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note: sacred-texts
note: MMW nala book
bRhadazva uvAca
bRhadazva uvAca B T P
bRhadazvaH = pn (of a sage)
bRhadazva uvAca = said
"bRhadazva said,
sA tac chrutvAnavadyAGgI sArthavAhavacas tadA
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'- .AGgI sArtha- vAha- vacas tadA B T P
sA = that one, she, it (@f)
sA tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
sA tac zrutvA = heard and
sA tac chrutvA anavadya- = defectless
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'- aGgI = limb (@cyan)
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'-.AGgI sArtha- = caravan (travelling company of traders or pilgrims), troop, flock; comrade
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'-.AGgI sArtha- vAha- = carrier
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'-.AGgI sArtha-vAha- vacaH = speech, words (vacas- @n)
sA tac chrutvA 'navady'-.AGgI sArtha-vAha-vacas tadA = then
'Having heard the words of the leader of that caravan, Damayanti of faultless limbs
agacchat tena vai sArdhaM bhartRdarzanalAlasA
agacchat tena vai sArdhaM bhartR- darzana- lAlasA B T P
agacchat = went
agacchat tena = by him, by it; that's why
agacchat tena vai = (@ignore)
agacchat tena vai sArdham = together with
agacchat tena vai sArdhaM bhartR- = husband
agacchat tena vai sArdhaM bhartR- darzana- = seeing, looks
agacchat tena vai sArdhaM bhartR-darzana- lAlasA = longing, ardent desire
proceeded with that caravan itself anxious to behold her lord.
atha kAle bahutithe vane mahati dAruNe
atha kAle bahutithe vane mahati dAruNe B T P
atha = then, and then
atha kAle = in time; at the hour
atha kAle bahutithe = long (having many days)
atha kAle bahutithe vane = forest, jungle, park, garden
atha kAle bahutithe vane mahati = big, great
atha kAle bahutithe vane mahati dAruNe = harsh, rough, sharp, cruel, acute
And after having proceeded for many days in the midst of that dense and terrible forest,
taDAgaM sarvatobhadraM padmasaugandhikaM mahat
taDAgaM sarvato- bhadraM padma- saugandhikaM mahat B T P
taDAgam = lake
taDAgaM sarvataH- = all over; in all directions, from all directions
taDAgaM sarvato- bhadram = blessings (with te to you)
taDAgaM sarvato-bhadraM padma- = lotus (Nelumbo nucifera)
taDAgaM sarvato-bhadraM padma- saugandhikam = good-smelling (kap ender)
taDAgaM sarvato-bhadraM padma-saugandhikaM mahat = big, great
a large lake fragrant with lotuses, and exceedingly delightful,
dadRzur vaNijo ramyaM prabhUtayavasendhanam
dadRzur vaNijo ramyaM prabhUta- yavas'- .endhanam B T P
dadRzuH = they saw
dadRzur vaNijaH = merchant
dadRzur vaNijo ramyam = pleasant, delightful
dadRzur vaNijo ramyaM prabhUta- = abundant, much, many
dadRzur vaNijo ramyaM prabhUta- yavasa- = grass, fodder, pasturage
dadRzur vaNijo ramyaM prabhUta-yavas'- indhanam = timber, wood
the merchants saw. And it was beautiful all over, (with banks) abounding in grass and fuel
bahumUlaphalopetaM nAnApakSigaNair vRtam
bahu- mUla- phal'- .opetaM nAnA- pakSi- gaNair vRtam B T P
bahu- = many
bahu- mUla- = root
bahu-mUla- phala- = fruit, result
bahu-mUla-phal'- upetam = endowed with
bahu-mUla-phal'-.opetaM nAnA- = of many kinds, various kinds of, all sorts of (@former)
bahu-mUla-phal'-.opetaM nAnA- pakSi- = bird (pakSin- )
bahu-mUla-phal'-.opetaM nAnA-pakSi- gaNaiH = troops
bahu-mUla-phal'-.opetaM nAnA-pakSi-gaNair vRtam = surrounded, enveloped; chosen
and roots and fruits and flowers. And it was inhabited by various kinds of fowls and birds,
taM dRSTvA mRSTasalilaM manoharasukhAvaham
taM dRSTvA mRSTa- salilaM manohara- sukh'- Avaham B T P
tam = him; it; that
taM dRSTvA = saw and
taM dRSTvA mRSTa- = tasty
taM dRSTvA mRSTa- salilam = water
taM dRSTvA mRSTa-salilaM manohara- = captivating, mesmerizing, mind-grabbing
taM dRSTvA mRSTa-salilaM manohara- sukha- = happiness, ease, pleasure, comfort
taM dRSTvA mRSTa-salilaM manohara-sukh'- Avaham = that brings, bringer; I brought
and fall of water that was pure and sweet. And it was cool and capable of captivating the heart.
