deriv SD cv (303) L 303 ETT STT a 7.2.113 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE
(But replace that an अन् of /idam-) with a अ before consonant /Ap'.
The previous sUtra < anApyakaH forms **ana- अनॱ and **anA- अनाॱ.
This sUtra turns them into **a- अॱ and **A- आॱ, like this —
/idam- mn before consonant
→ **ana- अनॱ by < anApyakaH
→ a अ + a अ by this rule
→ !**a- अॱ by atoguNe
/idam- f before consonant
→ **anA- अनाॱ by < anApyakaH and ajAdyataSTAp
→ a अ + A आ by this rule
→ !**A- आॱ by akassavarN...
Some examples —
/idam- mn + /Ge
→ **ana- अनॱ + /Ge by < anApyakaH
→ ana- अनॱ + smai स्मै by sarvanAmnassm...
→ **a- अॱ + smai स्मै by this rule
→ !**asmai अस्मै "to this"
/idam- mn + /Gasi → **a- अॱ + smAt स्मात् by GasiGyossmAtsm... → !**asmAt अस्मात्
/idam- mn + /Gi → **a- अॱ + smin स्मिन् by GasiGyossmAtsm... → !**asmin अस्मिन्
/idam- mn + /Gas → **a- अॱ + sya स्य with TAGasiGas... → !**asya अस्य
/idam- mn + /bhis → **a- अॱ + /bhis → **ebhis एभिस् "with these"
/idam- mn + /bhyAm
→ **a- अॱ + /bhyAm
→ A- आॱ + /bhyAm by supica
→ !**AbhyAm आभ्याम् "with / to / from these two"
When f —
/idam- f + /bhyAm
→ **A- आॱ + /bhyAm
→ **AbhyAm आभ्याम् "with / to / from these two", anyway
/idam- f + /bhis
→ **A- आॱ + /bhis
→ !**Abhis आभिस् f "with these"
/idam- f + /Gasi or /Gas
→ **anA- अनाॱ + /Gasi or /Gas
→ ana- अनॱ + syAs स्यास् by sarvanAmnassy...
→ **a- अॱ + syAs स्यास् by this rule
→ !**asyAs अस्यास् f "from this"
/idam- f + /Ge
→ **asyai अस्यै f "to this"
an Apy akaH < | 72113 hali lopaH | > mRjer vRddhiH |
an Apy akaH <<< | L 303 | >>> Adyantavad ekasmin |