manu version
05153 webgloss ***
vaizaMpAyana uvAca
vaizaMpAyana uvAca
vaizaMpAyanaH = pn (of a sage)
vaizaMpAyana uvAca = said
"Vaisampayana said, ***
tataH zAMtanavaM bhISmaM prAJjalir dhRtarASTrajaH
tataH zAMtanavaM bhISmaM prAJjalir dhRtarASTrajaH
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH zAMtanavam = pn (of bhISma)
tataH zAMtanavaM bhISmam = pn; terrible
tataH zAMtanavaM bhISmaM prAJjaliH = (one that has) joined palms
tataH zAMtanavaM bhISmaM prAJjalir dhRtarASTrajaH = pn (of duryodhana)
Dhritarashtra's son, then addressed Bhishma the son of Santanu, and with joined hands ***
saha sarvair mahIpAlair idaM vacanam abravIt
saha sarvair mahI-pAlair idaM vacanam abravIt
saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
saha sarvaiH = all
saha sarvair mahI- = earth
saha sarvair mahI-pAlaiH = protector
saha sarvair mahI-pAlair idam = this
saha sarvair mahI-pAlair idaM vacanam = speech, words
saha sarvair mahI-pAlair idaM vacanam abravIt = said
said these words, accompanied by all the kings -- ***
Rte senApraNetAraM pRtanA sumahaty api
Rte senA-praNetAraM pRtanA su-mahaty.. api
Rte = except (excepted thing has @second)
Rte senA- = army
Rte senA-praNetAram = leader
Rte senA-praNetAraM pRtanA = battle, contest, strife
Rte senA-praNetAraM pRtanA su- = good (@former); very (@former)
Rte senA-praNetAraM pRtanA su-mahatI = big, great
Rte senA-praNetAraM pRtanA su-mahaty.. api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
'Without a commander, even a mighty army ***
dIryate yuddham AsAdya pipIlikapuTaM yathA
dIryate yuddham AsAdya pipIlikapuTaM yathA
dIryate = falls apart, is split in pieces
dIryate yuddham = fight, battle, war
dIryate yuddham AsAdya = go and ; overtake and
dIryate yuddham AsAdya pipIlikapuTam = anthill
dIryate yuddham AsAdya pipIlikapuTaM yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
is routed in battle like a swarm of ants. ***
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA bhavati karhi cit
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA bhavati karhi cit
na = no, not, doesn't
na hi = because; (@ignore)
na hi jAtu = some day, once, ever; (api jAtu, jAtu cit) maybe; (na jAtu) never
na hi jAtu dvayoH = in two
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA = same
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA bhavati = is, becomes, there is
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA bhavati karhi = where?
na hi jAtu dvayor buddhiH samA bhavati karhi cit = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
The intelligence of two persons can never agree. ***
zauryaM ca nAma netqNAM spardhate ca parasparam
zauryaM ca nAma netRRNAM spardhate ca parasparam
zauryam = solar, sun-
zauryaM ca = and
zauryaM ca nAma = by name; allegedly, it is supposed to
zauryaM ca nAma netRRNAm = leaders
zauryaM ca nAma netRRNAM spardhate = competes, is envious
zauryaM ca nAma netRRNAM spardhate ca = and
zauryaM ca nAma netRRNAM spardhate ca parasparam = one another
Different commanders, again, are jealous of one another as regards their prowess. ***
zrUyate ca mahAprAjJa haihayAn amitaujasaH
zrUyate ca mahA-prAjJa haihayAn amit'-.aujasaH
zrUyate = is being heard
zrUyate ca = and
zrUyate ca mahA- = big, great (@former)
zrUyate ca mahA-prAjJa = wise
zrUyate ca mahA-prAjJa haihayAn = pn
zrUyate ca mahA-prAjJa haihayAn amita- = inmeasurable
zrUyate ca mahA-prAjJa haihayAn amit'-ojasaH = vital power, energy (ojas- @n)
O thou of great wisdom, it is heard (by us) that all brahmins went against the Kshatriyas of the Haihaya clan endued with immeasurable energy, ***
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve samucchritakuzadhvajAH
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve samucchrita-kuza-dhvajAH
abhyayuH = they went
abhyayur brAhmaNAH = pn (of a caste)
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve = all
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve samucchrita- = raised
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve samucchrita-kuza- = holy grass
abhyayur brAhmaNAH sarve samucchrita-kuza-dhvajAH = flag
raising a standard of Kusa grass. ***
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH zUdrAz caiva pitAmaha
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH zUdrAz caiva pitAmaha
tAn = them (m.), those
tAn anvayuH = they went (yA + laG jhi)
tAn anvayus tadA = then
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH = pn (of a caste)
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH zUdrAH = pn (servant caste)
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH zUdrAz caiva = and (ca + eva)
tAn anvayus tadA vaizyAH zUdrAz caiva pitAmaha = grandfather
O grandsire, the Vaisyas and the Sudras followed the Brahmanas, ***
ekatas tu trayo varNA ekataH kSatriyarSabhAH
ekatas tu trayo varNA$ ekataH kSatriya-@rSabhAH
ekataH = each one its own, one by one
ekatas tu = but, (ignore), and
ekatas tu trayaH = three
ekatas tu trayo varNAH = color; race, caste
ekatas tu trayo varNA$ ekataH = each one its own, one by one
ekatas tu trayo varNA$ ekataH kSatriya- = pn (a member of the warrior caste)
ekatas tu trayo varNA$ ekataH kSatriya-RSabhAH = bull
so that all the three orders were on one side, while those bulls among the Kshatriyas were alone on the other. ***
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayo varNAH punaH punaH
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayo varNAH punaH@ punaH@
