@kinds of compounds
The main types of compounds are:
- /dvandva dogcat type: zva;mArjArau श्वॱमार्जारौ a dog and a cat
- /tatpuruSa kingman type: rAjapuruSaH राजपुरुषः policeman
- /bahuvrIhi threehead type: trizirAH त्रिशिराः the guy with three heads
These three are subtypes of the /tatpuruSa type:
- /karmadhAraya blackbird type: kRSNa-zakuniH कृष्णॱशकुनिः "crow"
- /avyayIbhAva againstthegrain type: pratiloma प्रतिलोम "against the grain"
- /dvigu twocow type: dvi-guH द्विॱगुः "worth two cows"