And if Vibhatsu hath come before the term of exile is at end, the Pandavas shall have to pass another twelve years in the woods.
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn vA moha Avizat
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn vA moha Avizat
lobhAt = from greed
lobhAd vA = or; maybe
lobhAd vA te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
lobhAd vA te na = no, not, doesn't
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyuH = they would know
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn = us (asmad-)
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn vA = or; maybe
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn vA mohaH = foolishness, bewilderment, perplexity, confusion, distraction
lobhAd vA te na jAnIyur asmAn vA moha Avizat = went in
Whether it is due to forgetfulness (on their part) induced by desire of dominion, or whether it is a mistake of ours,
hInAtiriktam eteSAM bhISmo veditum arhati
hIn'-.Atiriktam eteSAM bhISmo veditum arhati
hIna- = deprived of, lacking, without
hIn'-.Atiriktam eteSAm = of these
hIn'-.Atiriktam eteSAM bhISmaH = pn; terrible
hIn'-.Atiriktam eteSAM bhISmo veditum = to know
hIn'-.Atiriktam eteSAM bhISmo veditum arhati = he should
it behoveth Bhishma to calculate the shortness or excess (of the promised period).
arthAnAM tu punar dvaidhe nityaM bhavati saMzayaH
arthAnAM tu punar dvaidhe nityaM bhavati saMzayaH
arthAnAM tu = but, (ignore), and
arthAnAM tu punar = again
arthAnAM tu punar dvaidhe nityam = always, constantly; permanent, constant
arthAnAM tu punar dvaidhe nityaM bhavati = is, becomes, there is
arthAnAM tu punar dvaidhe nityaM bhavati saMzayaH = doubt
When an object of desire may or may not be attained, a doubt necessarily attaches to one of the alternatives,
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar bhavati cAnyathA
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar bhavati c' .AnyathA
anyathA = otherwise
anyathA cintitaH = (was) thought
anyathA cintito hi = because; (@ignore)
anyathA cintito hy arthaH = purpose, meaning; (@latter) in order to, for; wealth
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar = again
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar bhavati = is, becomes, there is
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar bhavati ca = and
anyathA cintito hy arthaH punar bhavati c' anyathA = otherwise
and what is decided in one way often ends differently.
uttaraM mArgamANAnAM matsyasenAM yuyutsatAm
uttaraM mArgamANAnAM matsya-senAM yuyutsatAm
uttaram = answer, reply; added, upper, more
uttaraM mArgamANAnAM matsya- = fish
uttaraM mArgamANAnAM matsya-senAm = army
uttaraM mArgamANAnAM matsya-senAM yuyutsatAm = that want to fight, that are ready to fight
Even moralists are puzzled in judging of their own acts. 2 As regards ourselves, we have come hither to fight with the Matsyas and to seize their kine stationed towards the north.
trigartAnAM vayaM hetor matsyAn yoddhum = to fight
trigartAnAM vayaM hetor matsyAn yoddhum iha = here; in this world
trigartAnAM vayaM hetor matsyAn yoddhum ih' AgatAH = (have) come
We have come hither to fight against the Matsyas on behalf of the Trigartas;
matsyAnAM viprakArAMs te bahUn asmAn akIrtayan
matsyAnAM viprakArAMs te bahUn asmAn akIrtayan
matsyAnAm = pn
matsyAnAM viprakArAMs te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
matsyAnAM viprakArAMs te bahUn = many
matsyAnAM viprakArAMs te bahUn asmAn = us (asmad-)
and as numerous were the acts represented unto us of the oppressions committed by the Matsyas.
teSAM bhayAbhipannAnAM tad asmAbhiH pratizrutam
teSAM bhay'-.AbhipannAnAM tad asmAbhiH pratizrutam
teSAm = of them, among them
teSAM bhaya- = fear
teSAM bhay'-.AbhipannAnAM tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
teSAM bhay'-.AbhipannAnAM tad asmAbhiH = by us
teSAM bhay'-.AbhipannAnAM tad asmAbhiH pratizrutam = it was promised
it was for this that we promised aid to the Trigartas who were overcome with fear.
