deriv SD cv (204) L 204 ETT STT a 7.3.118 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

aut औत् ONPANINI 73118

After i u , replace /Gi with au .

This sUtra only applies to i u bases that are neither /nadI nor /ghi. Why? For /nadI bases, the previous rules replace /Gi with Am आम्, and for /ghi bases, the next rule erases the i u , and replaces /Gi with au .

So the only examples are /sakhi- and uncompounded /pati-, the only i u bases that are not /nadI and not /ghi

/sakhi- + /Gi → **sakhyau सख्यौ

/pati- + /Gi → **patyau पत्यौ

What if /pati- is compounded?

Then accagheH > applies normally —

**vanaspatau वनस्पतौ

id;udbhyAm < 73118 aut > ac ca gheH
khyatyAt parasya <<< L 204 >>> patis samAsa:: eva