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When is a vowel heavy?

sAnusvAraz ca dIrghAz ca visargIJ ca gurur bhavet |
सानुस्वारश्च दीर्घाश्च विसर्गीं च गुरुर्भवेत्।

varNa-saMyoga-pUrvaz ca tathA pAdAntago 'pi vA||
वर्णॱसंयोगॱपूर्वश्च तथा पादान्तगो ऽपि वा॥

A vowel is heavy when it is long, at the end of a /pAda, or before a cluster.

The /anusvAra and the /visarga count as consonants, therefore vowels before them are always heavy.

From Full text of "Harinamamrit Vyakaran"

As stated by ganGAdAsa paNDita, the teacher of Sri Caitanya and author of chando-maJjari

sAnusvAraz ca dIrghaz ca
visargI ca gurur bhavet
varNa-samyoga-purvaz ca
tatha padantago 'pi vA

"A vowel with an anusvara (/M), a /dIrgha ( trivikrama ) vowel, a vowel with a visarga (/H), and a vowel coming immediately before a conjunct ( /saMyoga ) of letters are all /guru. The final vowel in a /pAda, too, is /guru."

A written letter such as sya स्य is called a varNasaMyoga वर्णसंयोग because it is made by joining a sa and a ya . /pANini calls the SOUND sy स्य् a cluster.