@linksto the doer

The expression /kartari that appears in sUtras sometimes translates to "when it means the doer", "when it shows the doer", "when it expresses its doer", "when it linksto the doer", or "when it is active".

All verbs and fakeverbs can show the doer, because all have a doer role noun hangingfrom them in some sense, even if it does not appear in the sentence.

When verbs linkto the doer, their /tiG ending shows the person and number of their doer noun

devadattaH kukkuTIH pacati देवदत्तः कुक्कुटीः पचति "Devadatta cooks hens"

devadattaH kRSNaz ca kukkuTIH pacataH देवदत्तः कृष्णश्च कुक्कुटीः पचतः "Devadatta and Krishna cook hens"

bAlAH kukkuTIH pacanti बालाः कुक्कुटीः पचन्ति "the girls cook hens"

ahaG kukkuTIH pacAmi अहं कुक्कुटीः पचामि "I cook a hen"

aham Ase अहमासे "I'm sitting"

The doer noun can be left unsaid if context makes it clear —

kukkuTIH pacanti कुक्कुटीः पचन्ति "they cook hens"

Ase आसे "I'm sitting"

When the doer noun means "I, we, you" it will be left unsaid almost always.

A fakeverb that linksto its doer will show by its ending the gender, number and case of its doer role. Examples —

devadattaH kukkuTIH pacavAn देवदत्तः कुक्कुटीः पचवान् "Devadatta cooked hens" — vAn वान् shows singular doer

devadattaH kRSNaz ca kukkuTIH pacavantau देवदत्तः कृष्णश्च कुक्कुटीः पचवन्तौ "Devadatta and Krishna cooked hens" — vAntau वान्तौ shows dual doers

bAlAH kukkuTIH pacavatyaH बालाः कुक्कुटीः पचवत्यः "the girls cooked hens" — aH अः is plural /jas.

ahaG kukkuTIH pacavAn अहं कुक्कुटीः पचवान् (or pacavatI) "I cooked a hen" — again singular

In the eight examples above the word **kukkuTIs कुक्कुटीस् has second ending because it is the object of a root that shows the doer.