@questions about tasyalopaH

Sutra tasyalopaH say sthat labelletters disappear. How can I tell which letters are labelletters?

You can tell that z श् and p प् in the /zap and /tip are labelletters because sUtras halantyam ff teach so.

In the case of /su however, you are not so lucky. Nowadays, no sUtra teaches that the u in /su is a label but the u in /sup' is not a label. So you learn that this u of /su is a label when (A) teacher tells you so, or (B) you figure out by yourself that it must be a label because teacher said that **azva- अश्वॱ with /su makes **azvas अश्वस्.

Why do grammarians add labels to things?

Many reasons.

In sutra sasajuSoruH, the word sa means s स् — this s स् has an a added after it just FEOP — namely, because sasajuSoruH ससजुषोरुः is easier to say than ssajuSoruH.

In sUtra kartarizap, the word zap शप् means a particular sort of a — it has z श् and p प् added so that you know, among other things, that you have to turn dru द्रु into dro द्रो before this particular a , because some sUtras teach the replacing of u with o before affixes with p प् label.

In sUtra svamornapuMs..., that teaches the deleting of s स् after **madhu- मधुॱ, the s स् is called /su so that the sUtra does not delete every s स् that might come after **madhu- मधुॱ, but only the s स् called /su that was added because of GyApprAtipad... and svaujasamauTch.... That's why the s स् in **madhuSu मधुषु is not deleted.