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*** about tip ***
*** gender abbrevs ***
*** laT means what is happening ***
*** tAtAJjha are the third person bent tiG affixes ta AtAm jha ***
*** su ***
*** tiptasjhi are the third person flat tiG affixes tip tas jhi ***
*** flat liT to Nalatusus thalathusa Nalvama ***
*** liT means past ***
*** ik to guNa before hard and soft ***
*** mibvasmas are the first person flat tiG affixes mip vas mas ***
*** zap before hard doer ***
*** about kta ***
*** laG means past before today ***
*** before luG laG lRG root gets aT ***
*** sipthastha are the second person flat tiG affixes sip thas tha ***
*** ec to ay av Ay Av before vowel ***
*** nounbases are masculine feminine or neuter ***
*** jas ***
*** luG means what's over ***
*** i of git tense to lopa ***
*** tail of Tit bent to e ***
*** liG means command advice invitation wish question request prayer ***
*** varga ***
*** wordfinal is what is at the end a word ***
*** su s''' t''' to lopa after hal or long GI Ap ***
*** yuSmad asmad ***
*** roots are bhU etc ***
*** tiG and zit are hard ***
*** nounbase is what has meaning is not a root and has no affix ***
*** ik to yaN before ac ***
*** replace nexttolast short ik with guNa before hard and soft ***
*** non wordfinal s to S after ku r ic ***
*** tiG are tiptasjhi sipthastha mibvasmas tAtAJjha thAsAthAndhvam iDvahimahiG ***
*** about inria ***
*** the loT too means command advice invitation wish question request prayer ***
*** dual singular mean two one ***
*** before liT reduplicate stammer less root ***
*** am ***
*** Natvam means changing n to N ***
*** au ***
*** kit is what has label k ***
*** but taG Ana are bent ***
*** Gas ***
*** sup are svaujas amauTchaS TAbhyAmbhis GebhyAmbhyas GasibhyAmbhyas GasosAm Gyossup ***
*** the ac are the vowels namely a i uN R Lk e oG ai auc plus their similars A I U RR ***
*** some feminines get GI ***
*** tense replacers are flat ***
*** former and latter ***
*** variants of Ap ***
*** the rest are soft ***
*** merge ak with similar into long ***
*** TA ***
*** zatR and zAnac mean that does ***
*** doer of an action is who acts on its own ***
*** kartari words agree with doer ***
*** optionally use san to mean wanna gonna ***
pages mentioned in 36 ~ 40 other pages
*** a A i I of wimpy to lopa before taddhita and GI ***
*** iDvahimahiG are the first person bent tiG affixes iT' vahi mahi ***
*** number in inria ***
*** valAdi soft gets iT ***
*** thAsAthAMdhvam are the second person bent tiG affixes thAs AthAm dhvam ***
*** zas ***
*** amauTchaS are the second group of case affixes am au zas ***
*** there are two sorts of Nic ***
*** Git is what has label G ***
*** merge A a with ik into guNa ***
*** kR means do make ***
*** cli to sic ***
*** root gets yak before hard nondoer ***
*** object of an action is what the doer wants most ***
*** about the veda ***
*** sup ender is noun ***
*** use plural when meaning many ***
*** tiG ender is verb ***
*** stop to c p k T t before khar ***
*** hal are all letters but the vowels ***
*** Nvul and tRc may be added to all roots to mean the doer ***
*** root gets sya tAs before lR luT ***
*** the taddhita start here ***
*** about the epics ***
*** vowel to vRddhi before JNit ***
*** delete non wordfinal a before guNa ***
*** aN down to tenadIvyati ***
*** GasosAm are the sixth case affixes Gas os Am ***
*** seT aniT veT ***
*** svaujas are the first group of case affixes su au jas ***
*** sup tiG ender is word ***
*** bhis ***
*** stammer is the first part ***
*** Gi ***
*** Gyossup are the seventh group of case affixes Gi os sup' ***
*** the affixes below are kRt except the tiG ***
*** TAbhyAmbhis are the third case affixes TA bhyAm bhis ***
*** up to kaDAra compound ***
*** list of lettergroups ***
*** longs are A I U RR e o ai au ***
pages mentioned in 28 ~ 35 other pages
*** tud etc get za before hard doer ***
*** tenses are laT lRT luT laG liT luG loT liG lRG leT ***
*** wordfinal serious to jaz ***
*** chop wordfinal cluster ***
*** jh to ant ***
*** GasibhyAmbhyas are the fifth case affixes Gasi bhyAm bhyas ***
*** tas thas tha mip to tAm''' tam''' ta''' am''' in git tenses ***
*** calling is the su used to call ***
*** nexttolast a to vRddhi before JNit ***
*** shorten stammer ***
*** sup' ***
*** a preverb or upasarga is a prAdi joined by sense to an action ***
*** after some roots there's bent only ***
*** before JNit taddhita first of the vowels to vRddhi ***
*** list of preverbs ***
*** of two with same doer ktvA means what happens first ***
*** inria reader ***
*** cases in inria ***
*** su and am to luk after neuter ***
*** Am ***
*** Gasi ***
*** labels are invisible ***
*** karmaNi words agree with object ***
*** rootnouns are rootlike nouns ***
*** stretching means replacing yaN with ik ***
*** strong affixes ***
*** reduplicate before san and yaG ***
*** stretch vac svap yaj class before kit ***
*** hu etc get zlu ***
*** bhU be there be ***
*** Ge ***
*** GebhyAmbhyas are the fourth case affixes Ge bhyAm bhyas ***
*** hard flat liG ***
*** some roots get zyan before hard doer ***
*** serious are all hal except the funny ***
*** shorts are a i u R L ***
*** special roots ***
*** about the dhAtupATha ***
*** a and eG are guNa ***
*** cluster means group of consonants ***
*** headline rules ***
*** objectful and objectless verbs ***
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