deriv SD cv (241) L 241 ETT STT a 7.3.106 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

sambuddhau ca

सम्बुद्धौ च ONPANINI 73106

(Replace /Ap with e ) before /sambuddhi.

So we say —

he + **sItA- + /sambuddhi
he + sIte- + s by this rule
he + sIte by halGyAbbhyodIrgh...
he !**sIte

Well, we say that if we adress the princess by name and not by title, which is a thing that rAvaNa would do —

vyasanenAtmanas sIte mama bhAryA bhaviSyasi

So maybe we should use a mare as an example —

**azvA- + /sambuddhi
azve + s by this rule
azve by halGyAbbhyodIrgh...
!**azve'' "hey mare"

Shouldn't azve lose a after he by eGaHpadAnt...?

Yes it should. Yet, after he and other interjections, /sandhi rules are often ignored. Also after /sambuddhi-enders.

By what rule?

Maybe the rule that allows this is one of the /pragRhya rules, I'm not sure yet. Sorry.

Is the s lost by eGhrasvAtsamb... or by halGyAbbhyodIrgh...?

Good question there. TBH, I'm not sure, sorry.

Finding the answer to that question is your homework.

AGi cApaH < 73106 sambuddhau ca > ambArtha;nadyor hrasvaH
auGa:: ApaH <<< L 241 >>> AGi cApaH