zrutvA dharmAn azeSeNa pAvanAni ca sarvazaH = from everywhere, in all directions
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavaM punar evAbhyabhASata
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavaM punar ev' .AbhyabhASata
yudhiSThiraH = pn (of a king)
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavam = pn (of bhISma)
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavaM punar = again
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavaM punar eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
yudhiSThiraH zAMtanavaM punar ev' abhyabhASata = said
"Vaisampayana said, 'Having heard all the duties in their entirety and all those sacred acts and objects that cleanse human beings of their sins. Yudhishthira once more addressed the son of Santanu in the following words.'
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vApy ekaM parAyaNam
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vA 'py ekaM parAyaNam
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kim ekam = one; alone
kim ekaM daivatam = deity
kim ekaM daivataM loke = world; everybody, citizens, people
kim ekaM daivataM loke kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vA = or; maybe
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vA api = even, too (enclitic); maybe? (starts yes/no questions); any-, some- (turns who into someone etc.)
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vA 'py ekam = one; alone
kim ekaM daivataM loke kiM vA 'py ekaM parAyaNam = thinking only of, focused on; cure-it-all
"Yudhishthira said, "Who may be said to be the one god in the world? Who may be said to be the one object which is our sole refuge?
stuvantaH kaM kam arcantaH prApnuyur mAnavAH zubham
stuvantaH kaM kam arcantaH prApnuyur mAnavAH zubham
stuvantaH kam = whom?
stuvantaH kaM kam = whom?
stuvantaH kaM kam arcantaH prApnuyuH = they would reach
stuvantaH kaM kam arcantaH prApnuyur mAnavAH = humans
Who is he by worshipping whom or hymning whose praises human being would get what is beneficial?
ko dharmaH sarvadharmANAM bhavataH paramo mataH
ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAM bhavataH paramo mataH
kaH = who? which one?
ko dharmaH = good (as opposed to evil), righteousness
ko dharmaH sarva- = all; all of it (when sg.)
ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAm = customs
ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAM bhavataH = you
ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAM bhavataH paramaH = highest, high, extreme
ko dharmaH sarva-dharmANAM bhavataH paramo mataH = thought, considered
What religion is that which, according to thy judgment, is the foremost of all religions?
kiM japan mucyate jantur janmasaMsArabandhanAt
kiM japan mucyate jantur janma-saMsAra-bandhanAt
kim = what?, which one?; why? ; (shows that question starts)
kiM japan = repeating (a prayer, mostly)
kiM japan mucyate = is liberated, is loosened
kiM japan mucyate jantuH = creature, living being
kiM japan mucyate jantur janma- = birth; lifetime, life
kiM japan mucyate jantur janma-saMsAra- = cycle of reincarnation
kiM japan mucyate jantur janma-saMsAra-bandhanAt = bondage
What are those Mantras by reciting which a living creature becomes freed from the bonds of birth and life?'
'One should always, with alacrity and throwing away all languor, hymn the praises of that Lord of the universe, that god of gods (viz., Vasudeva), who is Infinite and the foremost of all Beings, by uttering His thousand names
tam eva cArcayan nityaM bhaktyA puruSam avyayam
tam eva c' .Arcayan nityaM bhaktyA puruSam avyayam
tam = him; it; that
tam eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
tam eva ca = and
tam eva c' arcayan = honouring, worshipping
tam eva c' .Arcayan nityam = always, constantly; permanent, constant
tam eva c' .Arcayan nityaM bhaktyA = devotion
tam eva c' .Arcayan nityaM bhaktyA puruSam = man
tam eva c' .Arcayan nityaM bhaktyA puruSam avyayam = unchanging
By always worshipping with reverence and devotion that immutable Being,
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnas tam eva ca
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnas tam eva ca
dhyAyan = meditating
dhyAyan stuvan = praising (zatR)
dhyAyan stuvan namasyan = bowing down to
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca = and
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnaH = that sacrifices (zAnac)
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnas tam = him; it; that
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnas tam eva = only; indeed; (@ignore)
dhyAyan stuvan namasyaMz ca yajamAnas tam eva ca = and
by meditating on him, by hymning His praises and bowing the head unto Him, and by performing sacrifices unto Him,
anAdinidhanaM viSNuM sarvalokamahezvaram
an-Adi-nidhanaM viSNuM sarva-loka-mahezvaram
an- = non-, a-, an-
an-Adi- = beginning, etc, and stuff
an-Adi-nidhanam = undoing, destruction, death
an-Adi-nidhanaM viSNum = pn
an-Adi-nidhanaM viSNuM sarva- = all; all of it (when sg.)