suparizrAntavAhAs te nivezAya mano dadhuH
su- parizrAnta- vAhAs te nivezAya mano dadhuH B T P
su- = good (@former); very (@former)
su- parizrAnta- = tired all over
su-parizrAnta- vAhAH = draught-animal; any vehicle, carriage, conveyance, car ; leader (of a caravan etc)
su-parizrAnta-vAhAs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
su-parizrAnta-vAhAs te nivezAya = to enter; to settle down
su-parizrAnta-vAhAs te nivezAya manaH = mind (@n as- )
su-parizrAnta-vAhAs te nivezAya mano dadhuH = they set (liT )
And the caravan, worn out with toil, resolved to halt there.
saMmate sArthavAhasya vivizur vanam uttamam
saMmate sArtha- vAhasya vivizur vanam uttamam B T P
saMmate = with the consent (sammata- + Gi )
saMmate sArtha- = caravan (travelling company of traders or pilgrims), troop, flock; comrade
saMmate sArtha- vAhasya = draught-animal; any vehicle, carriage, conveyance, car ; leader (of a caravan etc)
saMmate sArtha-vAhasya vivizuH = they entered
saMmate sArtha-vAhasya vivizur vanam = forest, jungle; park, garden
saMmate sArtha-vAhasya vivizur vanam uttamam = best
And with the permission of their leader, they spread themselves around those beautiful woods.
uvAsa sArthaH sumahAn velAm AsAdya pazcimAm
uvAsa sArthaH su- mahAn velAm AsAdya pazcimAm B T P
uvAsa = lived at
uvAsa sArthaH = caravan
uvAsa sArthaH su- = good (@former); very (@former)
uvAsa sArthaH su- mahAn = big, great
uvAsa sArthaH su-mahAn velAm = hour
uvAsa sArthaH su-mahAn velAm AsAdya = go and ; overtake and
uvAsa sArthaH su-mahAn velAm AsAdya pazcimAm = the last
And that mighty caravan finding it was evening halted at that place.
athArdharAtrasamaye niHzabdastimite tadA
ath' .Ardha- rAtra- samaye niH- zabda- stimite tadA B T P
atha = then, and then
ath' ardha- = half
ath' .Ardha- rAtra- = (@latter) night
ath' .Ardha-rAtra- samaye = at the time, at the hour
ath' .Ardha-rAtra-samaye niH- = without, lacking, that has no (@former)
ath' .Ardha-rAtra-samaye niH- zabda- = word, sound
ath' .Ardha-rAtra-samaye niH-zabda- stimite = calm
ath' .Ardha-rAtra-samaye niH-zabda-stimite tadA = then
And (it came to pass that) at the hour of midnight when everything was hushed and still
supte sArthe parizrAnte hastiyUtham upAgamat
supte sArthe parizrAnte hasti- yUtham upAgamat B T P
supte = sleeping, asleep
supte sArthe = caravan
supte sArthe parizrAnte = tired
supte sArthe parizrAnte hasti- = elephant (hastin- )
supte sArthe parizrAnte hasti- yUtham = herd
supte sArthe parizrAnte hasti-yUtham upAgamat = went near (upa + aT + gam + luG, inria fails)
and the tired caravan had fallen asleep, a herd of elephants went towards
pAnIyArthaM girinadIM madaprasravaNAvilAm
pAnIy'- .ArthaM giri- nadIM mada- prasravaN'- AvilAm B T P
pAnIya- = drinkable; water
pAnIy'- artham = purpose, meaning; (@latter) in order to, for; wealth
pAnIy'-.ArthaM giri- = mountain
pAnIy'-.ArthaM giri- nadIm = river
pAnIy'-.ArthaM giri-nadIM mada- = intoxication, drunkenness, excitement
pAnIy'-.ArthaM giri-nadIM mada- prasravaNa- = oozing (sweat, etc)
pAnIy'-.ArthaM giri-nadIM mada-prasravaN'- AvilAm = turbid, foul, polluted or mixed with
a mountain stream to drink of its water befouled by their temporal juice,
athApazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn subahUn gajAn
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn su- bahUn gajAn B T P
atha = then, and then
ath' apazyata = he saw
ath' .Apazyata sArtham = caravan
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM tam = him; it; that
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn = belonging to the caravan
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn su- = good (@former); very (@former)
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn su- bahUn = many
ath' .Apazyata sArthaM taM sArthajAn su-bahUn gajAn = elephants
and then saw that caravan as also the numerous elephants belonging to it.
