deriv SD cv (1299) L 1299 ETT STT a 5.3.4 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
(Replace /idam-, when it means time,) with eta एत before r र् and with it इत् before th थ् (of a /prAgdizIya).
This debars the /iz from < idama::iz.
/idam- + /rhil from idamorhil 12>
→ eta एत eta + /rhil by this rule
→ **etarhi एतर्हि "at this time"
/idam- + /thamu from idamasthamuH 20>
→ it इत् + /thamu by idamorhil 12>
→ **ittham इत्थम् "in this way"
Why do we say "when it means time"?
When /idam- means a place, we get **iha इह iha "here", by idamohaH 7>.
idama:: iz < | 53004 etetau ra;thoH | > etado 'z |
idamo rhil <<< | L 1299 | >>> prakAra-vacane thAl |