@reverse sandhi tables

These tables show what letters are most usually found around a space and what were the original letters.

very common spaces (found in total 70% of the time)

* vowel + space + consonant means no changes

kukkuTI svapiti कुक्कुटी स्वपिति "chicken sleeps" — no changes

but there are two exceptions

1 * A + space + /haz

this A can be a real A
or an As आस् that lost s स् by bhobhagoagh... ff

2 * vowel + space + cch च्छ्

sa cchinatti स च्छिनत्ति — here the second word actually starts with ch छ्, the c च् came from !! .

common spaces (total 20%)

H before k क् kh ख् p प् ph फ् — this H comes from r र् or s स्, changed by maybe sasajuSoruH, then kharavasAn....
H before z श् S ष् s स् — this H comes from r र् or s स्, changed by maybe sasajuSoruH, kharavasAn..., and spelled as if vAzari had not been applied (it is always applied in practice).
y य् v व् before vowels — as no words end in y य्, these always come from i I u U by ikoyaNaci.

o before ' — from as अस् before a , by atororapl... ; the a disappeared
n न् before non-nasal consonants — always real
t त् before k क् s स् p प् t त् kh ख् ph फ् — always real
s स् before t त् — mostly from s स् + t त् changed by sasajuSoruH, kharavasAn... and visarjanIy.... Sometimes from /punar + t त्
r र् before /haz — mostly an s स् changed by sasajuSoruH, rarely /punar + t त्.