katha1702 webgloss
ity uktvAntardadhe devaH so 'pi siddhaM manoratham
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devaH so 'pi siddhaM manoratham
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
ity uktvA = said and
ity uktvA antardadhe = he disappeared
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devas = god; Your Majesty
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devaH sas = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devaH so api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devaH so 'pi siddham = accomplished, perfected, succeeded, verified; cooked; ready
ity uktvA 'ntardadhe devaH so 'pi siddhaM manoratham = desire
When the god had said this, he disappeared, and Vidyuddhvaja, considering that the wish of his heart was attained,
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNaM svapuraM yayau
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNaM sva-puraM yayau
matvA = thought and
matvA vidyuddhvajas = pn
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA = did and
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNam = fast-breaking, breakfast
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNaM sva- = (his) own
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNaM sva-puram = city
matvA vidyuddhvajaH kRtvA pAraNaM sva-puraM yayau = went
broke his fast, and went to his city.
tatrAbhinanditaH paurais tena pitryeNa mantriNA
tatr' .AbhinanditaH paurais tena pitryeNa mantriNA
tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
tatr' abhinanditas = delighted, made happy, saluted, welcomed
tatr' .AbhinanditaH paurais = citizens
tatr' .AbhinanditaH paurais tena = by him, by it; that's why
tatr' .AbhinanditaH paurais tena pitryeNa = paternal
tatr' .AbhinanditaH paurais tena pitryeNa mantriNA = minister, counselor
There he was welcomed by the citizens, and met by that minister of his father’s
militvA tatkRte taptatapasA vyadhitotsavam
militvA tatkRte tapta-tapasA vyadhit'-.otsavam
militvA = after meeting
militvA tatkRte = too, therefore; for his sake
militvA tatkRte tapta- = heated, molten, refined; done (said of tapas)
militvA tatkRte tapta-tapasA = penance, asceticism, austerity
militvA tatkRte tapta-tapasA vyadhit'-utsavam = festival
who had endured suffering for his sake, and who now made great rejoicing.
AhUyAsurasainyAni vihitAhavasaMvidhiH
AhUyA 'sura-sainyAni vihit'-Ahava-saMvidhiH
AhUyA = called and
AhUyA asura- = pn (of a race of gods that are not gods)
AhUyA 'sura-sainyAni = troops, forces
AhUyA 'sura-sainyAni vihita- = set up, prescribed, enjoined, appointed, formed (vi dhA); accomplished, done
AhUyA 'sura-sainyAni vihit'-Ahava- = battle, battlefield
AhUyA 'sura-sainyAni vihit'-Ahava-saMvidhis = arrangement, disposition
He then summoned the armies of the asuras, and made preparation for battle,
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjo bhaveti saH
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjo bhav' .eti saH
indrAya = pn
indrAya prAhiNod = threw, hurled, sent, appointed
indrAya prAhiNod dUtam = messenger
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi = fight (yudh-)
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjas = ready, armed, prepared
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjo bhava = be!, become!
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjo bhav' iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
indrAya prAhiNod dUtaM yudhi sajjo bhav' .eti sas = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
and sent an ambassador to Indra to warn him to hold himself in readiness for fight.
cacAla ca nabhaH senAnAdanirghAtadAritam
cacAla ca nabhaH senA-nAda-nirghAta-dAritam
cacAla = moved
cacAla ca = and
cacAla ca nabhas = sky (nabhas- @n)
cacAla ca nabhaH senA- = army
cacAla ca nabhaH senA-nAda- = noise, roar, shout
cacAla ca nabhaH senA-nAda-nirghAta- = removal, destruction (han + Nic + ghaJ, maybe); whirlwind, hurricane, thunderstorm, earthquake
cacAla ca nabhaH senA-nAda-nirghAta-dAritam = torn, divided, split, rent
And he marched out, hiding with his banners the sky, which he clove with the thunderous roar of his host,
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTaM svarvAsinAm iva
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTaM svar-vAsinAm iva
ketubhis = flag
ketubhiz chAdayan = hiding, covering
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvan = extending; accomplishing
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTam = desired; sacrificed
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTaM svar- = heaven, sky
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTaM svar-vAsinAm = living at
ketubhiz chAdayaMs tanvann iSTaM svar-vAsinAm iva = like (@enclitic)
and so he seemed to be fulfilling the wish[5] of the inhabitants of heaven.