te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
te sma = (turns present into past)
te sma yuddheSu = fight, battle, war
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta = they broke
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayaH = three
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayo varNAH = color; race, caste
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayo varNAH punar = again
te sma yuddheSv abhajyanta trayo varNAH punaH@ punar = again
In the battles, however, that ensued, the three orders repeatedly broke, ***
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulaM caikato balam
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulaM c' .aikato balam
kSatriyAH = pn (members of the warrior caste)
kSatriyAs tu = but, (ignore), and
kSatriyAs tu jayanti = they win
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulam = copious, abundant, numerous; diversely, in many ways
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulaM ca = and
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulaM c' ekataH = each one its own, one by one
kSatriyAs tu jayanty eva bahulaM c' .aikato balam = strength; forces, army, troops
while the Kshatriyas, though alone, vanquished large army that was opposed to them. ***
tatas te kSatriyAn eva papracchur dvijasattamAH
tatas te kSatriyAn eva papracchur dvija-sattamAH
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tatas te kSatriyAn = pn
tatas te kSatriyAn eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
tatas te kSatriyAn eva papracchuH = they asked
tatas te kSatriyAn eva papracchur dvija- = brahmin; bird
tatas te kSatriyAn eva papracchur dvija-sattamAH = best
Then those best of Brahmanas enquired of the Kshatriyas themselves (as to the cause of this). ***
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharmajJA yAthAtathyaM pitAmaha
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharma-jJA$ yAthAtathyaM pitAmaha
tebhyaH = to them; from them
tebhyaH zazaMsuH = they praised; approved of, promised, wished, told
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharma- = good (as opposed to evil), righteousness
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharma-jJAH = knowers
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharma-jJA$ yAthAtathyam = reality, truth
tebhyaH zazaMsur dharma-jJA$ yAthAtathyaM pitAmaha = grandfather
O grandsire, those that were virtuous among the Kshatriyas returned the true answer to the enquirers, ***
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahAbuddhimato raNe
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahA-buddhi-mato raNe
vayam = we
vayam ekasya = one
vayam ekasya zRNumaH = we listen, we obey
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahA- = big, great (@former)
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahA-buddhi- = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahA-buddhi-mataH = thought, considered
vayam ekasya zRNumo mahA-buddhi-mato raNe = battlefield, battle
saying, 'In battle we obey the orders of one person endued with great intelligence, ***
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve svabuddhivazavartinaH
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve sva-buddhi-vaza-vartinaH
bhavantaH = y'all
bhavantas tu = but, (ignore), and
bhavantas tu pRthak = separately (each one its own way)
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve = all
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve sva- = (his) own
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve sva-buddhi- = intelligence, common sense, wisdom, understanding, power of reasoning
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve sva-buddhi-vaza- = control
bhavantas tu pRthak sarve sva-buddhi-vaza-vartinaH = that does, that happens
while ye are disunited from one another and act according to your individual understanding.' ***
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakrur ekaM senApatiM dvijam
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakrur ekaM senApatiM dvijam
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tatas te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
tatas te brAhmaNAH = pn (of a caste)
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakruH = they did
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakrur ekam = one; alone
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakrur ekaM senApatim = general
tatas te brAhmaNAz cakrur ekaM senApatiM dvijam = brahmin
The Brahmanas then appointed one amongst themselves as their commander, ***
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram ajayan kSatriyAMs tataH
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram ajayan kSatriyAMs tataH
nayeSu = good policies
nayeSu kuzalam = skill
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram = hero, great warrior
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram ajayan = they defeated
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram ajayan kSatriyAn = pn
nayeSu kuzalaM zUram ajayan kSatriyAMs tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
who was brave and conversant with the ways of policy. And they then succeeded in vanquishing the Kshatriyas. ***
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite sthitam akalmaSam
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite sthitam a-kalmaSam