te tAn grAmyagajAn dRSTvA sarve vanagajAs tadA
te tAn grAmya- gajAn dRSTvA sarve vana- gajAs tadA B T P
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te tAn = them (m.), those
te tAn grAmya- = domestic, civilized
te tAn grAmya- gajAn = elephants
te tAn grAmya-gajAn dRSTvA = saw and
te tAn grAmya-gajAn dRSTvA sarve = all
te tAn grAmya-gajAn dRSTvA sarve vana- = forest, jungle; park, garden
te tAn grAmya-gajAn dRSTvA sarve vana- gajAH = elephant
te tAn grAmya-gajAn dRSTvA sarve vana-gajAs tadA = then
And seeing their domesticated fellows, all those wild elephants
samAdravanta vegena jighAMsanto madotkaTAH
samAdravanta vegena jighAMsanto mad'- .otkaTAH B T P
samAdravanta = they rushed together, they stampeded
samAdravanta vegena = speed
samAdravanta vegena jighAMsantaH = wanting to kill
samAdravanta vegena jighAMsanto mada- = intoxication, drunkenness, excitement
samAdravanta vegena jighAMsanto mad'- utkaTAH = furious, mad, drunk; huge
infuriated and with the temporal juice trickling down
rushed impetuously on the former, with the intention of killing them.
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH kariNAM duHsaho 'bhavat
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH kariNAM duHsaho 'bhavat B T P
teSAm = of them, among them
teSAm ApatatAm = (that were) charging
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH = speed, hurry, rush, turmoil, agitation
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH kariNAm = of elephants
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH kariNAM duHsahaH = pn
teSAm ApatatAM vegaH kariNAM duHsaho abhavat = was, there was, became, appeared (laG )
And the force of the rush of those elephants was hard to bear,
nagAgrAd iva zIrNAnAM zRGgANAM patatAM kSitau
nag'- .AgrAd iva zIrNAnAM zRGgANAM patatAM kSitau B T P
naga- = tree; mountain
nag'- agrAt = top, tip, peak
nag'-.AgrAd iva = like (@enclitic)
nag'-.AgrAd iva zIrNAnAm = broken away, rent asunder
nag'-.AgrAd iva zIrNAnAM zRGgANAm = of peaks
nag'-.AgrAd iva zIrNAnAM zRGgANAM patatAm = (that are) falling, flying
nag'-.AgrAd iva zIrNAnAM zRGgANAM patatAM kSitau = on the earth, on the ground
like the impetuosity of peaks lessened from mountain summits rolling towards the plain.
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptaM padminyAH sArtham uttamam
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptaM padminyAH sArtham uttamam B T P
mArgam = way, road, path
mArgaM saMrudhya = obstructed and
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptam = asleep
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptaM padminyAH = of a lotus-lake
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptaM padminyAH sArtham = caravan
mArgaM saMrudhya saMsuptaM padminyAH sArtham uttamam = best
The rushing elephants found the forest paths to be all blocked up, for the goodly caravan was sleeping obstructing the paths around that lake of lotuses.
suptaM mamarda sahasA ceSTamAnaM mahItale
suptaM mamarda sahasA ceSTamAnaM mahI- tale B T P
suptam = sleeping
suptaM mamarda = he devastated, destroyed
suptaM mamarda sahasA = suddenly
suptaM mamarda sahasA ceSTamAnam = moving, struggling
suptaM mamarda sahasA ceSTamAnaM mahI- = earth
suptaM mamarda sahasA ceSTamAnaM mahI- tale = surface, palm of hand, sole of foot
And the elephants all of a sudden, began to crush the men lying insensible on the ground.
hAhAravaM pramuJcantaH sArthikAH zaraNArthinaH
hAhA- ravaM pramuJcantaH sArthikAH zaraN'- .ArthinaH B T P
hAhA- = hAhA (onomat.)
