = said

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' .aitya tam uvAc' atithi- = guest

tad-bhAryA 'pi tath'' .aiv' .aitya tam uvAc' .Atithi-priyA = dear, pleasant, kindness; a favour, a service; beloved

His hospitable wife also came and said the same to her guest;

tataH kathaMcid AtithyaM tatra vaizvAnaro 'grahIt en fr

tataH kathaMcid AtithyaM tatra vaizvAnaro 'grahIt en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH kathaMcit = somehow

tataH kathaMcid Atithyam = hospitality; hospitality rite

tataH kathaMcid AtithyaM tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tataH kathaMcid AtithyaM tatra vaizvAnaraH = the Sun; the fire of digestion

tataH kathaMcid AtithyaM tatra vaizvAnaro agrahIt = grabbed

then vaizvAnara was with difficulty induced to accept their hospitality.


tad dRSTvA devadattAkhyas tasyaikas tanayas tadA en fr

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-Akhyas tasy' .aikas tanayas tadA en fr

tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tad dRSTvA = saw and

tad dRSTvA devadatta- = pn

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-AkhyaH = called

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-Akhyas tasya = his, its

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-Akhyas tasy' ekaH = one; lone, alone

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-Akhyas tasy' .aikas tanayaH = son

tad dRSTvA devadatt'-Akhyas tasy' .aikas tanayas tadA = then

One of govindadatta’s sons, named devadatta, when he saw that,

abhUd govindadattasya nairghRNyenAnutApavAn en fr

abhUd govindadattasya nairghRNyen' .AnutApavAn en fr

abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)

abhUd govindadattasya = pn

abhUd govindadattasya nairghRNyena = (nirghRNa- + aN) hardheartedness, lack of compassion

abhUd govindadattasya nairghRNyen' anutApavAn = he felt like shit (ktavatu)

was grieved at his father’s sternness,


vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya pitRbhyAm atha dUSitam en fr

vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya pitRbhyAm atha dUSitam en fr

vyartham = useless, futile

vyarthaM jIvitam = life; alive

vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya = saw and, looked and

vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya pitRbhyAm = parents

vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya pitRbhyAm atha = then, and then

vyarthaM jIvitam Alokya pitRbhyAm atha dUSitam = spoiled, defiled, corrupted

and, thinking a life of no value which was thus branded by his parents,

sanirvedaH sa tapase toSayiSyann umApatim en fr

sa-nirvedaH sa tapase toSayiSyann umA-patim en fr

sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa-nirvedaH = disgust, loathing

sa-nirvedaH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa-nirvedaH sa tapase = in order to practice austerities

sa-nirvedaH sa tapase toSayiSyan = (while) satisfying

sa-nirvedaH sa tapase toSayiSyann umA- = pn (of pArvatI)

sa-nirvedaH sa tapase toSayiSyann umA-patim = lord, husband

went in a state of despondency to the hermitage of badarikA to perform penance;


tataH parNAzanaH pUrvaM dhUmapaz cApy anantaram en fr

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvaM dhUma-paz cApy anantaram en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH parNa- = leaf

tataH parN'-azanaH = (@cyan) eating

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvaM dhUma- = smoke

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvaM dhUma-paH = protector, ruler; drinker

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvaM dhUma-paz cApi = too (ca + api)

tataH parN'-.AzanaH pUrvaM dhUma-paz cApy anantaram = and then, and now

there he first ate leaves, and afterwards he fed only on smoke,

tasthau cirAya tapase toSayiSyann umApatim en fr

tasthau cirAya tapase toSayiSyann umA-patim en fr

tasthau = stood, waited

tasthau cirAya = for a long time

tasthau cirAya tapase = in order to practice austerities

tasthau cirAya tapase toSayiSyan = (while) satisfying

tasthau cirAya tapase toSayiSyann umA- = pn (of pArvatI)

tasthau cirAya tapase toSayiSyann umA-patim = lord, husband

persevering in a long course of austerities[11] in order to propitiate the husband of umA.[12]


dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhus tIvrataporjitaH en fr

dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhus tIvra-tapo-'rjitaH en fr

dadau = gave

dadau ca = and

dadau ca darzanam = seeing, looks

dadau ca darzanaM tasya = his, its

dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhuH = pn (of ziva)

dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhus tIvra- = intense, violent, hard, acute, sharp

dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhus tIvra-tapaH- = penance, asceticism, austerity

dadau ca darzanaM tasya zaMbhus tIvra-tapo-arjitaH = acquired, gained, earned

So zambhu,[12] won over by his severe austerities, manifested himself to him,

tasyaivAnucaratvaM ca sa vavre varam IzvarAt en fr

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca sa vavre varam IzvarAt en fr

tasya = his, its

tasy' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)

tasy' .aiv' anucara- = follower, attendant, servant

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvam = you (has su); -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca = and

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca sa vavre = chose; chose as a husband, solicited

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca sa vavre varam = best, it is best; bridegroom, husband

tasy' .aiv' .Anucara-tvaM ca sa vavre varam IzvarAt = lord, the Lord

and he craved a boon from the god, that he might ever attend upon him.


vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi bhuGkSva tatas tava en fr

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi bhuGkSva tatas tava en fr

vidyAH = science, wisdom

vidyAH prApnuhi = get!, get to!

