deriv SD cv (229) L 229 ETT STT a 6.1.111 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
R ऋ and /Gasi /Gas merge into u उ.
Actually, they merge into ur उर्, because of uraNraparaH —
pitR- पितृॱ + /Gas
→ pit पित् + u उ + s स् by this rule
→ piturs पितुर्स् by uraNraparaH
→ pitur पितुर् by saMyogAntasy...
→ **pitur पितुर् "of father"
Gasi;Gasoz ca < | 61111 Rta:: ut | > khyatyAt parasya |
vibhASA tRtIyA-''diS... <<< | L 229 | >>> rAt sasya |