evam = thus, this way
evaM ye = the ones that
evaM ye kuzalam = skill
evaM ye kuzalaM zUram = hero, great warrior
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite = engaged in (rooth dhA); abandoned (root hA)
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite sthitam = waiting, standing, staying, that is at
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite sthitam a- = non-, a-, an-
evaM ye kuzalaM zUraM hite sthitam a-kalmaSam = sin; stain; spotted; filth
Thus people who appoint a skilled, brave, and sinless ***
senApatiM prakurvanti te jayanti raNe ripUn
senApatiM prakurvanti te jayanti raNe ripUn
senApatim = general
senApatiM prakurvanti = they put (them) in front
senApatiM prakurvanti te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
senApatiM prakurvanti te jayanti = they win
senApatiM prakurvanti te jayanti raNe = battlefield, battle
senApatiM prakurvanti te jayanti raNe ripUn = enemy
commander, observing the good of the forces under him, always conquer their foes in battle. ***
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hitaiSI ca sadA mama
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hit'-.aiSI ca sadA mama
bhavAn = your honor, you
bhavAn uzanasA = pn (of a seer)
bhavAn uzanasA tulyaH = same, peer of
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hita- = good (for someone); wellbeing
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hit'-eSI = wisher (eSin-)
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hit'-.aiSI ca = and
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hit'-.aiSI ca sadA = always
bhavAn uzanasA tulyo hit'-.aiSI ca sadA mama = my, mine, of me, to me, I have
As regards thee, thou art equal to uzanas himself, and always seekest my good. ***
asaMhAryaH sthito dharme sa naH senApatir bhava
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme sa naH senApatir bhava
a- = non-, a-, an-
a-saMhAryaH = to be removed or checked or restrained
a-saMhAryaH sthitaH = waiting, standing, staying, that is at
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme = righteousness, custom
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme sa naH = us, to us
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme sa naH senApatiH = general
a-saMhAryaH sthito dharme sa naH senApatir bhava = be!, become!
Incapable of being slain, thou art, again devoted to virtue. Be thou, therefore, our commander. ***
razmIvatAm ivAdityo vIrudhAm iva candramAH
razmI-vatAm iv' Adityo vIrudhAm iva candramAH
razmI- = rein, rope, string; ray of light
razmI-vatAm = having (affix vatup)
razmI-vatAm iva = like (@enclitic)
razmI-vatAm iv' AdityaH = the Sun
razmI-vatAm iv' Adityo vIrudhAm = of all kinds of herbs and plants
razmI-vatAm iv' Adityo vIrudhAm iva = like (@enclitic)
razmI-vatAm iv' Adityo vIrudhAm iva candramAH = the Moon
(You are) like the sun among all luminaries, like the moon unto all delicious herbs, ***
kubera iva yakSANAM marutAm iva vAsavaH
kubera iva yakSANAM marutAm iva vAsavaH
kuberaH = pn (the god of wealth)
kubera iva = like (@enclitic)
kubera iva yakSANAm = pn (of a class of demi-gods)
kubera iva yakSANAM marutAm = pn (of the forty-nine maruts, gods of the winds)
kubera iva yakSANAM marutAm iva = like (@enclitic)
kubera iva yakSANAM marutAm iva vAsavaH = pn (of indra)
like kubera among the yakSas, like indra among the maruts, ***
parvatAnAM yathA meruH suparNaH patatAm iva
parvatAnAM yathA meruH suparNaH patatAm iva
parvatAnAm = mountain
parvatAnAM yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
parvatAnAM yathA meruH = pn (of a mountain)
parvatAnAM yathA meruH suparNaH = pn
parvatAnAM yathA meruH suparNaH patatAm = (that are) falling, flying
parvatAnAM yathA meruH suparNaH patatAm iva = like (@enclitic)
like Meru among mountains, Suparna among the birds, ***
kumAra iva bhUtAnAM vasUnAm iva havyavAT
kumAra iva bhUtAnAM vasUnAm iva havyavAT
kumAraH = boy; prince
kumAra iva = like (@enclitic)
kumAra iva bhUtAnAm = creatures; ghosts
kumAra iva bhUtAnAM vasUnAm = pn (of seven gods, the Vasus)
kumAra iva bhUtAnAM vasUnAm iva = like (@enclitic)
kumAra iva bhUtAnAM vasUnAm iva havyavAT = pn (of the god of fire)
kumAra among the gods, havyavaha among vasus. ***
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH zakreNeva divaukasaH
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH zakreN' .eva divaukasaH
bhavatA = you
bhavatA hi = because; (@ignore)
bhavatA hi vayam = we
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH = protected, led; hidden, secret, covered
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH zakreNa = by indra
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH zakreN' iva = like (@enclitic)
bhavatA hi vayaM guptAH zakreN' .eva divaukasaH = heavendwellers
We, protected by thee, like the gods protected by Sakra, ***
anAdhRSyA bhaviSyAmas tridazAnAm api dhruvam
anAdhRSyA$ bhaviSyAmas tridazAnAm api dhruvam
anAdhRSyAH = inattackable
anAdhRSyA$ bhaviSyAmaH = we will be
anAdhRSyA$ bhaviSyAmas tridazAnAm = the gods
anAdhRSyA$ bhaviSyAmas tridazAnAm api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
anAdhRSyA$ bhaviSyAmas tridazAnAm api dhruvam = fixed, necessary; for sure, no doubt, necessarily
will assuredly become invincible even by the gods. ***
prayAtu no bhavAn agre devAnAm iva pAvakiH
prayAtu no bhavAn agre devAnAm iva pAvakiH
prayAtu = go in front!
