deriv SD cv (202) L 202 ETT STT a 7.2.115 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

aco J;Niti अचो ञ्णिति ONPANINI 72115

Replace a vowel-ender stem with /vRddhi before /JNit.

(This rule will work only on the last vowel, but a nexttolast a will be vRddhied by ata::upadh... > q.v.)

Example before /ciN

**azAyi अशायि

Examples before /Nal

nI- नीॱ + /liT /tip OR /mip → **ninAya निनाय "he / she / I led"

zru श्रु + /liT /mip OR /tip → **zuzrAva शुश्राव "heard"

pU पू!**pupAva पुपाव "cleaned"

This rule won't work before a /JNit /taddhita, because of the exception taddhiteSvac... >>, which replaces the first vowel with /vRddhi, not the last one.

This rule will not apply when we take the option in NaluttamovA

zru श्रु + /liT /mip
zru श्रु + a optionally by NaluttamovA
zro श्रो + a by gbS
zuzro शुश्रो + a by liTidhAtor... ff
!**zuzrava शुश्रव "I heard"

hole reread acoJN

Example before /Nyat (/kRtya affix):

**lAvyas लाव्यस्

Examples before /sup

**sakhi- सखिॱ + /jas
sakhi सखि + jasN जस्ण् by sakhyurasamb...
→ **sakhAyas सखायस्

/go- + /su
/go- + suN सुण् by gotoNit
gau गौ + s स् by this rule
→ **gaus गौस्

/go- + /jas
/go- + jasN जस्ण्
gau- गौॱ + as अस्
gAv- गाव् + as अस् by ecoyavAyAvaH
→ **gAvas गावस्

I can't say jasN जस्ण् aloud.

Hm. Sorry. Neither can I. Say jasuN जसुण्, with u just feop.

mRjer vRddhiH < 72115 aco J;Niti > ata:: upadhAyAH
sakhyur asambuddhau <<< L 202 >>> khyatyAt parasya