deriv SD cv (1037) L 1037 ETT STT a 6.3.9 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

hal;ad-antAt saptamyAs saJjJAyAm

हलदन्तात्सप्तम्याः संज्ञायाम् ONPANINI 63009

Bases in a or consonant when ibc keep their seventh when they are a tag.

Exception to supodhAtupr....

!**araNyetilakAH अरण्येतिलकाः "things like wild sesamum plants (yielding no oil)", "dissapointing things"

yudhiSThiraH युधिष्ठिरः, name of a king (anomalous /Satvam by gaviyudhibhy...)

But when not a tag

araNyatilaka- अरण्यतिलकॱ, literally "sesamum plant growing in the wild"

yudhasthira- युधस्थिरॱ, literally "firm in battle"

vaiyAkaraNAkhyAyAM c... << 63009 hal;ad-antAt saptamy... >>>>> tatpuruSe kRti bahulam
zeSo bahuvrIhiH <<< L 1037 >>> uraH-prabhRtibhyaH kap