prayAtu naH = us, to us
prayAtu no bhavAn = your honor, you
prayAtu no bhavAn agre = at the tip, in front of
prayAtu no bhavAn agre devAnAm = god
prayAtu no bhavAn agre devAnAm iva = like (@enclitic)
prayAtu no bhavAn agre devAnAm iva pAvakiH = pn (of skanda)
March thou at our head, like Agni's son (Kumara) at the head of the gods, ***
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH saurabheyA ivarSabham
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH saurabheyA$ iva @rSabham
vayam = we
vayaM tvAm = (has am) you, thou
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH = we follow
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH saurabheyAH = bulls
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH saurabheyA$ iva = like (@enclitic)
vayaM tvAm anuyAsyAmaH saurabheyA$ iva RSabham = bull
and let us follow thee like calves following the lead of a mighty bull.' ***
bhISma uvAca
bhISma uvAca
bhISmaH = pn; terrible
bhISma uvAca = said
"Bhishma said, ***
evam etan mahAbAho yathA vadasi bhArata
evam etan@ mahAbAho@ yathA vadasi bhArata
evam = thus, this way
evam etat = this
evam etan@ mahAbAho = hey strong dude
evam etan@ mahAbAho@ yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
evam etan@ mahAbAho@ yathA vadasi = you say
evam etan@ mahAbAho@ yathA vadasi bhArata = hey descendant of bharata
'O mighty-armed one, it is even so, 'O Bharata, as thou sayest. ***
yathaiva hi bhavanto me tathaiva mama pANDavAH
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me tath'' .aiva mama pANDavAH
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yath'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
yath'' .aiva hi = because; (@ignore)
yath'' .aiva hi bhavantaH = y'all
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me tathA = in that way; and then; okay, yes, gotcha, roger
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me tath'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me tath'' .aiva mama = my, mine, of me, to me, I have
yath'' .aiva hi bhavanto me tath'' .aiva mama pANDavAH = pn
But the Pandavas are as dear to me as ye yourselves. ***
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyaM teSAM narAdhipa
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyaM teSAM nar'-.Adhipa
api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
api caiva = and (ca + eva)
api caiva mayA = by me
api caiva mayA zreyaH = best
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyam = it should be said (!vacozabda)
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyaM teSAm = of them, among them
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyaM teSAM nara- = man
api caiva mayA zreyo vAcyaM teSAM nar'-adhipa = king
Therefore, O king, I should certainly seek their good as well, ***
yoddhavyaM tu tavArthAya yathA sa samayaH kRtaH
yoddhavyaM tu tav' .ArthAya yathA sa samayaH kRtaH
yoddhavyam = must fight
yoddhavyaM tu = but, (ignore), and
yoddhavyaM tu tava = your
yoddhavyaM tu tav' arthAya = in order to, for the sake of
yoddhavyaM tu tav' .ArthAya yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yoddhavyaM tu tav' .ArthAya yathA sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
yoddhavyaM tu tav' .ArthAya yathA sa samayaH = agreement, covenant, pact
yoddhavyaM tu tav' .ArthAya yathA sa samayaH kRtaH = done, made
although I shall certainly fight for thee, having given thee a pledge (before) to that effect. ***
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram AtmanaH sadRzaM bhuvi
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram AtmanaH sadRzaM bhuvi
na = no, not, doesn't
na tu = but, (ignore), and
na tu pazyAmi = i see
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram = fighter, warrior
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram AtmanaH = of oneself, from oneself, one's own
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram AtmanaH sadRzam = alike, such a
na tu pazyAmi yoddhAram AtmanaH sadRzaM bhuvi = on earth
I do not see the warrior on earth that is equal to me, ***
Rte tasmAn naravyAghrAt kuntIputrAd dhanaMjayAt
Rte tasmAn@ nara-vyAghrAt kuntI-putrAd dhanaMjayAt
Rte = except (excepted thing has @second)
Rte tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
Rte tasmAn@ nara- = man
Rte tasmAn@ nara-vyAghrAt = tiger
Rte tasmAn@ nara-vyAghrAt kuntI- = pn (mother of yudhiSThira, bhImasena and arjuna)
Rte tasmAn@ nara-vyAghrAt kuntI-putrAt = son
Rte tasmAn@ nara-vyAghrAt kuntI-putrAd dhanaMjayAt = pn (of Arjuna
except that tiger among men, Dhananjaya, the son of Kunti. ***
sa hi veda mahAbAhur divyAny astrANi sarvazaH
sa hi veda mahA-bAhur divyAny astrANi sarvazaH
sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
sa hi = because; (@ignore)
sa hi veda = knows; the Vedas
sa hi veda mahA- = big, great (@former)
sa hi veda mahA-bAhuH = arm (limb, not weapon)
