deriv SD cv (1309) L 1309 ETT STT a 5.4.11 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
Am आम् comes after the /gha that comes after kim किम्, e ए, /tiG or an /avyaya, unless there is a lot of a substance.
kintamAm किंतमाम् "wow how much (it rains &c)"
pUrvAhNetamAm पूर्वाह्णेतमाम् from pUrvAhNetame पूर्वाह्णेतमे
pacatitamAm पचतितमाम् "he cooks very much" — /tamap from tiGazca
ucchaistamAm उच्छैस्तमाम् "most loudly", "most loftily"
But this only applies to extreme actions or qualities. When there is too much of a thing, don't add Am आम् —
ucchaistamas taruH उच्छैस्तमस्तरुः "a very lofty tree"
TITS, add Am आम् to adverbs that hang from a verb or another adjective, but not to adjectives that hang from nouns.
ive pratikRtau 53096 | 54011 kim;et;tiG;avyaya-gh... | 54017 saGkhyAyAH kriyA-'bh... |
tarap;tamapau ghaH <<< | L 1309 | >>> prAg ivAt kaH |