index deriv SD cv (114) L 114 ETT STT a 8.3.7 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

naz chavy aprazAn

नश्छव्यप्रशान् ONPANINI 83007

Replace padafinal n न् with Ms ंस् before a /chav, but not before ts त्स्, but not the n न् of prazAn प्रशान्.

This translation is incomplete. See the full translation below, after the examples.

**hanumAn हनुमान् + **tiSThati तिष्ठति
!**hanumAMstiSThati हनुमांस्तिष्ठति "hanumAn is standing"

**hasan हसन् + **chinatti छिनत्ति
hasaMs chinatti हसंस्छिनत्ति by this rule
hasaMz chinatti हसंश्छिनत्ति by stozzcunAzcuH
!**hasaMzchinatti हसंश्छिनत्ति "cuts off smilingly"

viprAn विप्रान् + TIkAm टीकाम् + upadizati उपदिशति
viprAMs TIkAm upadizati विप्रांस्टीकामुपदिशति by this rule
viprAMS TIkAm upadizati विप्रांष्टीकामुपदिशति by STunASTuH
viprAMS TIkAm upadizati विप्रांष्टीकामुपदिशति, "teaches the priests the subcommentary"

Why do we say "not before ts त्स्"?

bhavAn tsarukaH भवान्त्सरुकः "you are good with a swords", avoiding Msts ंस्त्स्

Why do we say "not prazAn प्रशान्"?

This prazAn प्रशान् nounbase comes from root zam शम् "be calm"; the m म् has been replaced with n न्.

prazAn tanoti प्रशान्तनोति "spreads it calmly", as if it were from *prazAm + **tanoti तनोति.

What's the ORIGINAL wording of this rule?

Here —

Before a /chav (followed by an /am') turn padafinal n न् (into /ru), but not the n न् of prazAn प्रशान्.

This means that my translation above is incomplete because the original rule allows two options. See —

hanumAn हनुमान् + tiSThati तिष्ठति
hanumA हनुमा + /ru + tiSThati तिष्ठति by the ORIGINAL rule
hanumA~ हनुमाँ + /ru + tiSThati तिष्ठति by <<<<< atrAnunAs...
hanumA~ हनुमाँ + s स् + tiSThati तिष्ठति by kharavasAn... 8>
!**hanumA~stiSThati हनुमाँस्तिष्ठति

hanumAn हनुमान् + tiSThati तिष्ठति
→ **hanumA~stiSThati हनुमाँस्तिष्ठति, same steps
→ **hanumAMstiSThati हनुमांस्तिष्ठति optionally by <<< anunAsik....

Yet, if you trust printed Sanskrit, you will see that these are invariably spelled as AMs आंस् and never A~s आँस्, so optional rule <<< anunAsik... appears to be compulsory, even though the pronunciation A~s आँस् is perfectly PC. There are two reasons to do spell like this. One is that this is a free variant; wherever you see AMs आंस् spelled you are allowed to read it aloud as A~Ms आँंस् if you like. Second, the /candrabindu symbol is sort of hard to make, both in typography and in computer keyboards.

pumaH khayy am-pare < 83007 naz chavy aprazAn >> dIrghAd aTi samAnapade
pumaH khayy am-pare <<< L 114 >>> nRRn pe