deriv SD cv (1034) L 1034 ETT STT a 2.2.23 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
The other /samAsa are called /bahuvrIhi.
In other words, compounds not described in the earlier sUtras (/dvandva, /avyayIbhAva, /karmadhAraya...), must be /bahuvrIhi. Example
**citragus चित्रगुस् "that has variegated cows"
/pANini does not bother to explain how bahuvRIhi बहुवृईहिs work. But the idea is simple. Whatever has three heads can be called a threehead, including people, and whoever or whatever has coppery hairs can be called a copperyhair. This sort of has-compounds can be built on the spot with whatever nouns you like. Coulson illustrates the point with this sentence —
diSTyA jivitavastsA 'smi दिष्ट्या जिवितवस्त्सा ऽस्मि "thank god I am a livechild"
This is a perfectly natural way of saying "thank God my children are alive".
upapadam atiG <<<< | 22023 zeSo bahuvrIhiH | 22029 cArthe dvandvaH |
paraval-liGgaM dvand... <<< | L 1034 | >>> hal;ad-antAt saptamy... |