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When is a vowel heavy?
sAnusvAraz ca dIrghAz ca visargIJ ca gurur bhavet |
सानुस्वारश्च दीर्घाश्च विसर्गीं च गुरुर्भवेत्।
varNa-saMyoga-pUrvaz ca tathA pAdAntago 'pi vA||
वर्णॱसंयोगॱपूर्वश्च तथा पादान्तगो ऽपि वा॥
A vowel is heavy when it is long, at the end of a /pAda, or before a cluster.
The /anusvAra and the /visarga count as consonants, therefore vowels before them are always heavy.
From Full text of "Harinamamrit Vyakaran" —
As stated by ganGAdAsa paNDita, the teacher of Sri Caitanya and author of chando-maJjari —
sAnusvAraz ca dIrghaz ca
visargI ca gurur bhavet
varNa-samyoga-purvaz ca
tatha padantago 'pi vA
"A vowel with an anusvara (/M), a /dIrgha ( trivikrama ) vowel, a vowel with a visarga (/H), and a vowel coming immediately before a conjunct ( /saMyoga ) of letters are all /guru. The final vowel in a /pAda, too, is /guru."
A written letter such as sya स्य is called a varNasaMyoga वर्णसंयोग because it is made by joining a sa स and a ya य. /pANini calls the SOUND sy स्य् a cluster.