indro 'pi taM labdhavaraM vijJAyAgatam AkulaH
indro 'pi taM labdha-varaM vijJAy' Agatam AkulaH
indras = lord; pn (of the king of the gods)
indro api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
indro 'pi tam = him; it; that
indro 'pi taM labdha- = (that has been) gotten
indro 'pi taM labdha-varam = best, it is best; bridegroom, husband
indro 'pi taM labdha-varaM vijJAya = after figuring out, after realizing that
indro 'pi taM labdha-varaM vijJAy' Agatam = (that) came
indro 'pi taM labdha-varaM vijJAy' Agatam Akulas = aghast, stunned, bewildered, uneasy ; full
And Indra, for his part, knowing that he had returned from winning a boon, was troubled,
saMmantrya devaguruNA surasainyAny upAhvayat
saMmantrya deva-guruNA sura-sainyAny upAhvayat
saMmantrya = discussed and, took counsel and
saMmantrya deva- = god; your majesty (green)
saMmantrya deva-guruNA = teacher
saMmantrya deva-guruNA sura- = a god
saMmantrya deva-guruNA sura-sainyAni = troops, forces
saMmantrya deva-guruNA sura-sainyAny upAhvayad = called, summoned
but, after taking counsel with the adviser of the gods,[6] he summoned his forces.
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte tayor ubhayasainyayoH
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte tayor ubhaya-sainyayoH
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato vidyuddhvaje = pn
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte = reached
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte tayos = both
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte tayor ubhaya- = both
tato vidyuddhvaje prApte tayor ubhaya-sainyayos = two armies
Then vidyuddhvaja arrived, and there took place between those two armies
sveSAM pareSAM cAjJAtavibhAgo 'bhUn mahAhavaH
sveSAM pareSAM c' .AjJAta-vibhAgo 'bhUn@ mahA-''havaH
sveSAm = of (their) own
sveSAM pareSAm = of others
sveSAM pareSAM ca = and
sveSAM pareSAM c' ajJAta- = unknown
sveSAM pareSAM c' .AjJAta-vibhAgas = division, telling apart, distinguishing ; part, share
sveSAM pareSAM c' .AjJAta-vibhAgo abhUd = was, there was, became, appeared (luG)
sveSAM pareSAM c' .AjJAta-vibhAgo 'bhUn@ mahA- = big, great (@former)
sveSAM pareSAM c' .AjJAta-vibhAgo 'bhUn@ mahA-Ahavas = battle, battlefield
a great battle, in which it was difficult to distinguish between friend and foe.
subAhupramukhA daityAH sahAyudhyanta vAyubhiH
subAhu-pramukhA$ daityAH sah' .Ayudhyanta vAyubhiH
subAhu- = pn
subAhu-pramukhAs = (that is) in front of face; facing
subAhu-pramukhA$ daityAs = asura
subAhu-pramukhA$ daityAH saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
subAhu-pramukhA$ daityAH sah' ayudhyanta = they fought
subAhu-pramukhA$ daityAH sah' .Ayudhyanta vAyubhis = winds
Those daityas, who were headed by subAhu, fought with the wind-gods,
piGgAkSAdyAH kuberaiz ca mahAmAyAdayo 'gnibhiH
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberaiz ca mahAmAy'-Adayo 'gnibhiH
piGgAkSa- = pn
piGgAkS'-AdyAs = beginning; etcetera, and others, et al first
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberais = pn
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberaiz ca = and
