According to rule vAzari, you may pronounce the sentence gurus गुरुस् + zete शेते either as
guruz zete गुरुः शेते or guruz zete गुरुः शेते
when in /saMhitA, and must pronounce guruH | zete गुरुः । शेते when there is a pause after gurus गुरुस्.
Yet, most speakers of Sanskrit nowadays say ONLY guruz zete गुरुः शेते and NEVER guruz zete गुरुः शेते.
This has proved to be extremely confusing for students, because the guruz zete गुरुः शेते sound is INVARIABLY spelled with the Indian letters guruH गुरुःzete शेते. So many people figure out that the guruzzete गुरुःशेते that they hear around must be a mistake or a lazy pronunciation, and that they should pronounce "guruhuu shete" instead.
Some examples for practice:
zAntizzAntizzAntiH शान्तिःशान्तिःशान्तिःiii
onnamazzivAya ओंनमःशिवाय
mAtulAz zvazurAH pautrAs syAlAs sambandhinas tathA मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः स्यालाः संबन्धिनस्तथा
Please notice that the spellings ss ःस्zz ःश् SS ःष् are incorrect. You will only find:
mAtulAz zvazurAH pautrAs syAlAs sambandhinas tathA मातुलाः श्वशुराः पौत्राः स्यालाः संबन्धिनस्तथा