kartari zap कर्तरि शप् ONPANINI 31068

Add /zap (after a root that is) before a doershowing hard.

Examples with /laT, which is always hard

pac पच् + /laT
pac पच् + /tip
pac पच् + /zap + /tip by this rule
→ **pacati पचति "cooks"

zuc शुच् + /laT
zuc शुच् + /tip
zuc शुच् + /zap + /tip by this rule
zoc शोच् + /zap + /tip by gbH
!**zocati शोचति "grieves"

bhU भू + /laT
bhU भू + /tip
bhU भू + /zap + /tip
bho भो + /zap + /tip by gbH
bhavati भवति by ecoyavAyAvaH
!**bhavati भवति "is", "becomes"

The roots pac पच् zuc शुच् bhU भू belong to the first verb class, the /bhvAdi class, that includes more than half of the roots in the /dhAtupATha.

Because of exceptions, the roots of the other nine classes get, instead of /zap, other affixes or nothing added after the root — see verb classes for a list of the /zap replacements.

What's a doershowing affix?

One that shows the doer, that is, one that changes number according to the number of doers. As for instance in azvo dravati अश्वो द्रवति, azvau dravataH अश्वौ द्रवतः, dravanty azvAH द्रवन्त्यश्वाः the ending of the three verbs is /laT, and it turns into /tip, /tas, or /jhi, according to how many horses run. All tenses show the doer most of the time — that is, they always do that, unless we take the option in laHkarmaNic....

So, we get /zap (or a replacement of /zap) before all tenses?

We get /zap unless some other rule says otherwise. Because of exceptions, actually only /laT, /laG, /loT and hard liG get /zap (or one of its replacements).

Looks like this rule has more exceptions than examples.

Yes, it does. But that's okay.

Are there and doershowing hard affixes that are not tenses?

Yes. /zatR always, and /zAnac sometimes. Also a few others very uncommonly used, like /khaz.

Are all tenses hard?

/liT and soft liG are soft.

sArvadhAtuke yak < 31068 kartari zap > div-Adibhyaz zyan
tiG;zit sArvadhAtukam <<< L 419 >>> sArvadhAtukArdhadhAt...