prathamaM tair grahItavyaM matsyAnAM godhanaM mahat
prathamaM tair grahItavyaM matsyAnAM godhanaM mahat
prathamam = first; earlier
prathamaM taiH = by those, with those, by them
prathamaM tair grahItavyam = it must be grabbed, it must be taken
prathamaM tair grahItavyaM matsyAnAm = pn
prathamaM tair grahItavyaM matsyAnAM godhanam = cattle
prathamaM tair grahItavyaM matsyAnAM godhanaM mahat = big, great
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA nas taiH samAhitam
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA nas taiH samAhitam
saptamIm = seventh
saptamIm aparAhNe = in the afternoon
saptamIm aparAhNe vai = (@ignore)
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA naH = us, to us
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA nas taiH = by those, with those, by them
saptamIm aparAhNe vai tathA nas taiH samAhitam = focusedly, intently
And it was agreed between us that they should first seize, on the afternoon of the seventh lunar day, the enormous wealth of kine that the Matsyas have,
aSTamyAM punar asmAbhir Adityasy' .odayaM prati = towards, against; every, each (@former)
and that we should, at sunrise of the eighteen day of the moon, seize these kine when the king of the Matsyas would be pursuing those first seized.
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi vA syuH parAjitAH
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi vA syuH parAjitAH
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te vA = or; maybe
te vA gAvaH = cows
te vA gAvo na = no, not, doesn't
te vA gAvo na pazyanti = they see
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi = if
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi vA = or; maybe
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi vA syuH = they would be (as root + liG)
te vA gAvo na pazyanti yadi vA syuH parAjitAH = defeated
It may be that the Trigartas are now bringing a way the kine, or being defeated,
asmAn vApy atisaMdhAya kuryur matsyena saMgatam
asmAn vApy atisaMdhAya kuryur matsyena saMgatam
asmAn = us (asmad-)
asmAn vApi = or even, or
asmAn vApy atisaMdhAya kuryuH = would do
asmAn vApy atisaMdhAya kuryur matsyena = pn
asmAn vApy atisaMdhAya kuryur matsyena saMgatam = gone together; that is with
are coming towards us for negotiating with the king of the Matsyas.
atha vA tAn upAyAto matsyo jAnapadaiH saha
atha vA tAn upAyAto matsyo jAnapadaiH saha
atha = then, and then
atha vA = or; maybe
atha vA tAn = them (m.), those
atha vA tAn upAyAto matsyaH = fish
atha vA tAn upAyAto matsyo jAnapadaiH = people from the countryside
atha vA tAn upAyAto matsyo jAnapadaiH saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
sarvayA senayA sArdham asmAn yoddhum upAgataH
sarvayA senayA sArdham asmAn yoddhum upAgataH
sarvayA = the whole
sarvayA senayA = with army
sarvayA senayA sArdham = together with
sarvayA senayA sArdham asmAn = us (asmad-)
sarvayA senayA sArdham asmAn yoddhum = to fight
sarvayA senayA sArdham asmAn yoddhum upAgataH = came upon
Or, it may be, that having driven the Trigartas off, the king of the Matsyas, at the head of this people and his whole army of fierce warriors, appeareth on the scene and advanceth to make night-attacks upon us.
teSAm eva mahAvIryaH kaz cid eva puraHsaraH
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH kaz cid eva puraHsaraH
teSAm = of them, among them
teSAm eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
teSAm eva mahA- = big, great (@former)
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH = courage
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH kaH = who? which one?