sa hi veda mahA-bAhur divyAni = divine (releting to the devas)
sa hi veda mahA-bAhur divyAny astrANi = weapons
sa hi veda mahA-bAhur divyAny astrANi sarvazaH = from everywhere, in all directions
Endued with great intelligence, he is conversant with innumerable celestial weapons. ***
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe jAtu yudhyeta pANDavaH
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe jAtu yudhyeta pANDavaH
na = no, not, doesn't
na tu = but, (ignore), and
na tu mAm = (has am) me
na tu mAM vivRtaH = wide open
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe = fight, battle, war
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe jAtu = some day, once, ever; (api jAtu, jAtu cit) maybe; (na jAtu) never
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe jAtu yudhyeta = would fight
na tu mAM vivRto yuddhe jAtu yudhyeta pANDavaH = pn (son of pANDu)
That son of pANDu, however, will never fight with me openly. ***
ahaM sa ca kSaNenaiva nirmanuSyam idaM jagat
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' .aiva nir-manuSyam idaM jagat
aham = (has su) I, I am
ahaM sa = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
ahaM sa ca = and
ahaM sa ca kSaNena = in a moment
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' .aiva niH- = without, lacking, that has no (@former)
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' .aiva nir-manuSyam = human
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' .aiva nir-manuSyam idam = this
ahaM sa ca kSaNen' .aiva nir-manuSyam idaM jagat = universe
I can, in a trice, destroy this universe consisting of humans, ***
kuryAM zastrabalenaiva sasurAsurarAkSasam
kuryAM zastra-balen' .aiva sa-sur'-.Asura-rAkSasam
kuryAm = I would do
kuryAM zastra- = weapon
kuryAM zastra-balena = strength; forces, army, troops
kuryAM zastra-balen' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
kuryAM zastra-balen' .aiva sa- = that one, he, it (only used before consonant); with (when @former)
kuryAM zastra-balen' .aiva sa-sura- = a god
kuryAM zastra-balen' .aiva sa-sur'-asura- = anti-god
kuryAM zastra-balen' .aiva sa-sur'-.Asura-rAkSasam = demon
gods, Asuras, and Rakshasas, with the power of my weapons. ***
na tv evotsAdanIyA me pANDoH putrA narAdhipa
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me pANDoH putrA$ nar'-.Adhipa
na = no, not, doesn't
na tu = but, (ignore), and
na tv eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
na tv ev' utsAdanIyAH = they must be destructed
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me pANDoH = pn
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me pANDoH putrAH = sons
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me pANDoH putrA$ nara- = man
na tv ev' .otsAdanIyA$ me pANDoH putrA$ nar'-adhipa = king
The sons of pANDu, however, O king, are incapable of being exterminated by me. ***
note: notsAdanIyAH means 'I must not kill them' (because I promised not to years ago).
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi prayogeNAyutaM sadA
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi prayogeN' .AyutaM sadA
tasmAt = therefore; from it; from that
tasmAd yodhAn = soldiers, fighters
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi = I will kill
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi prayogeNa = (maybe this means 'with arrows', not sure)
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi prayogeN' ayutam = myriad
tasmAd yodhAn haniSyAmi prayogeN' .AyutaM sadA = always
I shall, therefore, slay every day ten thousand warriors. ***
evam eSAM kariSyAmi nidhanaM kurunandana
evam eSAM kariSyAmi nidhanaM kuru-nandana
evam = thus, this way
evam eSAm = of these
evam eSAM kariSyAmi = i will do
evam eSAM kariSyAmi nidhanam = undoing, destruction, death
evam eSAM kariSyAmi nidhanaM kuru- = do!, make!; pn (of a country and royal family)
evam eSAM kariSyAmi nidhanaM kuru-nandana = son
I will continue to slaughter their forces thus ***
na cet te mAM haniSyanti pUrvam eva samAgame
na cet te mAM haniSyanti pUrvam eva samAgame
na = no, not, doesn't
na cet = if
na cet te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
na cet te mAm = (has am) me
na cet te mAM haniSyanti = they will kill
na cet te mAM haniSyanti pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
na cet te mAM haniSyanti pUrvam eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
na cet te mAM haniSyanti pUrvam eva samAgame = coming together, reunion, battle
if, indeed, they do not slay me in battle first. ***
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan samayenApareNa te
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan samayen' .ApareNa te
senApatiH = general
senApatis tu = but, (ignore), and
senApatis tv aham = (has su) I, I am
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan = hey king
