deriv SD cv (247) L 247 ETT STT a 7.3.117 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

id;udbhyAm इदुद्भ्याम् ONPANINI 73117

Replace /Gi by Am आम् after a /nadI ending in i u .

Such i u bases are /nadI only when f and only optionally, by Gitihrasvazca, so this sUtra is optional too. So if we take the option we get —

**mati- मतिॱ f + /Gi
→ (making it is /nadI by optional Gitihrasvazca)
mati- मतिॱ + Am आम् by this rule
maty- मत्य् + Am आम् by ikoyaNaci
!**matyAm मत्याम् "in the opinion"

**dhenu- धेनुॱ f + /Gi!**dhenvAm धेन्वाम् "about cow"

**buddhi- बुद्धिॱ f + /Gi!**buddhyAm बुद्ध्याम् "in the intellect"

But we don't take the option in Gitihrasvazca, then accagheH >> will replace i u with au

matau मतौ "in the opinion"
dhenau धेनौ "about cow"
buddhau बुद्धौ "in the intellect"

Wawawait, something is fishy here. If this sUtra did not exist, wouldn't < GerAmnadyAmn... have taken care of short i u anyway?

Yes, it would. But this was made into a separate sUtra so that aut > inherits the word id;udbhyAm इदुद्भ्याम् "short i u ".

Ger Am nady;Am;nIbhyaH < 73117 id;udbhyAm > aut
Giti hrasvaz ca <<< L 247 >>> tri;caturos striyAM ...