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAn = feasts, pleasures

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca = and

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi = on earth

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi bhuGkSva = eat!, enjoy!

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi bhuGkSva tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

vidyAH prApnuhi bhogAMz ca bhuvi bhuGkSva tatas tava = your

zambhu thus commanded him: “Acquire learning, and enjoy pleasures on the earth, and after that

bhavitAbhimataM sarvam iti zaMbhus tam Adizat en fr

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam iti zaMbhus tam Adizat en fr

bhavitA = will be (bhU + loT ta)

bhavitA abhimatam = wanted, wished, desired, loved, dear

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam = whole, entire, all

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam iti zaMbhuH = pn (of ziva)

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam iti zaMbhus tam = him; it; that

bhavitA 'bhimataM sarvam iti zaMbhus tam Adizat = he commanded, indicated, pointed

thou shalt attain all thy desire.”


tataH sa gatvA vidyArthI puraM pATaliputrakam en fr

tataH sa gatvA vidyA-'rthI puraM pATaliputrakam en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tataH sa gatvA = went and

tataH sa gatvA vidyA- = knowledge, science, wisdom

tataH sa gatvA vidyA-arthI = that seeks, seeker

tataH sa gatvA vidyA-'rthI puram = city

tataH sa gatvA vidyA-'rthI puraM pATaliputrakam = tp

Then he, eager for learning, went to the city of pATaliputra,

siSeve vedakumbhAkhyam upAdhyAyaM yathAvidhi en fr

siSeve vedakumbh'-Akhyam upAdhyAyaM yathA-vidhi en fr

siSeve = served, waited on, studied under

siSeve vedakumbha- = pn

siSeve vedakumbh'-Akhyam = called

siSeve vedakumbh'-Akhyam upAdhyAyam = teacher

siSeve vedakumbh'-Akhyam upAdhyAyaM yathA- = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)

siSeve vedakumbh'-Akhyam upAdhyAyaM yathA-vidhi = rule, law, command; fate, destiny

and according to custom waited on an instructor named vedakumbha.


tatrasthaM tam upAdhyAyapatnI jAtu smarAturA en fr

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya-patnI jAtu smar'-AturA en fr

tatra- = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tatra-stham = that is at

tatra-sthaM tam = him; it; that

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya- = teacher

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya-patnI = wife

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya-patnI jAtu = some day, once, ever; (api jAtu, jAtu cit) maybe; (na jAtu) never

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya-patnI jAtu smara- = (god of) love

tatra-sthaM tam upAdhyAya-patnI jAtu smar'-AturA = afflicted, sick, suffering

When he was there, the wife of his preceptor, distracted by passion, which had arisen in her heart,

haThAd vavre bata strINAM caJcalAz cittavRttayaH en fr

haThAd vavre bata strINAM caJcalAz citta-vRttayaH en fr

haThAt = by violence

haThAd vavre = chose; chose as a husband, solicited

haThAd vavre bata = alas, omfg; the heck (as in "what the heck")

haThAd vavre bata strINAm = women

haThAd vavre bata strINAM caJcalAH = unsteady

haThAd vavre bata strINAM caJcalAz citta- = thinking, reason, mind

haThAd vavre bata strINAM caJcalAz citta-vRttayaH = character; nature; job, livelihood; behaviour, conduct

made violent love to him. Alas! the fancies of women are ever inconstant.


tena saMtyajya taM dezam anaGgakRtaviplavaH en fr

tena saMtyajya taM dezam anaGga-kRta-viplavaH en fr

tena = by him, by it; that's why

tena saMtyajya = abandoned and

tena saMtyajya tam = him; it; that

tena saMtyajya taM dezam = place, country

tena saMtyajya taM dezam anaGga- = pn (of the god of love)

tena saMtyajya taM dezam anaGga-kRta- = done, made

tena saMtyajya taM dezam anaGga-kRta-viplavaH = destruction, ruin, misfortune

Accordingly devadatta left that place, as his studies had been thus interfered with by the God of Love,

sa devadattaH prayayau pratiSThAnam atandritaH en fr

sa devadattaH prayayau pratiSThAnam atandritaH en fr

sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa devadattaH = pn

sa devadattaH prayayau = went on

sa devadattaH prayayau pratiSThAnam = tp

sa devadattaH prayayau pratiSThAnam atandritaH = very careful, attentive, unwearied, alert, diligent, nonlazy

and went to pratiSThAna with unwearied zeal.


tatra vRddham upAdhyAyaM vRddhayA bhAryayAnvitam en fr

tatra vRddham upAdhyAyaM vRddhayA bhAryayA 'nvitam en fr

tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tatra vRddham = old man

tatra vRddham upAdhyAyam = teacher

tatra vRddham upAdhyAyaM vRddhayA = old woman

tatra vRddham upAdhyAyaM vRddhayA bhAryayA = with wife

tatra vRddham upAdhyAyaM vRddhayA bhAryayA anvitam = followed with, accompanied by

mantrasvAmyAkhyam abhyarthya vidyAH samyag adhItavAn en fr

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam abhyarthya vidyAH samyag adhItavAn en fr

mantrasvAmi- = pn

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam = called

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam abhyarthya = requested and

