deriv SD cv (1059) L 1059 ETT STT a 2.2.34 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

alpActaram अल्पाच्तरम् ONPANINI 22034

The one with less vowels (goes first in a /dvandva).

plakSa;nyagrodhau प्लक्षॱन्यग्रोधौ

This rule is ignored all the time in verse:

suhRn;mitrAry;udAsIna;madhyastha;dveSya;bandhuSu सुहृन्मित्रार्युदासीनॱमध्यस्थॱद्वेष्यॱबन्धुषु

Even /pANini in sUtra lakSaNahetv... ignores it.

So, just forget that you read this page.

A /vArttika: names of nakSatrANi नक्षत्राणि or seasons, if they have the same number of syllables, follow their natural order of succession:

kRttikA;rohiNyau कृत्तिकाॱरोहिण्यौ because the Pleiades rise earlier than the Hyades.

Another /vArttika — the most important goes first:

**mAtApitarau मातापितरौ "parents"

Another /vArttika — numbers come in numeric order:

dvitrAH द्वित्राः "two or three"

tricaturAH त्रिचतुराः "three or four"

aj-Ady ad-antam < 22034 alpActaram >>>> kaDArAH karmadhAraye
aj-Ady ad-antam <<< L 1059 >>> samarthAnAM prathamA...