deriv SD cv (1258) L 1258 ETT STT a 5.2.48 ALPH OLDHOMEPAGE NEWHOMEPAGE

tasya pUraNe DaT

तस्य पूरणे डट् ONPANINI 52048

Add /DaT to a numeral to mean the howmanyeth.

The words that mean "second", "third", "fourth" and so on are called ordinals.

The word for "first" is prathama- प्रथमॱ. Some of the others are made by adding /DaT to the corresponding numeral.

The /Dit in DaT erases the /Ti of the numeral.

ekadazan- एकदशन् + /DaT!**ekadaza- एकदशॱ mn "eleventh"

paJcan- पञ्चन् + /DaT
paJca पञ्च + maT मट् by nAntAdasaGkhy... >
!**paJcama- पञ्चमॱ mn "fifth"

viMzati- विंशतिॱ "twenty" + /DaT
viMza- विंशॱ + /DaT by tiviMzaterD...
viMza- विंशॱ "twentieth"

The /Tit in DaT shows that the f has /GI (by TiDDhANaJdvay...) —

!**ekadazI- एकदशीॱ f "eleventh"

!**paJcamI- पञ्चमीॱ f "fifth"

But —

prathamA प्रथमा f "first"

dvitiyA द्वितिया f "second"

saMkhyAyA:: avayave ... 52042 52048 tasya pUraNe DaT > nAntAd asaMkhyA''der...
saMkhyAyA:: avayave ... <<< L 1258 >>> nAntAd asaMkhyA''der...