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH kaz cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH kaz cid eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
teSAm eva mahA-vIryaH kaz cid eva puraHsaraH = a forerunner, precursor, harbinger, attendant, leader, vanguard (one that runs in front)
It may be that some one leader among them, endued with mighty energy,
asmAJ jetum ihAyAto matsyo vApi svayaM bhavet
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAto matsyo vApi svayaM bhavet
asmAn = us (asmad-)
asmAJ jetum = to conquer, to defeat
asmAJ jetum iha = here; in this world
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAtaH = (has) come
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAto matsyaH = fish
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAto matsyo vApi = or even, or
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAto matsyo vApi svayam = by (him)self, in person, on (his) own
asmAJ jetum ih' AyAto matsyo vApi svayaM bhavet = would be, may be, should be
is advancing for vanquishing us, or, it may be that the king himself of the Matsyas is come.
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAM yadi bIbhatsur AgataH
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAM yadi bIbhatsur AgataH
yadi = if
yady eSa = this one (m., su, only before consonants)
yady eSa rAjA = king
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAm = pn
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAM yadi = if
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAM yadi bIbhatsuH = pn (of arjuna)
yady eSa rAjA matsyAnAM yadi bIbhatsur AgataH = came; (that has) come
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc chreyo 'sti tathA ''tmA praNidhIyatAm
na = no, not, doesn't
n' anyatra = elsewhere, otherwise
n' .Anyatra yuddhAt = fight, battle, war
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc zreyaH = best
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc chreyo asti = there is
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc chreyo 'sti tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc chreyo 'sti tathA AtmA = oneself; soul
n' .Anyatra yuddhAc chreyo 'sti tathA ''tmA praNidhIyatAm = let it be made up (e.g. your mind)
there is nothing better than fighting. Therefore, make up your minds.
Acchinne godhane 'smAkam api devena vajriNA
Acchinne godhane 'smAkam api devena vajriNA
Acchinne godhane asmAkam = (adj) our
Acchinne godhane 'smAkam api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
Acchinne godhane 'smAkam api devena = his majesty; a god
Acchinne godhane 'smAkam api devena vajriNA = by indra
yamena vApi saMgrAme ko hAstinapuraM vrajet
yamena vApi saMgrAme ko hAstinapuraM vrajet
yamena = pn (god of death)
yamena vApi = or even, or
yamena vApi saMgrAme = battle, battlefield
yamena vApi saMgrAme kaH = who? which one?
yamena vApi saMgrAme ko hAstinapuram = pn
yamena vApi saMgrAme ko hAstinapuraM vrajet = (would, may it) go
If, for the cattle we have seized, an encounter takes place with the divine wielder himself of the thunderbolt or even with Yama, who is there that will be liable to reach Hastinapura?
zarair abhipraNunnAnAM bhagnAnAM gahane = thick, impenetrable, dense (as a forest); dark jungle
zarair abhipraNunnAnAM bhagnAnAM gahane vane = forest, jungle, park, garden
ko hi jIvet padAtInAM bhaved azveSu saMzayaH
ko hi jIvet padAtInAM bhaved azveSu saMzayaH
kaH = who? which one?
ko hi = because; (@ignore)
ko hi jIvet = he'd live
ko hi jIvet padAtInAM bhavet = would be, may be, should be
ko hi jIvet padAtInAM bhaved azveSu = horses
ko hi jIvet padAtInAM bhaved azveSu saMzayaH = doubt
Pierced by the shafts (of the foe), how will the foot-soldiers, in flying through the deep forest with their backs on the field, escape with life, when escape for the cavalry is doubtful?
AcAryaM pRSThataH kRtvA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
AcAryaM pRSThataH kRtvA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
AcAryam = teacher
AcAryaM pRSThataH = behind, from behind (adv)
AcAryaM pRSThataH kRtvA = did and
AcAryaM pRSThataH kRtvA tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
AcAryaM pRSThataH kRtvA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm = let it be set up
Hearing these words of Duryodhana, Karna said,
'Disregarding the preceptor, make all arrangements. He knoweth well the intentions of the Pandavas and striketh terror in our hearts.