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam abhyarthya vidyAH = science, wisdom

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam abhyarthya vidyAH samyak = well, completely

mantrasvAmy-Akhyam abhyarthya vidyAH samyag adhItavAn = educated

There he repaired to an old preceptor named mantrasvAmin, with an old wife, and acquired a perfect knowledge of the sciences.


kRtavidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza nRpateH sutA en fr

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza nR-pateH sutA en fr

kRta- = done, made

kRta-vidyam = (@cyan) knowledge, science

kRta-vidyaM ca = and

kRta-vidyaM ca tam = him; it; that

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza = saw

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza nR- = man

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza nR-pateH = husband, lord

kRta-vidyaM ca taM tatra dadarza nR-pateH sutA = daughter

And after he had acquired learning the daughter of the King

suzarmAkhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma zrIr ivAcyutam en fr

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma zrIr iv' .Acyutam en fr

suzarma- = pn

suzarm'-Akhyasya = called

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagam = beautiful, handsome, fortunate

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIH = glow, brilliance, shine, glory, wealth; holy, glorious

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma zrIH = glow, brilliance, shine, glory, wealth; holy, glorious

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma zrIr iva = like (@enclitic)

suzarm'-Akhyasya subhagaM zrIr nAma zrIr iv' acyutam = not fallen, sinless

suzarman, zrI by name, cast eyes upon the handsome youth, as the goddess zrI upon viSNu.


so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAM vAtAyanopari en fr

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAM vAt'-.Ayan'-.opari en fr

saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

so api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

so 'pi tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn = he saw

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAm = girl, daughter

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAm = waiting, standing, staying, that is at

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAM vAta- = wind

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAM vAt'-ayana- = way, going, advance, way forward; place

so 'pi tAM dRSTavAn kanyAM sthitAM vAt'-.Ayan'-upari = above

He also beheld that maiden at a window,

viharantIM vimAnena candrasyevAdhidevatAm en fr

viharantIM vimAnena candrasy' .ev' .AdhidevatAm en fr

viharantIM vimAnena = sky-chariot

viharantIM vimAnena candrasya = moon

viharantIM vimAnena candrasy' iva = like (@enclitic)

viharantIM vimAnena candrasy' .ev' adhidevatAm = presiding deity

looking like the presiding goddess of the moon, roaming through the air in a magic chariot.


baddhAv iva tayAnyonyaM mArazRGkhalayA dRzA en fr

baddhAv iva tayA 'nyonyaM mAra-zRGkhalayA dRzA en fr

baddhau = bound

baddhAv iva = like (@enclitic)

baddhAv iva tayA = by her, with her

baddhAv iva tayA anyonyam = one another

baddhAv iva tayA 'nyonyaM mAra- = pn (of Love and of Death)

baddhAv iva tayA 'nyonyaM mAra-zRGkhalayA = chain, elephant-hobble

baddhAv iva tayA 'nyonyaM mAra-zRGkhalayA dRzA = glance

Those two were, as it were, fastened together by that look which was the chain of love,

nApasartuM samarthau tau babhUvatur ubhAv api en fr

n' .ApasartuM samarthau tau babhUvatur ubhAv api en fr

na = no, not, doesn't

n' apasartum = separate

n' .ApasartuM samarthau = able to

n' .ApasartuM samarthau tau = those two, they two

n' .ApasartuM samarthau tau babhUvatuH = became

n' .ApasartuM samarthau tau babhUvatur ubhau = both

n' .ApasartuM samarthau tau babhUvatur ubhAv api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

and were unable to separate.


sAtha tasyaikayAGgulyA mUrtayeva smarAjJayA en fr

sA 'tha tasy' .aikayA 'GgulyA mUrtay'' .eva smar'-AjJayA en fr

sA = that one, she, it (@f)

sA atha = then, and then

sA 'tha tasya = his, its

sA 'tha tasy' ekayA = one

sA 'tha tasy' .aikayA aGgulyA = finger

sA 'tha tasy' .aikayA 'GgulyA mUrtay'' iva = like (@enclitic)

sA 'tha tasy' .aikayA 'GgulyA mUrtay'' .eva smara- = (god of) love

sA 'tha tasy' .aikayA 'GgulyA mUrtay'' .eva smar'-AjJayA = by command

ito nikaTam ehIti saMjJAM cakre nRpAtmajA en fr

ito nikaTam eh' .Iti saMjJAM cakre nRp'-AtmajA en fr

itaH = from here

ito nikaTam = nearness, proximity

ito nikaTam ehi = come!

ito nikaTam eh' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

ito nikaTam eh' .Iti saMjJAm = consciousness; sign, signal, password

ito nikaTam eh' .Iti saMjJAM cakre = did, made

ito nikaTam eh' .Iti saMjJAM cakre nRpa- = king

ito nikaTam eh' .Iti saMjJAM cakre nRp'-AtmajA = daughter

The king’s daughter made him a sign to come near with one finger, looking like love’s command in fleshly form.


tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayAv antaHpurAc ca saH en fr

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayAv antaHpurAc ca saH en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH samIpam = near

tataH samIpaM tasyAH = her

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca = and

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayau = went

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayAv antaHpurAt = inner apartments, harem