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberaiz ca mahAmAya- = pn
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberaiz ca mahAmAy'-Adayas = beginning
piGgAkS'-AdyAH kuberaiz ca mahAmAy'-Adayo agnibhis = fire
and piGgAkSa and his followers with the gods of wealth, mahAmAya and his forces with the gods of fire,
ayaHkAyAdayaH sUryaiH siddhair AkampanAdayaH
ayaHkAy'-AdayaH sUryaiH siddhair Akampan'-AdayaH
ayaHkAya- = pn
ayaHkAy'-Adayas = beginning
ayaHkAy'-AdayaH sUryais = sun
ayaHkAy'-AdayaH sUryaiH siddhais = pn (of a class of superhumans)
ayaHkAy'-AdayaH sUryaiH siddhair Akampana- = pn
ayaHkAy'-AdayaH sUryaiH siddhair Akampan'-Adayas = beginning
and ayaHkAya and his hosts with the sun-gods, and Akampana and his warriors
anye vidyAdharair daityA gandharvAdyais tato 'pare
anye vidyAdharair daityA$ gandharv'-Adyais tato 'pare
anye = another one, someone else
anye vidyAdharais = pn (of a race of superhuman beings)
anye vidyAdharair daityAs = asura
anye vidyAdharair daityA$ gandharva- = pn (a race of superhuman beings)
anye vidyAdharair daityA$ gandharv'-Adyais = first, initial; principal, main; predecessor, the earlier one
anye vidyAdharair daityA$ gandharv'-Adyais tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
anye vidyAdharair daityA$ gandharv'-Adyais tato apare = another one; western; posterior
with the vidyAdharas, and the rest with the gandharvas and their allies.
evam AsIn mahAyuddhaM teSAM vAsaraviMzatim
evam AsIn@ mahA-yuddhaM teSAM vAsara-viMzatim
evam = thus, this way
evam AsId = there was
evam AsIn@ mahA- = big, great (@former)
evam AsIn@ mahA-yuddham = fight, battle, war
evam AsIn@ mahA-yuddhaM teSAm = of them, among them
evam AsIn@ mahA-yuddhaM teSAM vAsara- = day
evam AsIn@ mahA-yuddhaM teSAM vAsara-viMzatim = twenty
So a great battle continued between them for twenty days,
ekaviMze dine daityair abhajyanta raNe surAH
ekaviMze dine daityair abhajyanta raNe surAH
ekaviMze = twenty-first
ekaviMze dine = day
ekaviMze dine daityais = pn (the enemies of the gods, anti-gods)
ekaviMze dine daityair abhajyanta = they broke
ekaviMze dine daityair abhajyanta raNe = battlefield, battle
ekaviMze dine daityair abhajyanta raNe surAs = gods
and on the twenty-first day the gods were routed in fight by the Asuras.
te ca bhagnAH pravivizuH palAyyAntas triviSTapam
te ca bhagnAH pravivizuH palAyyAntas triviSTapam
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te ca = and
te ca bhagnAs = broken down, shattered
te ca bhagnAH pravivizus = they entered
te ca bhagnAH pravivizuH palAyyAntas = fleeing
te ca bhagnAH pravivizuH palAyyAntas triviSTapam = indra's heaven; sky
And when routed they fled, and entered heaven;
tataz cairAvaNArUDho niragAd vAsavaH svayam
tataz c' airAvaN'-ArUDho niragAd vAsavaH svayam
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataz ca = and
tataz c' airAvaNa- = pn (of indra's elephant, airAvata)
tataz c' airAvaN'-ArUDhas = one that has climbed
tataz c' airAvaN'-ArUDho niragAd = went out
tataz c' airAvaN'-ArUDho niragAd vAsavas = pn (of indra)
tataz c' airAvaN'-ArUDho niragAd vAsavaH svayam = by (him)self, in person, on (his) own
and then Indra himself issued, mounted on airAvaNa.
