05100001a idaM rasAtalanM nAma saptamamM pRthivItalam 'The region where we now are is called Rasatala and is the seventh stratum below the Earth.
05100001c yatrAste surabhir mAtA gavAm amRtasamMbhavA Here dwelleth Surabhi, the mother of all kine, she, who was born of the Amrita.
05100002a kSarantI satataGM kSIramM pRthivIsArasamMbhavam She always yieldeth milk which is the essence of all the best things of the earth,
05100002c SaNNAM rasAnAM sAreNa rasam ekam anuttamam and which, excellent as it is, and of one taste, springeth from the essence of the six different kinds of tastes (that are talked of).
05100003a amRtenAbhitRptasya sAram udgirataH purA
05100003c pitAmahasya vadanAd udatiSThad aninditA The faultless Surabhi herself sprang in days of old from the mouth of the Grandsire, gratified with drinking the Amrita and vomiting the best things.
05100004a yasyAH kSIrasya dhArAyA nipatantyA mahItale A single jet only of her milk, falling on the earth,
05100004c hradaH kRtaH kSIranidhiH pavitraM param uttamam created what is known as the sacred and the excellent 'Milky Ocean.'
05100005a puSpitasyeva phenasya paryantam anuveSTitam The verge of that ocean all round is always covered with white foam resembling a belt of flowers.
05100005c pibanto nivasanty atra phenapA munisattamAH Those best of ascetics that are known by the name of the Foam-drinkers dwell around this ocean, subsisting on that foam only.
05100006a phenapA nAma nAmnA te phenAhArAz ca mAtale They are called Foam-drinkers because they live, O Matali, on nothing else save that foam, o mAtali.
05100006c ugre tapasi vartante yeSAmM bibhyati devatAH Engaged in the practice of the severest of austerities, the very gods are known to fear them.
05100007c nivasanti dizApAlyo dhArayantyo dizasH smRtAH From her are born four other kine, O Matali, supporting the four quarters and therefore, are they called the supporters of the quarters (Dikpali).
05100008a pUrvAnM dizanM dhArayate surUpA nAma saurabhI Born of Surabhi herself, she who supporteth the eastern quarter is called surUpA.
05100008c dakSiNAM haMsakA nAma dhArayaty aparAnM dizam She who supporteth the southern quarter is called haMsakA.
05100009a pazcimA vAruNI dik ca The western quarter ruled by Varuna
05100009b dhAryate vai subhadrayA is supporteth by subhadrA,
05100009c mahAnubhAvayA nityam that illustrious cow,
05100009d mAtale vizvarUpayA of universal form, O Matali.
05100010a sarvakAmadughA nAma dhenur dhArayate dizam the cow named Sarva-kamadugha supports the northern quarter
05100010c uttarAmM mAtale dharmyAnM tathailavilasaJMjJitAm comprising the region of virtue, and called after Kuvera the Lord of treasures.
05100011a AsAnM tu payasA mizramM payo nirmathya sAgare
05100011c manthAnamM mandaraGM kRtvA devair asurasaMhitaiH The gods, uniting with the asuras,
05100012a uddhRtA vAruNI lakSmIr amRtaJM cApi mAtale and making the mandara mountain their pole, churned the waters of the ocean and obtained the wine called Varuni, and (the Goddess of Prosperity and Grace called) Lakshmi, and Amrita,
05100012c uccaizHzravAz cAzvarAjo maNiratnaJM ca kaustubham and that prince of steeds called Uchchhaisrava, and that best of gems called Kaustubha. Those waters, O Matali, that yielded these precious things had all been mixed with the milk of these four cows.
05100013a sudhAhAreSu ca sudhAM svadhAbhojiSu ca svadhAm
05100013c amRtaJM cAmRtAzeSu surabhiH kSarate payaH surabhi yields milk that is Swaha for those that live on Swaha, Swadha unto those that live on Swadha, and amrita unto those that live on amrita.
05100014a atra gAthA purA gItA rasAtalanivAsibhiH The couplet that was sung by the dwellers of Rasatala in day of old,
05100014c paurANI zrUyate loke gIyate yA manISibhiH is still heard to be recited in the world by the persons of learning. That couplet is this,--
05100015a na nAgaloke na svarge na vimAne triviSTape Neither in the region of the Nagas, nor in Swarga, nor in Vimana, nor in Tripishtapa
05100015c parivAsasH sukhas tAdRg rasAtalatale yathA is residence so happy as in Rasatala!''