deriv SD cv (282) L 282 ETT STT a 6.4.132 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

vAha:: UTh वाह‌ ऊठ् ONPANINI 64132

Replace vAh- वाह् with "UTh" when whimpy.

This vAh- वाह् nounbase is formed from vah वह् + /Nvi by vahazca after an /upapada, such as, say, /vizva- or praSTha- प्रष्ठॱ.

So with /vizva- + vAh वाह् "all-carrying" before /zas or any other whimpy affix, the vAh वाह् is whimpy too, see yacibham.

As vAh वाह् comes after /vizva-, this rule replaces only the v व्, by AdeHparasya. So we get —

/vizva- + vAh- वाह् + /zas
vizva- विश्वॱ + U + Ah आह् + /zas by this rule and AdeHparasya
vizva- विश्वॱ + U + h ह् + /zas by samprasAraN...
vizvauh विश्वौह् + /zas by etyedhatyUThs...
!**vizvauhas विश्वौहस् " o the all-sustaining ones"

But if the vAh वाह् is not whimpy, it stays —

vizva- विश्वॱ+ vAh- वाह् + /su → **vizvavAT विश्ववाट् " s the all-sustaining one"

vasos samprasAraNam < 64132 vAha:: UTh > zva;yuva;maghonAm at...
ig yaNas saMprasAraNam <<< L 282 >>> saMprasAraNAc ca