parivArya ca taM devasainyAni niraguH punaH
parivArya ca taM deva-sainyAni niraguH punaH@
parivArya = surrounded and
parivArya ca = and
parivArya ca tam = him; it; that
parivArya ca taM deva- = god; your majesty (green)
parivArya ca taM deva-sainyAni = troops, forces
parivArya ca taM deva-sainyAni niragus = they went out (nis + gA + luG)
parivArya ca taM deva-sainyAni niraguH punar = again
And the forces of the gods rallied round him, and marched out again,
candraketuprabhRtibhiH sahaiva dyucarezvaraiH
candraketu-prabhRtibhiH sah' .aiva dyucar'-..ezvaraiH
candraketu- = pn
candraketu-prabhRtibhis = etc (@latter)
candraketu-prabhRtibhiH saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
candraketu-prabhRtibhiH sah' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
candraketu-prabhRtibhiH sah' .aiva dyucara- = skywalker
candraketu-prabhRtibhiH sah' .aiva dyucar'-Izvarais = lords
with the leaders of the VidyAdharas, headed by Candraketu.
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme hanyamAnAsurAmare
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme hanyamAn'-.Asur'-.Amare
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH pravRtte = about to begin
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme = battle, battlefield
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme hanyamAna- = (that was) being killed
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme hanyamAn'-asura- = pn (of a race of gods that are not gods)
tataH pravRtte saMgrAme hanyamAn'-.Asur'-amare = inmortal; a god (deva-)
Then a desperate fight took place, and Asuras and gods[7] were being slain in great numbers
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajaH pitRvadhakrudhA
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajaH pitR-vadha-krudhA
indram = pn
indram abhyadravad = rushed towards
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajas = pn
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajaH pitR- = father
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajaH pitR-vadha- = a killing
indram abhyadravad vidyuddhvajaH pitR-vadha-krudhA = angry
when Vidyuddhvaja attacked Indra, to revenge the slaughter of his father.
so 'strANi tasya pratyastrair daityendrasya pratighnataH
so 'strANi tasya praty-astrair daity'-.endrasya pratighnataH
sas = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
so astrANi = weapons
so 'strANi tasya = his, its
so 'strANi tasya prati- = towards, against; every, each (@former)
so 'strANi tasya praty-astrais = weapon
so 'strANi tasya praty-astrair daitya- = pn (of a class of gods)
so 'strANi tasya praty-astrair daity'-indrasya = lord; pn (of the king of the gods)
so 'strANi tasya praty-astrair daity'-.endrasya pratighnatas = striking back, counterattacking, retaliating (zatR)
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM devarAjo muhur muhuH
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM deva-rAjo muhur muhuH
ciccheda = he cut
ciccheda bANais = with arrows
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDam = bow
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM deva- = god; your majesty (green)
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM deva-rAjas = king (@cyan)
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM deva-rAjo muhus = all the time, nonstop
ciccheda bANaiH kodaNDaM deva-rAjo muhur muhus = all the time, nonstop
The king of the gods cleft over and over again the bow of that chief of the Asuras,
tato mudgaram AdAya mahezvaravaroddhuraH
tato mudgaram AdAya mahezvara-var'-.oddhuraH
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato mudgaram = hammer, mace
tato mudgaram AdAya = took and
tato mudgaram AdAya mahezvara- = pn (of ziva-, the Great Lord)
tato mudgaram AdAya mahezvara-vara- = best; bridegroom, husband
tato mudgaram AdAya mahezvara-var'-uddhuras = freed from a yoke, unrestrained, cheerful
who kept repelling his shafts with answering shafts. Then Vidyuddhvaja, elated with the boon of Śiva, seized his mace,
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd adhAvad vAsavaM prati
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd adhAvad vAsavaM prati
vidyuddhvajas = pn
vidyuddhvajas tam = him; it; that
vidyuddhvajas taM sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd = quickly, at once
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd adhAvad = ran
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd adhAvad vAsavam = pn (of indra)
vidyuddhvajas taM sa javAd adhAvad vAsavaM prati = towards, against; every, each (@former)
and rushed furiously on Indra.