jAnAti hi mataM teSAm atas trAsayatIva naH
jAnAti hi mataM teSAm atas trAsayatIva naH
jAnAti = knows
jAnAti hi = because; (@ignore)
jAnAti hi matam = thought (my thought means what I think)
jAnAti hi mataM teSAm = of them, among them
jAnAti hi mataM teSAm ataH = from this, from here, from now; therefore, that's why
jAnAti hi mataM teSAm atas trAsayatIva naH = us, to us
arjunenAsya saMprItim adhikAm upalakSaye
arjunen' .Asya saMprItim adhikAm upalakSaye
arjunena = pn (of a kind of tree, of a pANDava prince)
arjunen' asya = this one's, to this, of this
arjunen' .Asya saMprItim adhikAm upalakSaye = I see
I see that his affection for Arjuna is very great.
tathA hi dRSTvA bIbhatsum upAyAntaM prazaMsati
tathA hi dRSTvA bIbhatsum upAyAntaM prazaMsati
tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
tathA hi = because; (@ignore)
tathA hi dRSTvA = saw and
tathA hi dRSTvA bIbhatsum = pn
tathA hi dRSTvA bIbhatsum upAyAntaM prazaMsati = praises (says good things about it)
Seeing him only coming, he chanteth his praises.
yathA senA na bhajyeta tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
yathA senA na bhajyeta tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yathA senA = army
yathA senA na = no, not, doesn't
yathA senA na bhajyeta tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
yathA senA na bhajyeta tathA nItiH = politics, science of government, strategy
yathA senA na bhajyeta tathA nItir vidhIyatAm = let it be set up
Make ye such arrangements that our troops may not break.
adezikA mahAraNye grISme zatruvazaM gatA
adezikA mahA-'raNye grISme zatru-vazaM gatA
adezikA mahA- = big, great (@former)
adezikA mahA-araNye = in forest
adezikA mahA-'raNye grISme = hot season
adezikA mahA-'raNye grISme zatru- = enemy
adezikA mahA-'raNye grISme zatru-vazam = power, control
adezikA mahA-'raNye grISme zatru-vazaM gatA = went into; gone into, that is in
yathA na vibhramet senA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
yathA na vibhramet senA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yathA na = no, not, doesn't
yathA na vibhramet senA = army
yathA na vibhramet senA tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
yathA na vibhramet senA tathA nItiH = politics, science of government, strategy
yathA na vibhramet senA tathA nItir vidhIyatAm = let it be set up
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA kA prazaMsA bhavet pare
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA kA prazaMsA bhavet pare
azvAnAm = of horses
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA = heard and
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA kA = who?; which one?; affix kap (no meaning, added to some compounds)
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA kA prazaMsA bhavet = would be, may be, should be
azvAnAM heSitaM zrutvA kA prazaMsA bhavet pare = other ones
sthAne vApi vrajanto vA sadA heSanti vAjinaH
sthAne vApi vrajanto vA sadA heSanti vAjinaH
sthAne vApi = or even, or
sthAne vApi vrajanto vA = or; maybe
sthAne vApi vrajanto vA sadA = always
sthAne vApi vrajanto vA sadA heSanti vAjinaH = horse
Everything is in confusion for Drona's having only heard the neigh of (Arjuna's) steeds. Make ye such arrangements that these troops, come to a distant land in this hot season and in the midst of this mighty forest, may not fall into confusion and be subjugated by the foe. The Pandavas are always the special favourites of the preceptor. The selfish Pandavas have stationed Drona amongst us. Indeed, he betrayeth himself by his speech. Who would ever extol a person upon hearing the neigh only of his steeds?
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti nityaM varSati vAsavaH
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti nityaM varSati vAsavaH
sadA = always
sadA ca = and
sadA ca vAyavaH = winds
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti = they blow
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti nityam = always, constantly; permanent, constant
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti nityaM varSati = rains
sadA ca vAyavo vAnti nityaM varSati vAsavaH = pn (of indra)
Horses always neigh, whether walking or standing, the winds blow at all times; and Indra also always showereth rain.
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH zrUyate bahuzas tathA
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH zrUyate bahuzas tathA
stanayitnoH = thunder
stanayitnoz ca = and
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH = sound, noise
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH zrUyate = is being heard
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH zrUyate bahuzaH = many times
stanayitnoz ca nirghoSaH zrUyate bahuzas tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
The roar of the clouds may frequently be heard.