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayAv antaHpurAc ca = and

tataH samIpaM tasyAz ca yayAv antaHpurAc ca saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam AdAya taM prati en fr

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam AdAya taM prati en fr

sA = that one, she, it (@f)

sA ca = and

sA ca cikSepa = threw

sA ca cikSepa dantena = tooth

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam = blossom

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam AdAya = took and

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam AdAya tam = him; it; that

sA ca cikSepa dantena puSpam AdAya taM prati = towards, against; every, each (@former)

Then he came near her, and she came out of the women’s apartments, and took with her teeth a flower and threw it down to him.


saMjJAm etAm ajAnAno gUDhAM rAjasutAkRtAm en fr

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAno gUDhAM rAja-sutA-kRtAm en fr

saMjJAm = consciousness; sign, signal, password

saMjJAm etAm = this one (f. am)

saMjJAm etAm a- = non-, a-, an-

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAnaH = (while) knowing (jJA + znA + zAnac)

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAno gUDhAm = secret

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAno gUDhAM rAja- = king

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAno gUDhAM rAja-sutA- = daughter

saMjJAm etAm a-jAnAno gUDhAM rAja-sutA-kRtAm = done, made

He, not understanding this mysterious sign [also see notes on sign-language] made by the princess,

sa kartavyavimUDhaH sann upAdhyAyagRhaM yayau en fr

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH sann upAdhyAya-gRhaM yayau en fr

sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa kartavya- = has to be done

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH = confused, foolish

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH san = that is

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH sann upAdhyAya- = teacher

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH sann upAdhyAya-gRham = house

sa kartavya-vimUDhaH sann upAdhyAya-gRhaM yayau = went

puzzled as to what he ought to do, went home to his preceptor.


luloTha tatra dharaNau na kiMcid vaktum IzvaraH en fr

luloTha tatra dharaNau na kiMcid vaktum IzvaraH en fr

luloTha = rolled; attacked, hitted

luloTha tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

luloTha tatra dharaNau = on the ground (from dharaNi- @f, same as dharaNI-)

luloTha tatra dharaNau na = no, not, doesn't

luloTha tatra dharaNau na kiMcit = somewhat, something

luloTha tatra dharaNau na kiMcid vaktum = to say

luloTha tatra dharaNau na kiMcid vaktum IzvaraH = lord

There he rolled on the ground unable to utter a word,

tApena dahyamAno 'ntar mUkaH prabhuSito yathA en fr

tApena dahyamAno 'ntar mUkaH prabhuSito yathA en fr

tApena = pain, heat

tApena dahyamAnaH = (that is being) burnt, (that is) on fire

tApena dahyamAno antar = inner, inside

tApena dahyamAno 'ntar mUkaH prabhuSito yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)

being consumed within with burning pain, like one dumb and distracted;


vitarkya kAmajaiz cihnair upAdhyAyena dhImatA en fr

vitarkya kAma-jaiz cihnair upAdhyAyena dhImatA en fr

vitarkya = figured out and

vitarkya kAma- = desire

vitarkya kAma-jaiH = born (@latter)

vitarkya kAma-jaiz cihnaiH = symptoms, traces

vitarkya kAma-jaiz cihnair upAdhyAyena = teacher

vitarkya kAma-jaiz cihnair upAdhyAyena dhImatA = smart

his wise preceptor guessing what was the matter by these love symptoms,

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathAvRttaM zazaMsa saH en fr

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathA-vRttaM zazaMsa saH en fr

yuktyA pRSTaH = asked

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcit = somehow

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca = and

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathA- = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathA-vRttam = event, what happens, vicissitude; behaviour

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathA-vRttaM zazaMsa = told, said

yuktyA pRSTaH kathaMcic ca yathA-vRttaM zazaMsa saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

artfully questioned him, and at last he was with difficulty persuaded to tell the whole story.


tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyo vidagdho vAkyam abravIt en fr

tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyo vidagdho vAkyam abravIt en fr

tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tad buddhvA = noticed and, learnt of and, heard of and, realized and, perceived and

tad buddhvA tam = him; it; that

tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyaH = teacher

tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyo vidagdhaH = burnt up; clever, shrewd

tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyo vidagdho vAkyam = words, speech

tad buddhvA tam upAdhyAyo vidagdho vAkyam abravIt = said

Then the clever preceptor guessed the riddle, and said to him[13]:

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA saMjJA kRtA tava en fr

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA saMjJA kRtA tava en fr

dantena = tooth

dantena puSpam = blossom

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA = by her, with her

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA saMjJA = consciousness; sign, signal, password

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA saMjJA kRtA = (was) done, (was) made

dantena puSpaM muJcantyA tayA saMjJA kRtA tava = your

“By letting drop a flower with her tooth she made a sign to you


yad etat puSpadantAkhyaM puSpADhyaM suramandiram en fr

yad etat puSpadant'-AkhyaM puSp'-ADhyaM sura-mandiram en fr

yat = the one which; because, as

yad etat = this

yad etat puSpadanta- = tp (of a temple)

yad etat puSpadant'-Akhyam = called

yad etat puSpadant'-AkhyaM puSpa- = flower, blossom

yad etat puSpadant'-AkhyaM puSp'-ADhyam = full of, rich (in)

yad etat puSpadant'-AkhyaM puSp'-ADhyaM sura- = a god

yad etat puSpadant'-AkhyaM puSp'-ADhyaM sura-mandiram = house

that you were to go to this temple rich in flowers, called puSpadanta,

tatrAgatya pratIkSethAH sAMprataM gamyatAm iti en fr

tatr' Agatya pratIkSethAH sAMprataM gamyatAm iti en fr

tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

tatr' Agatya = came and

tatr' Agatya pratIkSethAH sAMpratam = now

tatr' Agatya pratIkSethAH sAMprataM gamyatAm = (let's) go

tatr' Agatya pratIkSethAH sAMprataM gamyatAm iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

and wait there; so you had better go now.”


