deriv SD cv (831) L 831 ETT STT a 3.1.124 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

R;halor Nyat ऋॱहलोर्ण्यत् ONPANINI 31124

Use /Nyat after R , RR , and consonants.

This /Nyat is one of the /kRtya.

The /Nit causes /vRddhi, by acoJNiti.

kR कृ + /Nyat!**kArya- कार्यॱ "that has to be done", "task", "operation"

!**hArya- हार्यॱ "to be taken"

!**dhArya- धार्यॱ "to be held"

!**parimArgya- परिमार्ग्यॱ "to be pursued", "to be sought after"

dhR धृ!**dhAryam धार्यम्

vac वच् → **vAkyam वाक्यम्

pac पच्!**pAkyam पाक्यम्

How come Rhalos ऋहलोस् has sixth ending to mean "after"?

Good point. Come to think of it, it should be RhalbhyAm ऋहल्भ्याम् with fifth ending.

mRjer vibhASA 31113 31124 R;halor Nyat > or Avazyake
mRjer vibhASA <<< L 831 >>> cajoH ku ghiN;NyatoH