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya kathaM vA sa prazasyate
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya kathaM vA sa prazasyate
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kim atra = here, in this
kim atra kAryam = task; (that) should be done
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya = pn (of arjuna)
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya katham = how?
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya kathaM vA = or; maybe
kim atra kAryaM pArthasya kathaM vA sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
What hath Partha to do with these, and why is he to be praised for these?
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA roSAd vAsmAsu kevalAt
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA roSAd vA 'smAsu kevalAt
anyatra = elsewhere, otherwise
anyatra kAmAt = desire (for material things)
anyatra kAmAd dveSAt = because of hate
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA = or; maybe
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA roSAt = anger, rage, fury
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA roSAd vA = or; maybe
anyatra kAmAd dveSAd vA roSAd vA asmAsu = we, us
All this (on Drona's part), therefore, is due only to either the desire of doing good to Arjuna or to his wrath and hatred towards us.
AcAryA vai kAruNikAH prAjJAz cApAyadarzinaH
AcAryA$ vai kAruNikAH prAjJAz c' .ApAya-darzinaH
AcAryAH = teachers
AcAryA$ vai = (@ignore)
AcAryA$ vai kAruNikAH prAjJAH = wise
AcAryA$ vai kAruNikAH prAjJAz ca = and
AcAryA$ vai kAruNikAH prAjJAz c' .ApAya-darzinaH = those that see, seers
Preceptors are wise, and sinless, and very kind to all creatures.
naite mahAbhaye prApte saMpraSTavyAH kathaM cana
n' .aite mahA-bhaye prApte saMpraSTavyAH kathaM cana
na = no, not, doesn't
n' ete = these
n' .aite mahA- = big, great (@former)
n' .aite mahA-bhaye = fear
n' .aite mahA-bhaye prApte = reached
n' .aite mahA-bhaye prApte saMpraSTavyAH katham = how?
n' .aite mahA-bhaye prApte saMpraSTavyAH kathaM cana = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
They, however, should never be consulted at times of peril.
prAsAdeSu vicitreSu goSThISv AvasatheSu ca
prAsAdeSu vicitreSu goSThISv AvasatheSu ca
prAsAdeSu vicitreSu goSThISu = in cow-pens
prAsAdeSu vicitreSu goSThISv AvasatheSu ca = and
It is in luxurious palaces, and assemblies and pleasure-gardens,
kathA vicitrAH kurvANAH paNDitAs tatra zobhanAH
kathA vicitrAH kurvANAH paNDitAs tatra zobhanAH
kathA = story
kathA vicitrAH kurvANAH paNDitAH = wise people
kathA vicitrAH kurvANAH paNDitAs tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
that learned men, capable of making speeches, seem to be in their place.
iSvastre cAru-saMdhAne paNDitAs tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
it is there that learned men find their place, or even there where sacrificial utensils and their proper placing and washing are needed.
pareSAM vivarajJAne manuSyAcariteSu ca
pareSAM vivara-jJAne manuSy'-AcariteSu ca
pareSAm = of others
pareSAM vivara-jJAne = knowledge
pareSAM vivara-jJAne manuSya- = human being
pareSAM vivara-jJAne manuSy'-AcariteSu ca = and
In a knowledge of the lapses of others, in studying the characters of men,
annasaMskAradoSeSu paNDitAs tatra zobhanAH
anna-saMskAra-doSeSu paNDitAs tatra zobhanAH
anna- = food
anna-saMskAra- = making perfect, decorating, preparing; memory (esp from a former life)
anna-saMskAra-doSeSu = faults
anna-saMskAra-doSeSu paNDitAH = wise people
anna-saMskAra-doSeSu paNDitAs tatra = there, in that, on it, about that subject
in pointing out the defects of food and drink, the learned shine,
and in the science of horses and elephants and cars, in treating the diseases of asses and camels and goats and sheeps and kine, in planning buildings and gateways.