zrutveti jJAnasaMjJArthaH sa tatyAja zucaM yuvA en fr

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA-'rthaH sa tatyAja zucaM yuvA en fr

zrutvA = heard and

zrutv'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

zrutv'' .eti jJAna- = knowledge

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA- = consciousness; sign, signal, password

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA-arthaH = purpose, meaning; (@latter) in order to, for; wealth

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA-'rthaH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA-'rthaH sa tatyAja = threw, abandoned

zrutv'' .eti jJAna-saMjJA-'rthaH sa tatyAja zucaM yuvA = young man

When he heard this and knew the meaning of the sign, the youth forgot his grief.

tato devagRhasyAntas tasya gatvA sthito 'bhavat en fr

tato deva-gRhasy' .Antas@ tasya gatvA sthito 'bhavat en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tato deva- = god; your majesty (green)

tato deva-gRhasya = house

tato deva-gRhasy' antar = inner, inside

tato deva-gRhasy' .Antas@ tasya = his, its

tato deva-gRhasy' .Antas@ tasya gatvA = went and

tato deva-gRhasy' .Antas@ tasya gatvA sthitaH = waiting, standing, staying, that is at

tato deva-gRhasy' .Antas@ tasya gatvA sthito abhavat = was, there was, became, appeared (laG)

Then he went into that temple and remained there.


sApy aSTamIM samuddizya tatra rAjasutA yayau en fr

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya tatra rAja-sutA yayau en fr

sA = that one, she, it (@f)

sA api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya = aimed at and

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya tatra rAja- = king

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya tatra rAja-sutA = daughter

sA 'py aSTamIM samuddizya tatra rAja-sutA yayau = went

The princess on her part also went there, giving as an excuse that it was the eighth day of the month,

ekaiva devaM draSTuM ca garbhAgAram athAvizat en fr

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTuM ca garbh'-.AgAram ath' .Avizat en fr

ekA = one; lone, alone (@f)

ek'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)

ek'' .aiva devam = god

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTum = to see

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTuM ca = and

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTuM ca garbha- = womb, foetus; inner sanctum, holy of holies

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTuM ca garbh'-.AgAram atha = then, and then

ek'' .aiva devaM draSTuM ca garbh'-.AgAram ath' avizat = went in

and then entered the inner shrine in order to present herself alone before the god;


dRSTo 'tra dvArapaTTasya pazcAt so 'tha priyas tayA en fr

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt so 'tha priyas tayA en fr

dRSTaH = (was) seen

dRSTo atra = here, in this

dRSTo 'tra dvAra- = door

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt = afterwards

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt so atha = then, and then

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt so 'tha priyaH = dear, pleasant, kindness; a favour, a service

dRSTo 'tra dvAra-paTTasya pazcAt so 'tha priyas tayA = by her, with her

then she touched her lover, who was behind the panel of the door,

gRhItAnena cotthAya sA kaNThe sahasA tataH en fr

gRhItA 'nena c' .otthAya sA kaNThe sahasA tataH en fr

gRhItA = (was) taken

gRhItA anena = by this, with this

gRhItA 'nena ca = and

gRhItA 'nena c' utthAya = stood up and

gRhItA 'nena c' .otthAya sA = that one, she, it (@f)

gRhItA 'nena c' .otthAya sA kaNThe = neck, throat

gRhItA 'nena c' .otthAya sA kaNThe sahasA = suddenly

gRhItA 'nena c' .otthAya sA kaNThe sahasA tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

and he suddenly springing up threw his arms round her neck.

She exclaimed:


citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJety udite tayA en fr

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJ'' .ety udite tayA en fr

citram = variegated, many-colored; wonderfully, miraculously, surprisingly

citraM tvayA = by you

citraM tvayA katham = how?

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA = that one, she, it (@f)

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJA = consciousness; sign, signal, password

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJ'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJ'' .ety udite = risen, gone up, raised; said

citraM tvayA kathaM jJAtA sA saMjJ'' .ety udite tayA = by her, with her

“This is strange; how did you guess the meaning of that sign of mine?”

