aN;udit savarNasya cApratyayaH

अणुदित्सवर्णस्य चाप्रत्ययः ONPANINI 11069

In a sUtra, the /udit, the vowels, and y य् v व् l ल्, replace their /savarNa too, unless they are affixes.

Examples with an /udit k क्

/ku means k क् kh ख् g ग् gh घ् G ङ्, not just k क्. See kupvoKkaFpauca,lazakvataddh..., coHkuH, kuhozcuH.

/Tu means T ट् Th ठ् D ड् Dh ढ् N ण्. See cuTU.

Examples with a vowel —

The Ad आद् of sUtra AdguNaH, literally "after a ", means "after a or A "

The a mentioned in the /zivasUtra a i uN अ इ उण् stands for "a and A ".

The us उस् ( ← R- ऋॱ + /Gas) in sUtra <18 uraNraparaH means "when replacing R RR L " not just "when replacing R ".

Wait... If a in a sUtra always means "a or A ", how does a sUtra say "only a " or "only A "?

As in vRddhirAdaic or adeGguNaH. See taparastatk... > for details.

What are the savarNA of y य् v व् l ल्?

They are their nasalized versions y~ य्ँ v~ व्ँ |l~.

How come the /aN in this sUtra means a i uN R Lk e oG ai aG ha ya va raT laN अ इ उणृ ऌके ओङै अङ्ह य व रट्लण् ? In all other sUtras, /aN means a i uN अ इ उण् only. Both meanings are allowed by Adirantyen... >>. So how do we know which one is intended in each sUtra?

Well, see. Catholics believe that it is possible to prove that God exists by force of reason alone, with no blind faith involved. And /pANini commentarists believe that it is possible to figure out in every sUtra that mentions /aN if it is supposed to stop at uN उण् or at laN लण्, by force of reason alone.

You can prove to yourself that this is true by finding out yourself some reasons why it must be true. Alternatively, if you are lazy, you can just have faith that other people, such as me or candravasu, already found those reasons.

tasmAd ity uttarasya << 11069 aN;udit savarNasya c... > ta-paras tat-kAlasya
tulyAsya-prayatnaM s... <<< L 17 >>> paras saMnikarSas sa...