hAhA- ravam = noise, roar
hAhA-ravaM pramuJcantaH = (zatR ) shooting, letting go, shouting
hAhA-ravaM pramuJcantaH sArthikAH = people of the caravan (usually merchants or pilgrims)
hAhA-ravaM pramuJcantaH sArthikAH zaraNa- = refuge, protection
hAhA-ravaM pramuJcantaH sArthikAH zaraN'- arthinaH = seeking, that have as a purpose
And uttering cries of 'Oh!' and 'Alas!' the merchants,
vanagulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrAndhA mahato bhayAt
vana- gulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrA- 'ndhA$ mahato bhayAt B T P
vana- = forest, jungle; park, garden
vana- gulmAn = thickets, clumps of trees, bushes
vana-gulmAMz ca = and
vana-gulmAMz ca dhAvantaH = running
vana-gulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrA- = sleep
vana-gulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrA- andhAH = blind
vana-gulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrA-'ndhA$ mahataH = big
vana-gulmAMz ca dhAvanto nidrA-'ndhA$ mahato bhayAt = because of fear
blinded by sleep, fled from that danger, to copses and woods for refuge.
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit padbhyAM hatA narAH
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit padbhyAM hatA$ narAH B T P
ke = who? (m. @pl, or @f @n @du)
ke cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
ke cid dantaiH = teeth
ke cid dantaiH karaiH = hands, trunks
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke = who? (m. @pl, or @f @n @du)
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke = who? (m. @pl, or @f @n @du)
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit padbhyAm = feet
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit padbhyAM hatAH = killed
ke cid dantaiH karaiH ke cit ke cit padbhyAM hatA$ narAH = men
And some were slain by the tusks, and some by the trunks, and some by the legs of those elephants.
gokharoSTrAzvabahulaM padAtijanasaMkulam
go- khar'- .oSTr'- .Azva- bahulaM padAti- jana- saMkulam B T P
go- = cow
go- khara- = pn (of a demon)
go-khar'- uSTra- = camel
go-khar'-.oSTr'- azva- = horse
go-khar'-.oSTr'-.Azva- bahulam = copious, abundant, numerous; diversely, in many ways
go-khar'-.oSTr'-.Azva-bahulaM padAti- = soldier, infantry
go-khar'-.oSTr'-.Azva-bahulaM padAti- jana- = people (may have plural meaning)
And innumerable camels and horses were killed, and crowds of men on foot,
bhayArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat parasparahataM tadA
bhay'- ArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat paraspara- hataM tadA B T P
bhaya- = fear
bhay'- Artam = pained, distressed, wretched
bhay'-ArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
bhay'-ArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat paraspara- = one another, mutually
bhay'-ArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat paraspara- hatam = killed
bhay'-ArtaM dhAvamAnaM tat paraspara-hataM tadA = then
running in fright, killed one another.
ghorAn nAdAn vimuJcanto nipetur dharaNItale
ghorAn nAdAn vimuJcanto nipetur dharaNI- tale B T P
ghorAn = horrible, fearsome, terrible
ghorAn nAdAn = noise, roar, shout
ghorAn nAdAn vimuJcanto nipetuH = they fell (inria fails with this one)
ghorAn nAdAn vimuJcanto nipetur dharaNI- = Earth, ground
ghorAn nAdAn vimuJcanto nipetur dharaNI- tale = surface, palm of hand, sole of foot
And uttering loud cries some fell down on the ground,
vRkSeSv Asajya saMbhagnAH patitA viSameSu ca
vRkSeSv Asajya saMbhagnAH patitA viSameSu ca B T P
vRkSeSu = tree
vRkSeSv Asajya saMbhagnAH patitA = fallen
vRkSeSv Asajya saMbhagnAH patitA viSameSu ca = and
and some in fear climbed on trees, and some dropped down on uneven ground.
tathA tan nihataM sarvaM samRddhaM sArthamaNDalam
tathA tan@ nihataM sarvaM samRddhaM sArtha- maNDalam B T P
tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
tathA tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
tathA tan@ nihatam = killed
tathA tan@ nihataM sarvam = whole, entire, all
tathA tan@ nihataM sarvaM samRddhaM sArtha- = caravan (travelling company of traders or pilgrims), troop, flock; comrade
tathA tan@ nihataM sarvaM samRddhaM sArtha- maNDalam = circle
And, O king, thus accidentally attacked by that large herd of elephants, that goodly caravan suffered a great loss.
