index deriv SD cv (21) L 21 ETT STT a 6.1.77 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
Replace /ik with /yaN before vowels.
That is to say, replace i I u U R RR L इ ई उ ऊ ऋ ॠ ऌ with y v r l य्व्र्ल्.
Examples —
**madhu मधु n + **atra अत्र → !**madhvatra मध्वत्र "the honey is here"
**buddhi- बुद्धिॱ f + /TA → buddhyA बुद्ध्या "by intellect"
**pitR- पितृॱ + /TA → !**pitrA पित्रा "with Father"
**RSi- ऋषिॱ + /os → !**RSyos ऋष्योस् "of two seers"
**vRkI वृकी + **azvam अश्वम् + anudravati अनुद्रवति → vRkyazvamanudravati वृक्यश्वमनुद्रवति "she-wolf runs after horse"
This rule is overriden by akassavarN... q.v.
This sUtra is an example of the uses of cases in sUtras. The nounbase /ik carries sixth (/Gas) here to mean "replace an /ik", and /ac carries seventh (/Gi) to mean "before an /ac".
How can you be sure that the rule akassavarN... is stronger that this one?
If this one were weaker, then akassavarN... would apply to a / A + a / A only. And then most of the akassavarN... rule would be useless. /pANini did not do "useless".
padAntAd vA < 61077 iko yaN aci > eco 'y;av;Ay;AvaH