utplutya dantayor dattvA pAdam airAvaNasya ca
utplutya dantayor dattvA pAdam airAvaNasya ca
utplutya = jumped up and
utplutya dantayos = tooth
utplutya dantayor dattvA = give and
utplutya dantayor dattvA pAdam = foot, one-fourth
utplutya dantayor dattvA pAdam airAvaNasya = pn
utplutya dantayor dattvA pAdam airAvaNasya ca = and
He leapt up, planting his feet on the tusks of airAvaNa,
ArurohAsya kumbhAgraM yantAraM vimamAtha ca
Aruroh' .Asya kumbhAgraM yantAraM vimamAtha ca
Aruroha = climbed
Aruroh' asya = this one's, to this, of this
Aruroh' .Asya kumbhAgram = forehead
Aruroh' .Asya kumbhAgraM yantAram = driver, mahout
Aruroh' .Asya kumbhAgraM yantAraM vimamAtha ca = and
and climbed up on his forehead and killed his driver.
dadau ca devarAjAya prahAraM mudgareNa saH
dadau ca deva-rAjAya prahAraM mudgareNa saH
dadau = gave
dadau ca = and
dadau ca deva- = god; your majesty (green)
dadau ca deva-rAjAya = king (@latter only)
dadau ca deva-rAjAya prahAram = a blow, a hit
dadau ca deva-rAjAya prahAraM mudgareNa = hammer, mace
dadau ca deva-rAjAya prahAraM mudgareNa sas = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
And he gave the king of the gods a blow with his mace,
devarAjaz ca muzalenAzu pratijaghAna tam
deva-rAjaz ca muzalen' Azu pratijaghAna tam
deva- = god; your majesty (green)
deva-rAjas = king (@cyan)
deva-rAjaz ca = and
deva-rAjaz ca muzalena = a mace, club
deva-rAjaz ca muzalen' Azu = quickly
deva-rAjaz ca muzalen' Azu pratijaghAna = he counterattacked
deva-rAjaz ca muzalen' Azu pratijaghAna tam = him; it; that
and he quickly returned it with a similar weapon.
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas taM mudgareNa jaghAna yat
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas taM mudgareNa jaghAna yat
vidyuddhvajas = pn
vidyuddhvajo api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas = more, even more; again
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas tam = him; it; that
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas taM mudgareNa = hammer, mace
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas taM mudgareNa jaghAna = killed
vidyuddhvajo 'pi bhUyas taM mudgareNa jaghAna yad = the one which; because, as
But when Vidyuddhvaja struck him a second time with his mace,
tad indraH so 'patad vAyurathasyopari mUrcchitaH
tad indraH so 'patad vAyu-rathasy'-.opari mUrcchitaH
tad = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tad indras = lord; pn (of the king of the gods)
tad indraH sas = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
tad indraH so apatad = fell
tad indraH so 'patad vAyu- = wind
tad indraH so 'patad vAyu-rathasya- = chariot
tad indraH so 'patad vAyu-rathasy'-upari = above
tad indraH so 'patad vAyu-rathasy'-.opari mUrcchitas = excited, stirred up; fainted, stupefied, insensible
Indra fell senseless on to the chariot of the wind-god.
vAyur manojavenendraM taM rathenAnyato 'harat
vAyur mano-javen'-.endraM taM rathen' .Anyato 'harat
vAyus = wind
vAyur manas- = mind (@n as-)
vAyur mano-javena- = speed
vAyur mano-javen'-indram = pn
vAyur mano-javen'-.endraM tam = him; it; that
vAyur mano-javen'-.endraM taM rathena = chariot
vAyur mano-javen'-.endraM taM rathen' anyatas = elsewhere
And the wind-god carried him away in his chariot out of the fight with the speed of thought;
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca dattajhampo 'patad bhuvi
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca datta-jhampo 'patad bhuvi
vidyuddhvajas = pn
vidyuddhvajo asya = this one's, to this, of this
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAd = afterwards
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca = and
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca datta- = given
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca datta-jhampas = jump
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca datta-jhampo apatad = fell
vidyuddhvajo 'sya pazcAc ca datta-jhampo 'patad bhuvi = on earth
and Vidyuddhvaja, who sprang after him,[8] fell on the ground.
