deriv SD cv (1003) L 1003 ETT STT a 2.1.52 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

saGkhyA-pUrvo dviguH

संख्याॱपूर्वो द्विगुः ONPANINI 21052

The compounds made by < taddhitArthott... are called /dvigu as well as /tatpuruSa.

An example of /dvigu is the word dviguH द्विगुः when it means "a group of two cows".

These words must either express the meaning of a taddhita affix, or mean a group, or be used inside a bigger compound.

Example with taddhita: sUtra saMskRtambhakS... allows using the affix aN अण् in the sense of saMskRta संस्कृत 'refining an article of food'. Then sUtra dvigorlugan... luk-elides that affix. So, in the sense of paJceSu kapAleSu saMskRtaH पञ्चेषु कपालेषु संस्कृतः we may use

paJcakapAlaH पञ्चकपालः "an offering prepared in five cups"

taddhitArthottarapad... < 21052 saMkhyA-pUrvo dviguH >>>>> vizeSaNaM vizeSyeNa ...
tatpuruSas samAnAdhi... <<< L 1003 >>> dvigur ekavacanam