And there arose a tremendous uproar calculated to frighten the three worlds,
'Lo! a great fire hath broken out. Rescue us.
athAparedyuH saMprApte hataziSTA janAs tadA
ath' .AparedyuH saMprApte hataziSTA$ janAs tadA B T P
atha = then, and then
ath' .AparedyuH saMprApte = reached, reached to, found
ath' .AparedyuH saMprApte hataziSTAH = the survivors
ath' .AparedyuH saMprApte hataziSTA$ janAH = people
ath' .AparedyuH saMprApte hataziSTA$ janAs tadA = then
"The next day, O king, the remnant of that caravan
vanagulmAd viniSkramya zocanto vaizasaM kRtam
vana- gulmAd viniSkramya zocanto vaizasaM kRtam B T P
vana- = forest, jungle; park, garden
vana-gulmAd viniSkramya zocantaH = grieving
vana-gulmAd viniSkramya zocanto vaizasam = war, slaughter, disaster
vana-gulmAd viniSkramya zocanto vaizasaM kRtam = done, made
left the place bewailing the destruction that had overtaken them
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putraM sakhAyaM ca janAdhipa
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putraM sakhAyaM ca jan'- .Adhipa B T P
bhrAtaram = brother
bhrAtaraM pitaram = father
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putram = son
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putraM sakhAyaM ca = and
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putraM sakhAyaM ca jana- = people (may have plural meaning)
bhrAtaraM pitaraM putraM sakhAyaM ca jan'- adhipa = king
and lamenting for their dead brothers and fathers and sons and friends.
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kiM nu me duSkRtaM kRtam
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kiM nu me duSkRtaM kRtam B T P
azocat = he grieved
azocat tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
azocat tatra vaidarbhI = princess of the vidarbhas
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kiM nu = now, then, (ignore)
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kiM nu me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas ); to me, for me (Ge ); by me (TA )
azocat tatra vaidarbhI kiM nu me duSkRtaM kRtam = done, made
And the princess of Vidarbha began to lament, saying, 'Alas! What misdeed have I perpetrated!
yo 'pi me nirjane 'raNye saMprApto 'yaM janArNavaH
yo 'pi me nirjane 'raNye saMprApto 'yaM janArNavaH B T P
yaH = the one that
yo api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
yo 'pi me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas ); to me, for me (Ge ); by me (TA )
yo 'pi me nirjane araNye = in forest
yo 'pi me nirjane 'raNye saMprAptaH = reached, attained, arrived
yo 'pi me nirjane 'raNye saMprApto ayam = this (m. su )
The crowd of men that I obtained in this lone forest,
hato 'yaM hastiyUthena mandabhAgyAn mamaiva tu
hato 'yaM hasti- yUthena manda- bhAgyAn@ mam' .aiva tu B T P
hataH = killed, attacked
hato ayam = this (m. su )
hato 'yaM hasti- = elephant (hastin- )
hato 'yaM hasti- yUthena = herd
hato 'yaM hasti-yUthena manda- = soft, gentle, weak; slow, lazy, dumb
hato 'yaM hasti-yUthena manda-bhAgyAn@ mama = my, mine, of me, to me, I have
hato 'yaM hasti-yUthena manda-bhAgyAn@ mam' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
hato 'yaM hasti-yUthena manda-bhAgyAn@ mam' .aiva tu = but, (ignore), and
hath been destroyed by a herd of elephants, surely as a consequence of my ill luck.
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkhaM mayA nUnam asaMzayam
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkhaM mayA nUnam asaMzayam B T P
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkham = pain, suffering
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkhaM mayA = by me
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkhaM mayA nUnam = now
prAptavyaM suciraM duHkhaM mayA nUnam asaMzayam = no doubt
Without doubt, I shall have to suffer misery for a long time.