akAlo 'yaM raNAd indram apasArayata drutam
akAlo 'yaM raNAd indram apasArayata drutam
akAlo ayam = this (m. su)
akAlo 'yaM raNAd = battlefield
akAlo 'yaM raNAd indram = pn
akAlo 'yaM raNAd indram apasArayata drutam = running, ran, hurriedly
iti tatkSaNam AkAzAd uccacAra sarasvatI
iti tatkSaNam AkAzAd uccacAra sarasvatI
iti = (close quote); saying, thinking
iti tatkSaNam = straight away
iti tatkSaNam AkAzAd = sky
iti tatkSaNam AkAzAd uccacAra sarasvatI = pn (of a gooddess)
At that moment a voice came from the air: “This is an evil day, so carry Indra quickly out of the fight.”
tato 'pasArite zakre vAyunA rathavegataH
tato 'pasArite zakre vAyunA ratha-vegataH
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato 'pasArite zakre vAyunA = by the wind
tato 'pasArite zakre vAyunA ratha- = chariot
Then the wind-god carried off Indra at the utmost speed of his chariot,
vidyuddhvajo rathArUDho yAvat tam anudhAvati
vidyuddhvajo rath'-ArUDho yAvat tam anudhAvati
vidyuddhvajas = pn
vidyuddhvajo ratha- = chariot
vidyuddhvajo rath'-ArUDhas = one that has climbed
vidyuddhvajo rath'-ArUDho yAvad = when; so that; for as long as; while; okay, well then
vidyuddhvajo rath'-ArUDho yAvat tam = him; it; that
and Vidyuddhvaja pursued them, mounted on his;
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddho dhAvitvaiva niraGkuzaH
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddho dhAvitv'' .aiva nir-aGkuzaH
tAvad = for that long; so much; therefore
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddhas = angry
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddho dhAvitvA = ran and
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddho dhAvitv'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
tAvad airAvaNaH kruddho dhAvitv'' .aiva nis- = without, lacking, that has no (@former)
and in the meanwhile AirAvaNa, infuriated and unrestrained by the driver’s hook,
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yataH zakras tato yayau
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yataH zakras tato yayau
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni = troops, forces
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yatas = since, because; that from which
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yataH zakras = pn (of indra)
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yataH zakras tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
mathnan vidrAvya sainyAni yataH zakras tato yayau = went
ran after Indra, trampling and scattering the forces.
tato muktvA raNaM devasainye 'pIndram anudrute
tato muktvA raNaM deva-sainye 'p' .Indram anudrute
tatas = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato muktvA = let go and
tato muktvA raNam = battle, battlefield
tato muktvA raNaM deva- = god; your majesty (green)
tato muktvA raNaM deva-sainye = army
tato muktvA raNaM deva-sainye api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
tato muktvA raNaM deva-sainye 'p' indram = pn
And the army of the gods left the field of battle and followed Indra;
ninAya brahmabhavanaM bhItAM suraguruH zacIm
ninAya brahma-bhavanaM bhItAM sura-guruH zacIm
ninAya = led
ninAya brahma- = pn
ninAya brahma-bhavanam = house
ninAya brahma-bhavanaM bhItAM sura- = a god
ninAya brahma-bhavanaM bhItAM sura-gurus = heavy, important; teacher, boss
ninAya brahma-bhavanaM bhItAM sura-guruH zacIm = pn
and bRhaspati carried off his wife zacI, who was much alarmed, to the heaven of brahmA.
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayaM zUnyAm avApya ca
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayaM zUnyAm avApya ca
atha = then, and then
atha vidyuddhvajas = pn
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya = after getting (Apnoti)
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayam = victory
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayaM zUnyAm = empty
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayaM zUnyAm avApya = after getting
atha vidyuddhvajaH prApya jayaM zUnyAm avApya ca = and
Then vidyuddhvaja, having gained the victory, and having found AmarAvatI empty,
nadadbhiH sahitaH sainyaiH pravivezAmarAvatIm
nadadbhiH sahitaH sainyaiH pravivez' .AmarAvatIm
nadadbhiH sahitas = together
nadadbhiH sahitaH sainyais = troops
nadadbhiH sahitaH sainyaiH praviveza = went in, entered
entered it, accompanied by his shouting troops.