deriv SD cv (1321) L 1321 ETT STT a 5.3.71 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

avyaya;sarvanAmnAm akac prAk TeH

अव्ययॱसर्वनाम्नामकच्प्राक्टेः ONPANINI 53071

Add "akac", before the /Ti, to indeclinables, pronouns (and /tiGanta), in the /prAgivIya senses.

Exception in advance to ajJAte >>, which enjoins any of the /prAgivIya /ka affixes after other words.

Anomalously, this ak अक् is added to a full word, which may be a /subanta or /tiGanta.

Example with an indeclinable

uccais उच्चैस् + /akacuccakaiH उच्चकैः

Example with a pronoun

sarvais सर्वैस् + /akac sarv सर्व् + ak अक् + ais ऐस् sarvakaiH सर्वकैः

Example with a verb

pacati पचति + /akac
pacat पचत् + ak अक् + i
!**pacataki पचतकि "is he cooking?", allowed to express a question by ajJAte >>.

The original sUtra only mentions indeclinables and pronouns, so where does your translation get the "/tiGanta" from?

This sUtra inherits "tiGas तिङस्" from <15 tiGazca.

Are you even allowed to do that? Not all the sUtras in between affect verbs.

Okay, call it a /vArttika. Or call it leapfrogging. Very old grammatical terms for 'cheats are allowed sometimes'.

prAg ivAt kaH < 53071 avyaya;sarvanAmnAm a... >> ajJAte
prAg ivAt kaH <<< L 1321 >>> ajJAte