nAprAptakAlo mriyate zrutaM vRddhAnuzAsanam
nAprApta-kAlo mriyate zrutaM vRddh'- .AnuzAsanam B T P
nAprApta- kAlaH = time
nAprApta-kAlo mriyate = dies
nAprApta-kAlo mriyate zrutam = (was) heard; learning, culture
nAprApta-kAlo mriyate zrutaM vRddha- = elder
nAprApta-kAlo mriyate zrutaM vRddh'- anuzAsanam = generalship, competence to guide
I have heard from old men that no person dieth ere his time;
yan nAham adya mRditA hastiyUthena duHkhitA
yan@ n' .Aham adya mRditA hasti- yUthena duHkhitA B T P
yat = the one which; because, as
yan@ na = no, not, doesn't
yan@ n' aham = (has su ) I, I am
yan@ n' .Aham adya = today; now
yan@ n' .Aham adya mRditA hasti- = elephant (hastin- )
yan@ n' .Aham adya mRditA hasti- yUthena = herd
yan@ n' .Aham adya mRditA hasti-yUthena duHkhitA = distressed, pained, suffering
it is for this that my miserable self hath not been trodden to death by that herd of elephants.
na hy adaivakRtaM kiM cin narANAm iha vidyate
na hy a- daiva- kRtaM kiM cin@ narANAm iha vidyate B T P
na = no, not, doesn't
na hi = because; (@ignore)
na hy a- = non-, a-, an-
na hy a- daiva- = fate
na hy a-daiva- kRtam = done, made
na hy a-daiva-kRtaM kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
na hy a-daiva-kRtaM kiM cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
na hy a-daiva-kRtaM kiM cin@ narANAm = of men
na hy a-daiva-kRtaM kiM cin@ narANAm iha = here; in this world
na hy a-daiva-kRtaM kiM cin@ narANAm iha vidyate = there is; it is known
Nothing that befalleth men is due to anything else than Destiny,
na ca me bAlabhAve 'pi kiM cid vyapakRtaM kRtam
na ca me bAla- bhAve 'pi kiM cid vyapakRtaM kRtam B T P
na = no, not, doesn't
na ca = and
na ca me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas ); to me, for me (Ge ); by me (TA )
na ca me bAla- = boy
na ca me bAla- bhAve = nature, essences, existence, being
na ca me bAla-bhAve api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
na ca me bAla-bhAve 'pi kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
na ca me bAla-bhAve 'pi kiM cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
na ca me bAla-bhAve 'pi kiM cid vyapakRtaM kRtam = done, made
for even in my childhood I did not commit any such sin
karmaNA manasA vAcA yad idaM duHkham Agatam
karmaNA manasA vAcA yad idaM duHkham Agatam B T P
karmaNA = work
karmaNA manasA = with mind
karmaNA manasA vAcA = by words, with speech
karmaNA manasA vAcA yat = the one which; because, as
karmaNA manasA vAcA yad idam = this
karmaNA manasA vAcA yad idaM duHkham = pain, suffering
karmaNA manasA vAcA yad idaM duHkham Agatam = (that) came
in thought, word, or deed, whence might come this calamity.
manye svayaMvarakRte lokapAlAH samAgatAH
manye svayaMvara- kRte loka- pAlAH samAgatAH B T P
manye = I think
manye svayaMvara- = swayamwara (social event in which a princess comes of age and choses her husband)
manye svayaMvara- kRte = done, made; for the sake of (@former); except (with @second); instead of
manye svayaMvara-kRte loka- = world; everybody
manye svayaMvara-kRte loka- pAlAH = protectors
manye svayaMvara-kRte loka-pAlAH samAgatAH = (that have) met, joined
Methinks, those celestial Lokapalas, who had come to the swayaMvara
pratyAkhyAtA mayA tatra nalasyArthAya devatAH
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA tatra nalasy' .ArthAya devatAH B T P
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA = by me
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA tatra nalasya = pn (of a king)
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA tatra nalasy' arthAya = in order to, for the sake of
pratyAkhyAtA$ mayA tatra nalasy' .ArthAya devatAH = deities
but whom I rejected for the sake of nala ,
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena viyogaM prAptavaty aham
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena viyogaM prAptavaty.. aham B T P
nUnam = now
nUnaM teSAm = of them, among them
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena = by power, by force
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena viyogam = separation
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena viyogaM prAptavatI = reached, got to
nUnaM teSAM prabhAvena viyogaM prAptavaty.. aham = (has su ) I, I am
now from their power I suffer this severance from my husband.
