tor li तोर्लि ONPANINI 84060

Replace /tu with /savarNa of l ल् before l ल्.

This might also have been worded as —

Before l ल्, replace d द् n न् with l ल् l~ ल्ँ.

Examples of d द् replaced with l ल्

/tad- + layaH लयः!**tallayas तल्लयस् "its destruction"

tam तम् + **suhRd' सुहृद्ऽ + **labhate लभतेtaM suhRl labhate तं सुहृल्लभते "a friend gets it"

indrajit इन्द्रजित् + lakSmaNaH लक्ष्मणःindrajid इन्द्रजिद् + lakSmaNaH लक्ष्मणःindrajil इन्द्रजिल् + lakSmaNaH लक्ष्मणः

cakratus tumulaG ghoraM sannipAtam muhur muhuH | चक्रतुस्तुमुलं घोरं संनिपातं मुहुर्मुहुः ।
indrajil lakSmaNaz caiva parasparajayaiSiNau || इन्द्रजिल्लक्ष्मणश्चैव परस्परजयैषिणौ ॥

Examples of n न् replaced with l~ ल्ँ

**vidvAn विद्वान् + **likhati लिखतिvidvAl~ likhati विद्वाल्ँ लिखति "the sage is writing"

**tAn तान् + **labhasva लभस्व!**tAl~labhasva ताल्ँलभस्व "get 'em!"

zraddhavAl~labhatejJAnam श्रद्धवाल्ँलभतेज्ञानम्

ity uktas sa parikramya rathan tam abhivAdya ca |
इत्युक्तः स परिक्रम्य रथं तमभिवाद्य च ।

Aruroha tadA rAmo lokAl~ lakSmyA virAjayan ||
आरुरोह तदा रामो लोकाल्ँ लक्ष्म्या विराजयन्॥

Uh, what's "l~ ल्ँ"?

A l ल् pronounced with noseleak.

So, how does !**tAl~la ताल्ँल sound?

Almost the same thing as tAnla तान्ल. But you don't put first the tongue in n न् position and then move it to l ल् position, the tongue stays in l ल् position all the time. Which is the same thing most English speakers do when they say "can look" fast.

That being so, may I spell it as tAnla तान्ल?

You may not. You may spell n न् only when the tongue is actually in n न् position. But not when it is in l-position and sounds a lot like n न्.

I've seen zraddhavAl~labhatejJAnam श्रद्धवाल्ँलभतेज्ञानम् spelled in other ways, but never with l~la ल्ँल as you spell it.

No one spells l~la ल्ँल. Yet grammar says you must first say nasal l~ ल्ँ, then la .

By reasons that are boring, long to explain, and have to do with tech issues (qq(see wikipedia on Movable_type), qq(see wikipedia on Unicode)), instead of tAl~labhate ताल्ँलभते, some makeshift spellings are often seen —

tAMllabhate तांल्लभते

tAllambhate ताल्लंभते

tAlMlabhate ताल्ंलभते

tA~llabhate ताँल्लभते

tAlla~bhate ताल्लँभते

Whatever the spelling, you must always read those as tAl~labhate ताल्ँलभते, namely, almost same as tAnlabhate.

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