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na mayeti jagAda saH en fr

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na may'' .eti jagAda saH en fr

upAdhyAyena = teacher

upAdhyAyena sA = that one, she, it (@f)

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na = no, not, doesn't

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na mayA = by me

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na may'' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na may'' .eti jagAda = spoke

upAdhyAyena sA jJAtA na may'' .eti jagAda saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

He replied: “It was my preceptor that found it out, not I.”


muJca mAm avidagdhas tvam ity uktvA tatkSaNAt krudhA en fr

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam ity uktvA tat-kSaNAt krudhA en fr

muJca = let go!

muJca mAm = (has am) me

muJca mAm a- = non-, a-, an-

muJca mAm a-vidagdhaH = burnt up; clever, shrewd

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam = you (has su); -ness, -hood, -ship (affix)

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam ity uktvA = said and

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam ity uktvA tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam ity uktvA tat-kSaNAt = in a moment

muJca mAm a-vidagdhas tvam ity uktvA tat-kSaNAt krudhA = angry

Then the princess flew into a passion and said, “Let me go; you are a dolt,” and

mantrabhedabhayAt sAtha rAjakanyA tato yayau en fr

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA 'tha rAja-kanyA tato yayau en fr

mantra- = holy words, veda verses; magic formula, spell; consultation, resolution, counsel, advice, plan, design, secret

mantra-bheda- = division, splitting, difference, partition, dissension, a kind of

mantra-bheda-bhayAt = because of fear

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA = that one, she, it (@f)

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA atha = then, and then

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA 'tha rAja- = king

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA 'tha rAja-kanyA = girl, daughter

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA 'tha rAja-kanyA tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

mantra-bheda-bhayAt sA 'tha rAja-kanyA tato yayau = went

immediately rushed out of the temple, fearing her secret would be discovered.


so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTanaSTAM smaran priyAm en fr

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTa-naSTAM smaran priyAm en fr

saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

so api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)

so 'pi gatvA = went and

so 'pi gatvA vivikte = secluded, solitary, retired (place)

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTa- = (was) seen

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTa-naSTAm = destroyed

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTa-naSTAM smaran = (while) remembering

so 'pi gatvA vivikte tAM dRSTa-naSTAM smaran priyAm = dear, pleasant, kindness; a favour, a service; beloved

Devadatta on his part went away, and thinking in solitude on his beloved, who was no sooner seen than lost to his eyes,

devadatto viyogAgnivigalajjIvito 'bhavat en fr

devadatto viyogAgni-vigalaj-jIvito 'bhavat en fr

devadattaH = pn

devadatto viyogAgni-vigalat- = (zatR) dropping , oozing; disappearing

devadatto viyogAgni-vigalaj-jIvitaH = alive; life

devadatto viyogAgni-vigalaj-jIvito abhavat = was, there was, became, appeared (laG)

was in such a state that the taper of his life was well-nigh melted away in the fire of bereavement.


dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH prAk prasannaH kilAdizat en fr

dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH prAk prasannaH kil' .Adizat en fr

dRSTvA = saw and

dRSTvA tam = him; it; that

dRSTvA taM tAdRzam = such

dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH = pn (of ziva)

dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH prAk = earlier; long ago; before (with @fifth)

dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH prAk prasannaH = kindly disposed towards

dRSTvA taM tAdRzaM zaMbhuH prAk prasannaH kila = or so they say, it seems

ziva, who had been before propitiated by him, commanded

gaNaM paJcazikhaM nAma tasyAbhIpsitasiddhaye en fr

gaNaM paJcazikhaM nAma tasy' .AbhIpsita-siddhaye en fr

gaNam = group, host

gaNaM paJcazikham = pn

gaNaM paJcazikhaM nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to

gaNaM paJcazikhaM nAma tasya = his, its

gaNaM paJcazikhaM nAma tasy' .AbhIpsita-siddhaye = success, perfection, enlightenment; accomplishment, power (esp. superpower)

an attendant of his, of the name of paJcazikha, to procure for him the desire of his heart.


sa cAgatya samAzvAsya strIveSaM taM gaNottamaH en fr

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI-veSaM taM gaN'-.ottamaH en fr

sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

sa ca = and

sa c' Agatya = came and

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya = console and

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI- = woman

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI-veSam = dress

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI-veSaM tam = him; it; that

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI-veSaM taM gaNa- = group; servant of ziva

sa c' Agatya samAzvAsya strI-veSaM taM gaN'-uttamaH = best

That excellent gaNa thereupon came and consoled him, and caused him to assume the dress of a woman,

akArayat svayaM cAbhUd vRddhabrAhmaNarUpadhRt en fr

akArayat svayaM c' .AbhUd vRddha-brAhmaNa-rUpa-dhRt en fr

akArayat = had (it) made

akArayat svayam = by (him)self, in person, on (his) own

akArayat svayaM ca = and

akArayat svayaM c' abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)

akArayat svayaM c' .AbhUd vRddha- = elder

akArayat svayaM c' .AbhUd vRddha-brAhmaNa- = brahmin

akArayat svayaM c' .AbhUd vRddha-brAhmaNa-rUpa- = (n.) form, shape; good form, beauty

akArayat svayaM c' .AbhUd vRddha-brAhmaNa-rUpa-dhRt = (@latter) carrier, wearer

and he himself wore the semblance of an aged brahmin.


tatas tena samaM gatvA taM suzarmamahIpatim en fr

tatas tena samaM gatvA taM suzarma-mahI-patim en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tatas tena = by him, by it; that's why

tatas tena samam = same; equanimous

tatas tena samaM gatvA = went and

tatas tena samaM gatvA tam = him; it; that

tatas tena samaM gatvA taM suzarma- = pn

tatas tena samaM gatvA taM suzarma-mahI- = earth

tatas tena samaM gatvA taM suzarma-mahI-patim = lord, husband

Then that worthy gaNa went with him to King suzarman,

janakaM sudRzas tasyAH sa jagAda gaNAgraNIH en fr

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH sa jagAda gaN'-.AgraNIH en fr

janakam = father, progenitor; pn (of a king of videha)

janakaM su- = good (@former); very (@former)

janakaM su-dRzaH = eye, glance (dRz- + Gas)