evamAdIni duHkhAni sA vilapya varAGganA
evam- AdIni duHkhAni sA vilapya var'- .AGganA B T P
evam- = thus, this way
evam- AdIni = beginning (@cyan)
evam-AdIni duHkhAni = pains, sorrows
evam-AdIni duHkhAni sA = that one, she, it (@f)
evam-AdIni duHkhAni sA vilapya vara- = best; bridegroom, husband
evam-AdIni duHkhAni sA vilapya var'- aGganA = woman
Bewailing thus, O tiger among kings, that excellent lady, Damayanti,
hataziSTaiH saha tadA brAhmaNair vedapAragaiH
hataziSTaiH saha tadA brAhmaNair veda- pAragaiH B T P
hataziSTaiH = the survivors
hataziSTaiH saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
hataziSTaiH saha tadA = then
hataziSTaiH saha tadA brAhmaNaiH = brahmin
hataziSTaiH saha tadA brAhmaNair veda- = knows; the Vedas
hataziSTaiH saha tadA brAhmaNair veda- pAragaiH = gone to the other side, that completely mastered
with those Brahmanas versed in the Vedas that had survived the slaughter of the caravan,
agacchad rAjazArdUla duHkhazokaparAyaNA
agacchad rAja- zArdUla duHkha- zoka- parAyaNA B T P
agacchat = went
agacchad rAja- = king
agacchad rAja- zArdUla = tiger
agacchad rAja-zArdUla duHkha- = pain
agacchad rAja-zArdUla duHkha- zoka- = sadness, grief
agacchad rAja-zArdUla duHkha-zoka- parAyaNA = obsessed
devoted to her husband, went, oppressed with grief and (pale) as the autumnal moon.
gacchantI sA cirAt kAlAt puram AsAdayan mahat
gacchantI sA cirAt kAlAt puram AsAdayan mahat B T P
gacchantI = (that is) going
gacchantI sA = that one, she, it (@f)
gacchantI sA cirAt = after along time
gacchantI sA cirAt kAlAt = time
gacchantI sA cirAt kAlAt puram = city
gacchantI sA cirAt kAlAt puram AsAdayan mahat = big, great
And departing speedily, towards evening, the damsel came to the mighty city
sAyAhne cedirAjasya subAhoH satyavAdinaH
sAyAhne cedi- rAjasya subAhoH satya- vAdinaH B T P
sAyAhne = in the evening
sAyAhne cedi- = pn (of a country)
sAyAhne cedi- rAjasya = king (@cyan)
sAyAhne cedi-rAjasya subAhoH = pn
sAyAhne cedi-rAjasya subAhoH satya- = truth; true
sAyAhne cedi-rAjasya subAhoH satya- vAdinaH = talker, speaker
of the truth-telling Suvahu, the king of the Chedis.
vastrArdhakartasaMvItA praviveza purottamam
vastrArdhakarta-saMvItA praviveza purottamam B T P
vastrArdhakarta-saMvItA praviveza = went in, entered
And she entered that excellent city clad in half a garment.
tAM vivarNAM kRzAM dInAM muktakezIm amArjanAm
tAM vivarNAM kRzAM dInAM mukta- kezIm amArjanAm B T P
tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
tAM vivarNAM kRzAm = lean, emaciated, thin
tAM vivarNAM kRzAM dInAm = depressed, crying, wretched, pitiable
tAM vivarNAM kRzAM dInAM mukta- = freed, liberated, let go
And the citizens saw her as she went, overcome with fear, and lean, melancholy,
unmattAm iva gacchantIM dadRzuH puravAsinaH
unmattAm iva gacchantIM dadRzuH puravAsinaH B T P
unmattAm iva = like (@enclitic)
unmattAm iva gacchantIm = (that is) going
unmattAm iva gacchantIM dadRzuH = they saw
her hair dishevelled and soiled with dust, and maniac-like.
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedirAjapurIM tadA
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedi- rAja- purIM tadA B T P
pravizantIm = (that was) entering
pravizantIM tu = but, (ignore), and
pravizantIM tu tAm = her; -ness, -hood (when affix)
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA = saw and
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedi- = pn (of a country)
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedi- rAja- = king
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedi-rAja- purIm = city
pravizantIM tu tAM dRSTvA cedi-rAja-purIM tadA = then
And beholding her enter the city of the king of the Chedis,
anujagmus tato bAlA grAmiputrAH kutUhalAt
anujagmus tato bAlA$ grAmi-putrAH kutUhalAt B T P
anujagmuH = they followed
anujagmus tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
anujagmus tato bAlAH = children
anujagmus tato bAlA$ grAmi- putrAH = sons
anujagmus tato bAlA$ grAmi-putrAH kutUhalAt = curiosity; interest, desire, intention
the boys of the city, from curiosity, began to follow her.
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