@Changes of n before khar

Before /khar consonants, n न् will change into —

J ञ् before z श् j ज् jh झ् by stozzcunAzcuH

N ण् before D ड् Dh ढ् by STunASTuH

Mz ंश् before c च् ch छ् by nazchavyapraz... and monusvAraH and stozzcunAzcuH

MS ंष् before T ट् Th ठ् by nazchavyapraz... and monusvAraH and STunASTuH

Ms ंस् before t त् th थ् by nazchavyapraz... and monusvAraH

n न् stays n न् before S ष् because toSSi debars STunASTuH

n न् stays n न् before the other consonants by no rules

n न् + z श् always changes n न् into J ञ्, but the z श् can either stay as written above, turn into ch छ्, or turn into cch च्छ्. By zituk.

The relevant rules are —

Before t त् th थ् c च् ch छ् T ट् Th ठ्, the letter n न् becomes Ms ंस् by rules nazchavyapraz... and monusvAraH. That s स् will then maybe be affected by stozzcunAzcuH or STunASTuH.

Before j ज् jh झ् D ड् Dh ढ्, the n न् will be affected by stozzcunAzcuH or STunASTuH.

How come there is no STunASTuH in n न् + S ष्?

Because of the exception toSSi.