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan samayena = agreement, covenant, pact
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan samayen' apareNa = another
senApatis tv ahaM rAjan samayen' .ApareNa te = they; your (enclitic); to you (enclitic)
There is another understanding on which ***
bhaviSyAmi yathAkAmaM tan me zrotum ihArhasi
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tan@ me zrotum ih' .Arhasi
bhaviSyAmi = i will be
bhaviSyAmi yathA- = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmam = a desire, wish
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tat = that, he, them, she, it; and then, so, therefore
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tan@ me = my, (is) mine, I have (Gas); to me, for me (Ge); by me (TA)
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tan@ me zrotum = to hear
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tan@ me zrotum iha = here; in this world
bhaviSyAmi yathA-kAmaM tan@ me zrotum ih' arhasi = you should
I may willingly become the commander of thy forces. It behoveth thee to listen to that. ***
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam ahaM vA pRthivIpate
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam ahaM vA pRthivI-pate
karNaH = pn; ear
karNo vA = or; maybe
karNo vA yudhyatAm = let him fight
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam = previous; previously, earlier
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam aham = (has su) I, I am
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam ahaM vA = or; maybe
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam ahaM vA pRthivI- = earth
karNo vA yudhyatAM pUrvam ahaM vA pRthivI-pate = hey lord
O lord of earth, either Karna should fight first, or I will fight first. ***
spardhate hi sadAtyarthaM sUtaputro mayA raNe
spardhate hi sadA 'tyarthaM sUtaputro mayA raNe
spardhate = competes, is envious
spardhate hi = because; (@ignore)
spardhate hi sadA = always
spardhate hi sadA atyartham = too much
spardhate hi sadA 'tyarthaM sUtaputraH = pn (of karNa, k)
spardhate hi sadA 'tyarthaM sUtaputro mayA = by me
spardhate hi sadA 'tyarthaM sUtaputro mayA raNe = battlefield, battle
The Suta's son always boasts of his prowess in battle, comparing it with mine.' ***
karNa uvAca
karNa uvAca
karNaH = pn; ear
karNa uvAca = said
nAhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye rAjan kathaM cana
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye rAjan kathaM cana
na = no, not, doesn't
n' aham = (has su) I, I am
n' .AhaM jIvati = lives
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye = pn
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye = I will fight
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye rAjan = hey king
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye rAjan katham = how?
n' .AhaM jIvati gAGgeye yotsye rAjan kathaM cana = any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
"Karna said, 'As long as Ganga's son liveth, O king, I shall never fight. ***
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi saha gANDIvadhanvanA
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi saha gANDIva-dhanvanA
hate = killed
hate bhISme = pn; terrible
hate bhISme tu = but, (ignore), and
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi = I'll fight
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi saha gANDIva- = pn (of Gandiva
hate bhISme tu yotsyAmi saha gANDIva-dhanvanA = archer
After Bhishma is slain, I shall fight with the wielder of Gandiva.' ***
vaizaMpAyana uvAca
vaizaMpAyana uvAca
vaizaMpAyanaH = pn (of a sage)
vaizaMpAyana uvAca = said
"Vaisampayana continued, ***
tataH senApatiM cakre vidhivad bhUridakSiNam
tataH senApatiM cakre vidhivad bhUri-dakSiNam
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH senApatim = general
tataH senApatiM cakre = did, made
tataH senApatiM cakre vidhivat = duly, well (according to the proper rules), legally
tataH senApatiM cakre vidhivad bhUri- = much, many
tataH senApatiM cakre vidhivad bhUri-dakSiNam = south; right side
'After this, Dhritarashtra's son duly made Bhishma the commander of his force, distributing large presents. ***
dhRtarASTrAtmajo bhISmaM so 'bhiSikto vyarocata
dhRtarASTr'-Atmajo bhISmaM so 'bhiSikto vyarocata
dhRtarASTra- = pn
dhRtarASTr'-AtmajaH = son
dhRtarASTr'-Atmajo bhISmam = pn; terrible
dhRtarASTr'-Atmajo bhISmaM saH = he, that one, it (never used before consonant)
dhRtarASTr'-Atmajo bhISmaM so abhiSiktaH = sprinkled, consecrated, invested
dhRtarASTr'-Atmajo bhISmaM so 'bhiSikto vyarocata = shined, appeared as
And after, his installation in the command, he blazed forth with beauty. ***
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca zatazaz caiva puSkarAn
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca zatazaz caiva puSkarAn
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tato bherIH = kettledrums
