deriv SD cv (193) L 193 ETT STT a 6.1.110 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

Gasi;Gasoz ca

ङसिॱङसोश्च ONPANINI 61110

(Merge stems ending in e o ) with /Gasi /Gas (into e o ).

The stems ending in e o are /go-, /dyo-,

/go- + /Gasi OR /Gas
g ग् + o + s स् by this rule
!**gos गोस् "from cow / of cow"

**dhenu- धेनुॱ f + /Gasi or /Gas!**dhenos धेनोस् "of cow"

and the bases in i u that have been affected by gherGiti, such as guro- गुरोॱ and RSe- ऋषेॱ.

**guru- गुरुॱ + /Gas
guro- गुरोॱ + /Gas by gherGiti
gur गुर् + o + s स् by this rule
!**guros गुरोस् "of teacher" by ekaHpUrvap...

RSi- ऋषिॱ + /Gas!**RSes ऋषेस् "of seer", same steps.

eGaH padAntAd ati < 61110 Gasi;Gasoz ca > Rta:: ut
gher Giti <<< L 193 >>> ac ca gheH