This page should be actually titled "changes of wordfinal r र् and of most s स्".
For words that end in as अस् and are before vowel or /haz, see changes of wordfinal as.
For words that end in As आस् and are before vowel or /haz, see changes of wordfinal aas.
All other words that end in s स् change their s स् into r र् by sasajuSoruH and afterwards follow the rules for final r र् explained below.
r र् before pause
r र् → /H by kharavasAn...
**punar पुनर् + pause → punaH पुनः
**azvas अश्वस् + pause → azvaH अश्वः
r र् + vowels OR /haz —
r र् stays, because no rule changes it
punarabravIt पुनरब्रवीत्
r र् + ts त्स् ps प्स् kS क्ष् —
r र् → /H by zarparevis...
**puruSaHtsarukas पुरुषःत्सरुकस् "the man's good with a sword"
r र् + k क् kh ख्
r र् → /H OR /K, by kupvoKkaFpauca
**kaHkrandati कःक्रन्दति "who cries?"
**kaKkrandati क⩆क्रन्दति "who cries?"
r र् + p प् ph फ्
r र् → /H OR /F, by kupvoKkaFpauca
**kaHpazyati कःपश्यति "who sees?"
**kaFpazyati क⩆पश्यति "who sees?"
r र् + r र्
first delete the first r र् by rori
then lengthen the a अ i इ u उ that was before the r र्, by DhralopepUrv...
**punArakSati पुनारक्षति "protects again"
**RSIramate ऋषीरमते "seer has fun"
The r र् of **gir- गिर् + /sup' → **gIrSu गीर्षु is technically padafinal, so why doesn't your pseudorule "r- र्> s स् before s स्" apply to it?
No, it must not apply, because the exception rossupi debars kharavasAn... in that case.
The changes below apply to words that end in true r such as **punar पुनर्,
and also to words that end in a s स् that is not part of as अस् or As आस्,
and also to words that end in as अस् As आस् and are before /khar pause.