tato bherIz ca = and
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAn = conch
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca = and
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca zatazaH = by the hundreds
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca zatazaz caiva = and (ca + eva)
tato bherIz ca zaGkhAMz ca zatazaz caiva puSkarAn = drums
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH puruSA rAjazAsanAt
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH puruSA$ rAja-zAsanAt
vAdayAmAsuH = they made (them) sound, they played
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH = not alarmed, calm, cheerful
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH puruSAH = men
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH puruSA$ rAja- = king
vAdayAmAsur avyagrAH puruSA$ rAja-zAsanAt = by command
And at the king's behest, musicians cheerfully played upon drums and blew conchs by hundreds and thousands. ***
siMhanAdAz ca vividhA vAhanAnAM ca nisvanAH
siMha-nAdAz ca vividhA$ vAhanAnAM ca nisvanAH
siMha- = lion
siMha-nAdAH = noise, roar, shout
siMha-nAdAz ca = and
siMha-nAdAz ca vividhAH = diverse, of several kinds
siMha-nAdAz ca vividhA$ vAhanAnAm = animals (that one can ride, such as horses and elephants)
siMha-nAdAz ca vividhA$ vAhanAnAM ca = and
siMha-nAdAz ca vividhA$ vAhanAnAM ca nisvanAH = sounds
And numerous leonine roars were sent forth and all the animals in the camp uttered their cries together. ***
prAdurAsann anabhre ca varSaM rudhirakardamam
prAdurAsann an-abhre ca varSaM rudhira-kardamam
prAdurAsan = they appeared, they came into view
prAdurAsann an- = non-, a-, an-
prAdurAsann an-abhre = cloud
prAdurAsann an-abhre ca = and
prAdurAsann an-abhre ca varSam = rain; year; continent
prAdurAsann an-abhre ca varSaM rudhira- = blood
prAdurAsann an-abhre ca varSaM rudhira-kardamam = mud
And although the sky was cloudless, a bloody shower fell and made the ground miry. ***
nirghAtAH pRthivIkampA gajabRMhitanisvanAH
nirghAtAH pRthivI-kampA$ gaja-bRMhita-nisvanAH
nirghAtAH = removal, destruction (han + Nic + ghaJ, maybe); whirlwind, hurricane, thunderstorm, earthquake
nirghAtAH pRthivI- = earth
nirghAtAH pRthivI-kampAH = tremors
nirghAtAH pRthivI-kampA$ gaja- = elephant
nirghAtAH pRthivI-kampA$ gaja-bRMhita- = strengthened, increased, nourished; trumpeting (of an elephant)
nirghAtAH pRthivI-kampA$ gaja-bRMhita-nisvanAH = sounds
And fierce whirl-winds, and earthquakes, and roars of elephants, ***
AsaMz ca sarvayodhAnAM pAtayanto manAMsy uta
AsaMz ca sarva-yodhAnAM pAtayanto manAMsy uta
Asan = there were
AsaMz ca = and
AsaMz ca sarva- = all; all of it (when sg.)
AsaMz ca sarva-yodhAnAm = fighter
AsaMz ca sarva-yodhAnAM pAtayantaH = that made (them) fall
AsaMz ca sarva-yodhAnAM pAtayanto manAMsi = minds
AsaMz ca sarva-yodhAnAM pAtayanto manAMsy uta = (@ignore)
occurring, depressed the hearts of all the warriors. ***
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaz colkAH prapedire
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaz c' .olkAH prapedire
vAcaH = speeches
vAcaz cApi = too (ca + api)
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyaH = disembodied
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaH = from the sky
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaz ca = and
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaz c' ulkAH = meteors
vAcaz cApy azarIriNyo divaz c' .olkAH prapedire = they fell, they appeared, they entered
Incorporeal voices and flashes of meteoric falls were heard and seen in the welkin. ***
zivAz ca bhayavedinyo nedur dIptasvarA bhRzam
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyo nedur dIpta-svarA$ bhRzam
zivAH = auspicious, that gives good luck; (@f) jackals
zivAz ca = and
zivAz ca bhaya- = fear
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyaH = that forebode
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyo neduH = roared
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyo nedur dIpta- = burning, lit up, ablaze
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyo nedur dIpta-svarAH = sound
zivAz ca bhaya-vedinyo nedur dIpta-svarA$ bhRzam = strongly, very, violently
And jackals, howling fiercely, foreboded great calamity. ***
sainApatye yadA rAjA gAGgeyam abhiSiktavAn
sainApatye yadA rAjA gAGgeyam abhiSiktavAn
sainApatye = leadership of the army
sainApatye yadA = when
sainApatye yadA rAjA = king
sainApatye yadA rAjA gAGgeyam = pn
sainApatye yadA rAjA gAGgeyam abhiSiktavAn = sprinkled
When the king installed Ganga's son in the command of his troops, ***
tadaitAny ugrarUpANi abhavaJ zatazo nRpa
tad'' .aitAny ugra-rUpANi: abhavaJ zatazo nRpa
tadA = then
tad'' etAni = these
tad'' .aitAny ugra- = severe, fierce, cruel, terrible
tad'' .aitAny ugra-rUpANi = shapes, forms
tad'' .aitAny ugra-rUpANi: abhavan = they became, they were, there were
