deriv SD cv (1293) L 1293 ETT STT a 5.3.12 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

kimo 't किमो ऽत् ONPANINI 53012

After /kim- (optionally replace seventh) with a .

This a is one of the /prAgdizIya affixes.

The only example is

/kim- + /Gi → **kva क्व "where?".

See also words for where.

What's that t त् doing in the sUtra? The apratyayaH अप्रत्ययः word in aNuditsav... makes it unnecessary.

No clue. I guess that it's there just because

kimo ' किमो ऽ*

would sound odd. See also iTot and ot.

idamo haH < 53012 kimo 't > vA ha cac chandasi
idamo haH <<< L 1293 >>> kvAti