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH = her

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH sa jagAda = spoke

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH sa jagAda gaNa- = group; servant of ziva

janakaM su-dRzas tasyAH sa jagAda gaN'-agraNIH = taking the lead, foremost

the father of that bright-eyed one, and said to him:


putro me proSitaH kvApi tam anveSTuM vrajAmy aham en fr

putro me proSitaH kvApi tam anveSTuM vrajAmy aham en fr

putraH = son

putro me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

putro me proSitaH = living abroad

putro me proSitaH kvApi = somewhere

putro me proSitaH kvApi tam = him; it; that

putro me proSitaH kvApi tam anveSTum = to search (from anu + iS)

putro me proSitaH kvApi tam anveSTuM vrajAmi = I go

putro me proSitaH kvApi tam anveSTuM vrajAmy aham = (has su) I, I am

“My son has been sent away somewhere,[14] I go to seek him;

tan me snuSeyaM niHkSepo rAjan saMprati rakSyatAm en fr

tan@ me snuS'' .eyaM niHkSepo rAjan saMprati rakSyatAm en fr

tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tan@ me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

tan@ me snuSA = daughter-in-law

tan@ me snuS'' iyam = this

tan@ me snuS'' .eyaM niHkSepaH = (maybe w.r. for nikSepaH "a deposit")

tan@ me snuS'' .eyaM niHkSepo rAjan = hey king

tan@ me snuS'' .eyaM niHkSepo rAjan saMprati = now

tan@ me snuS'' .eyaM niHkSepo rAjan saMprati rakSyatAm = it must be protected (loT)

accordingly I deposit with thee this daughter-in-law of mine; keep her safely, O king.”


tac chrutvA zApabhItena tenAdAya suzarmaNA en fr

tac chrutvA zApa-bhItena ten' AdAya suzarmaNA en fr

tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tac zrutvA = heard and

tac chrutvA zApa- = curse

tac chrutvA zApa-bhItena = afraid

tac chrutvA zApa-bhItena tena = by him, by it; that's why

tac chrutvA zApa-bhItena ten' AdAya = took and

tac chrutvA zApa-bhItena ten' AdAya suzarmaNA = pn

Hearing that, King Suzarman, afraid of a brahmin’s curse,

svakanyAntaHpure gupte strIti saMsthApite yuvA en fr

sva-kanyA-'ntaHpure gupte strI 'ti saMsthApite yuvA en fr

sva- = (his) own

sva-kanyA- = girl, daughter

sva-kanyA-antaHpure = harem

sva-kanyA-'ntaHpure gupte = hidden

sva-kanyA-'ntaHpure gupte strI = woman

sva-kanyA-'ntaHpure gupte strI iti = (close quote); saying, thinking

sva-kanyA-'ntaHpure gupte strI 'ti saMsthApite yuvA = young man

note: looks like this should be saMsthApito yuvA

took the young man and placed him in his daughter’s guarded seraglio, supposing him to be a woman.


tataH paJcazikhe yAte svapriyAntaHpure vasan en fr

tataH paJcazikhe yAte sva-priyA-'ntaHpure vasan en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH paJcazikhe = pn

tataH paJcazikhe yAte = gone

tataH paJcazikhe yAte sva- = (his) own

tataH paJcazikhe yAte sva-priyA- = dear, pleasant, kindness; a favour, a service; beloved

tataH paJcazikhe yAte sva-priyA-antaHpure = harem

tataH paJcazikhe yAte sva-priyA-'ntaHpure vasan = (that was) living

Then after the departure of paJcazikha the brahmin dwelt in woman’s clothes in the seraglio of his beloved,

strIveSaH sa dvijas tasyA visrambhAspadatAM yayau en fr

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyA$ visrambh'-Aspada-tAM yayau en fr

strI- = woman

strI-veSaH = appearance, looks, dress

strI-veSaH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

strI-veSaH sa dvijaH = brahmin; bird

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyAH = her

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyA$ visrambha- = confidence, trust (in someone's words)

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyA$ visrambh'-Aspada- = residence

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyA$ visrambh'-Aspada-tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)

strI-veSaH sa dvijas tasyA$ visrambh'-Aspada-tAM yayau = went

and became her trusted confidant.


ekadA cotsukA rAtrau tenAtmAnaM prakAzya sA en fr

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau ten' AtmAnaM prakAzya sA en fr

ekadA = once

ekadA ca = and

ekadA c' utsukA = eager

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau = by night

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau tena = by him, by it; that's why

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau ten' AtmAnam = oneself; soul

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau ten' AtmAnaM prakAzya = revealed and, made plain and

ekadA c' .otsukA rAtrau ten' AtmAnaM prakAzya sA = that one, she, it (@f)