tad'' .aitAny ugra-rUpANi: abhavaJ zatazaH = by the hundreds
tad'' .aitAny ugra-rUpANi: abhavaJ zatazo nRpa = king
these and a hundred other kinds of fierce portents made their appearance, O monarch. ***
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmaM parabalArdanam
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmaM para-bal'-.Ardanam
tataH = and then; from it; and from there; then; from then on
tataH senApatim = general
tataH senApatiM kRtvA = did and
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmam = pn; terrible
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmaM para- = highest, high; enemy (@ibc); other (@ibc)
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmaM para-bala- = strength; forces, army, troops
tataH senApatiM kRtvA bhISmaM para-bal'-ardanam = tormentor, destroyer
And after making Bhishma --that grinder of hostile hosts-- his general, ***
vAcayitvA dvijazreSThAn niSkair gobhiz ca bhUrizaH
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkair gobhiz ca bhUri-zaH
vAcayitvA = made (them) say and
vAcayitvA dvija- = brahmin; bird
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn = best of
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkaiH = gold coin, gold ornament
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkair gobhiH = cows
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkair gobhiz ca = and
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkair gobhiz ca bhUri- = much, many
vAcayitvA dvija-zreSThAn niSkair gobhiz ca bhUri-zaH = by (the thousands etc)
and having also caused by abundant gifts of kine and gold to the Brahmanas to pronounce benedictions on him, ***
vardhamAno jayAzIrbhir niryayau sainikair vRtaH
vardhamAno jay'-AzIrbhir niryayau sainikair vRtaH
vardhamAnaH = grown, encouraged
vardhamAno jaya- = victory
vardhamAno jay'-AzIrbhiH = blessings, hopes
vardhamAno jay'-AzIrbhir niryayau = went out
vardhamAno jay'-AzIrbhir niryayau sainikaiH = troops
vardhamAno jay'-AzIrbhir niryayau sainikair vRtaH = surrounded, enveloped; chosen
and glorified by those benedictions, and surrounded by his troops, ***
ApageyaM puraskRtya bhrAtRbhiH sahitas tadA
ApageyaM puraskRtya bhrAtRbhiH sahitas tadA
Apageyam = pn (of bhISma, "son of the river")
ApageyaM puraskRtya = put in front and
ApageyaM puraskRtya bhrAtRbhiH = with brothers
ApageyaM puraskRtya bhrAtRbhiH sahitaH = together
ApageyaM puraskRtya bhrAtRbhiH sahitas tadA = then
and with Ganga's son in the van, and accompanied by his brothers, ***
skandhAvAreNa mahatA kurukSetraM jagAma ha
skandh'-AvAreNa mahatA kurukSetraM jagAma ha
skandha- = army; shoulder
skandh'-AvAreNa = shelter, defence
skandh'-AvAreNa mahatA = big, great
skandh'-AvAreNa mahatA kurukSetram = tp
skandh'-AvAreNa mahatA kurukSetraM jagAma = went
skandh'-AvAreNa mahatA kurukSetraM jagAma ha = (@ignore)
Duryodhana marched to Kurukshetra with his large host. ***
parikramya kurukSetraM karNena saha kauravaH
parikramya kurukSetraM karNena saha kauravaH
parikramya = walks around and
parikramya kurukSetram = tp
parikramya kurukSetraM karNena = pn
parikramya kurukSetraM karNena saha = with (usually with @third, or @former)
parikramya kurukSetraM karNena saha kauravaH = pn (of the descendants of kuru)
And the Kuru king, going over the plain with Karna in his company, ***
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same deze narAdhipaH
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same deze nar'-.AdhipaH
zibiram = trench, encampment
zibiraM mApayAmAsa = made (it) be measured
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same = same
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same deze = place, country
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same deze nara- = man
zibiraM mApayAmAsa same deze nar'-adhipaH = king
caused his camp to be measured out on a level part, O monarch, of that plain. ***
madhurAnUSare deze prabhUtayavasendhane
madhur'-.AnUSare deze prabhUta-yavas'-.endhane
madhura- = sweet
madhur'-.AnUSare deze = place, country
madhur'-.AnUSare deze prabhUta- = abundant, much, many
madhur'-.AnUSare deze prabhUta-yavasa- = grass, fodder, pasturage
madhur'-.AnUSare deze prabhUta-yavas'-indhane = fuel
And the camp, pitched on a delightful and fertile spot abounding with grass and fuel, ***
yathaiva hAstinapuraM tadvac chibiram Ababhau
yath'' .aiva hAstinapuraM tadvac chibiram Ababhau
yathA = like, the same way as, according to, so that (correlative of tathA)
yath'' eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
yath'' .aiva hAstinapuram = pn
yath'' .aiva hAstinapuraM tadvat = similarly, in that same way
yath'' .aiva hAstinapuraM tadvac zibiram = trench, encampment
yath'' .aiva hAstinapuraM tadvac chibiram Ababhau = shone
shone like Hastinapura itself.'" ***
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