Once on a time the princess was full of regretful longing at night, so he discovered himself to her

guptaM gAndharvavidhinA pariNItA nRpAtmajA en fr

guptaM gAndharva-vidhinA pariNItA nRp'-AtmajA en fr

guptam = protected, led; hidden, secret, covered

guptaM gAndharva- = gandharva-style (marriage)

guptaM gAndharva-vidhinA = by rule

guptaM gAndharva-vidhinA pariNItA = was married

guptaM gAndharva-vidhinA pariNItA nRpa- = king

guptaM gAndharva-vidhinA pariNItA nRp'-AtmajA = daughter

and secretly married her by the gAndharva form of marriage.[15]


tasyAM ca dhRtagarbhAyAM taM dvijaM sa gaNottamaH en fr

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM taM dvijaM sa gaN'-.ottamaH en fr

tasyAm = in that, in it, in her, about her

tasyAM ca = and

tasyAM ca dhRta- = carried; carrying

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAm = (@cyan) womb, phoetus

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM tam = him; it; that

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM taM dvijam = brahmin

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM taM dvijaM sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM taM dvijaM sa gaNa- = group; servant of ziva

tasyAM ca dhRta-garbhAyAM taM dvijaM sa gaN'-uttamaH = best

And when she became pregnant that excellent gaNa

smRtamAtrAgato rAtrau tato 'naiSId alakSitam en fr

smRta-mAtr'-Agato rAtrau tato 'naiSId alakSitam en fr

smRta- = remembered

smRta-mAtra- = only; right after, as soon as (@latter); measure (@cyan)

smRta-mAtr'-AgataH = came; (that has) come

smRta-mAtr'-Agato rAtrau = by night

smRta-mAtr'-Agato rAtrau tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

smRta-mAtr'-Agato rAtrau tato anaiSIt = carried

smRta-mAtr'-Agato rAtrau tato 'naiSId alakSitam = incognito, unnoticed

came on his thinking of him only, and carried him away at night without its being perceived.


tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strIveSam Azu tam en fr

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strI-veSam Azu tam en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tatas tasya = his, its

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH = young man

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strI- = woman

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strI-veSam = dress

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strI-veSam Azu = quickly

tatas tasya samutsArya yUnaH strI-veSam Azu tam = him; it; that

Then he quickly rent off from the young man his woman’s dress,

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so 'bhUt pUrvavad brAhmaNAkRtiH en fr

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so 'bhUt pUrvavad brAhmaN'-AkRtiH en fr

prAtaH paJcazikhaH = pn

prAtaH paJcazikhaH saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so abhUt = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so 'bhUt pUrvavat = like earlier, like the previous one

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so 'bhUt pUrvavad brAhmaNa- = brahmin

prAtaH paJcazikhaH so 'bhUt pUrvavad brAhmaN'-AkRtiH = shape, beauty

and in the morning PaJcazikha resumed the semblance of a brahmin;


tenaiva saha gatvA ca suzarmanRpam abhyadhAt en fr

ten' .aiva saha gatvA ca suzarma-nRpam abhyadhAt en fr

tena = by him, by it; that's why

ten' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)

ten' .aiva saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)

ten' .aiva saha gatvA = went and

ten' .aiva saha gatvA ca = and

ten' .aiva saha gatvA ca suzarma- = pn

ten' .aiva saha gatvA ca suzarma-nRpam = king

ten' .aiva saha gatvA ca suzarma-nRpam abhyadhAt = said

and going with the young man to the King Suzarman he said:

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tad dehi me snuSAm en fr

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tad dehi me snuSAm en fr

adya = today; now

adya prAptaH = arrived, gotten, reached , found

adya prApto mayA = by me

adya prApto mayA rAjan = hey king

adya prApto mayA rAjan putraH = son

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tad dehi = give!

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tad dehi me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)

adya prApto mayA rAjan putras tad dehi me snuSAm = daughter-in-law

“O king, I have this day found my son; so give me back my daughter-in-law.”


tataH sa rAjA tAM buddhvA rAtrau kvApi palAyitAm en fr

tataH sa rAjA tAM buddhvA rAtrau kvApi palAyitAm en fr

tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on

tataH sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)

tataH sa rAjA = king

tataH sa rAjA tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)

tataH sa rAjA tAM buddhvA = noticed and, learnt of and, heard of and, realized and, perceived and

tataH sa rAjA tAM buddhvA rAtrau = by night

tataH sa rAjA tAM buddhvA rAtrau kvApi = somewhere

Then the king, supposing that she had fled somewhere at night,

tacchApabhayasaMbhrAnto mantribhya idam abravIt en fr

tac-chApa-bhaya-saMbhrAnto mantribhya idam abravIt en fr

tat- = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore

tac-zApa- = curse

tac-chApa-bhaya- = fear

tac-chApa-bhaya-saMbhrAntaH = agitated, bewildered, perplexed

tac-chApa-bhaya-saMbhrAnto mantribhyaH = minister

tac-chApa-bhaya-saMbhrAnto mantribhya idam = this

tac-chApa-bhaya-saMbhrAnto mantribhya idam abravIt = said

alarmed at the prospect of being cursed by the brahmin, said this to his ministers:

note: at this point the king tells his ministers a tale illustrating that gods sometime disguise themselves as beggars to test kings, thus hinting that he suspects that the brahmin is a god in disguise. We skip that tale, for now.
